chapter thirty-three | appointment

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[2 days later]

"Bubba, hurry up! I don't wanna be late!" I said, yelling from our living room to our bedroom. "Ok, I'm coming!" Noah walked out. "Finally. Geez!"

"Hey! Missy, stop it!" He looked at me. "Ok sorry, but let's go. I'm too excited" "ok baby, calm down" he laughed.

We drove to my appointment. My very first appointment where we would see little bean! I'm super excited.

We walked into the office. "Hi, name?" The lady said. "Um Dixie damelio for a 2 o'clock appointment" I said. "Oh yes, I see you! Have a seat and the doctor will get you shortly!" She smiled.

"Ok thank you" I smiled back and Noah and I sat down. We waited to be called back and after 10 minutes it finally happened.

She showed us to the room. "Hi Dixie, I'm your OB, my name is Kaylee Grey." She smiled. "Hi nice to meet you" I smiled back.

"So is this baby daddy?" She asked politely. "Yes he is" I chuckled. "Great! So I'm gonna have you lift up your shirt so I can apply the gel" she said.

I did as she told and I lifted my shirt up. She applied the cold gel onto my stomach and began moving the probe around. "There's baby!" She said, smiling.

I looked over and I could see a little baby in the ultrasound. My heart. It felt so surreal. "Aww" I said. I looked at Noah. "There's our baby, baby" he chuckled.

I smiled and held his hand as my OB continued looking at the baby. "So it looks like baby is super healthy! And you are about 8 weeks along, today!"

"Ok awesome!" I smiled. "Just some more information..:around 18 weeks you'll find out baby's gender unless you get a blood test that can determine in the next 2-4 weeks!"

"Ok, thank you" I smiled, as I sat up. "Of course. Next appointment is scheduled for another 4 weeks" my OB said, as she put everything away and was printing out the ultrasounds

"Thank you so much" she gave us the ultrasounds, and said we were free to go. Noah and I went back to our car.

"There's our baby" Noah said to me, again. "Mhm that's baby Beck" I smiled at him. I was so in love. He just made me feel like nobody mattered to him, but me. Which felt incredible.

We went back to my apartment. I immediately called Addison, Amelie and char to come over so they could see the pictures of baby.

15 minutes later they all arrived around the same time. We sat in the living room and I showed them my ultrasound pictures.

"Aww it looks like an alien" charli said. "Charli! That's my baby you're talking about!" Noah shouted, playfully. Charli just laughed.

"I'm super excited for this baby to come" Amelie added in. "Me too" I smiled. "Got any name ideas?" Addison asked.

"Um no." I laughed. "I haven't even thought of names.." I looked at Noah. "It's ok bub, we still had a while" he kissed the side of my head.

We all hung out until it was 5:30 and our friends left. It was just Noah and I now. We we're sitting on the couch.

"Bubba, should we tell social media?" I looked over at him. "That's up to you bug" he smiled at me. "Well i think i want to keep it a secret for a while. is that ok?" i asked.

"of course it is baby. i want you to be comfortable with announcing if, so you can tell everyone when you're ready" he reassured me. "i love you so much" "i love you more princess" he kisses my head.

"bubs..i'm hungry" I said, whining. "But baby, you just ate" he responded. That kid really had the audacity..."Noah! I'm carrying your child. Fucking feed me" I demanded.

"Ok cranky." He got up. "What do you want?" He asked. "Um chicken nuggets from McDonald's" I giggled.

Noahs POV:

"You're gonna make me go to McDonald's?" I whined. "Yes! Now go get me food!" Dixie said. She was moody. "Ok baby!" I kissed her head "I love you" "love you too bubba" she smiled.

I went off and drove to McDonald's to get my baby's some food. I ordered her the nuggets she wanted and instead of going straight home I went to the store and bought her favorite flowers, roses.

I then got stopped by paparazzi. Just great. Fletcher cam walking up to me and stuck a camera in my face. "Hey Noah!" He said. "Hi fletch"

"Getting flowers for dixie?" He asked. "Yep. She wanted McDonald's as well so I got her that" I lightly smiled. "Oh what a sweet guy." he responded with a smile. i was the mood for this. "hey uh I gotta go back to her now. See ya fletch!" "ok! bye noah!" he walked away.

I wasn't trying to be rude but with a moody, hangry pregnant women at home..I needed to get back to her.


heyyy. i gotta snow day tomorrow🥳 but this book will be over soon. also short chapter bc i edited a lot of stuff out bc it's weird.

Have an amazing day/night<3

Word count: 887

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

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