chapter five | done

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I saw him. Nick. My boyfriend. Kissing another girl. I just lost it. Right then and there. I couldn't take it. What did that girl have that I didn't?

"N-Nick" I looked at him and he immediately stopped. "Dixie- um hey" he smiled, acting like nothing happened. "H-how could you" I raised my voice

"Dixie baby, I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to!" He grabbed my wrist. "Let go!" I yanked my arm back and added one more thing "we're done! I'm done!" I ran off and upstairs I went.

I'm guessing Noah- and lots of other people saw what happened because he followed me upstairs and knocked on the door of the room I was in . "W-what" I said, crying.

"Hey dix. It's me, Noah. Can I come in?" He said in a soft voice. "S-sure" I sniffled. He opened the door and walked in. He shut the door behind him and sat next to me on the bed

He rubbed my back. "Everything will be ok, I promise" he said, comforting me. "H-he cheated on m-me" I looked up at him. "I know, and he is stupid for that"

Knowing that Noah cared, actually made me start to like him better. As a friend of course. Maybe. Yeah definitely. "I'm here if you ever need someone to talk to" he softly smiled at me.

Without hesitating I climbed onto Noahs lap facing him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I'm guessing he wasn't shocked...?

"It'll be ok, I promise" "b-but what did that g-girl have that I-I didn't?" I questioned. "Nothing. That girl had nothing that you didn't. You're perfect Dixie. She's nothing compared to you"

He made me smile. I even got butterflies. Whatever those were. I got off of Noahs lap and laid on the bed. I didn't even know who's room I was in.

"I-I'm tired" I said, yawning. "Wanna come to my room? Because right now we're in the guest bedroom" I sat up. "Sure" I got up and followed Noah to his room.

It was big. Holy moly. "Lay down on my bed. If you need anything, come get me, I'll be downstairs" he smiled. I laid on his bed "o-ok" He left and went downstairs.

I ended up falling asleep, shortly after Noah left. About an hour and a half later I heard someone open the door. I woke up because I was sleeping lightly at that time. I looked. It wasn't Noah like I thought it was...

But instead it was griffin. He always tried to get with me, even when I was dating Nick. "Hey cutie" he smirked, coming closer to me. "W-what" I hesitated

"Oh nothing" he sat on the bed "let's have some fun" he said, trying to pull my shirt off "n-no!" I slapped his hand and pulled my shirt back down

"You bitch!" Griffin slapped me. "o-ow" I winced in pain. He slapped hard. "Fuck me or I'll fuck your life up" he threatened.

I started crying. All I could think of was, going through something that I never imagined I would have to go through. Rape. "N-no p-please"

"Then fuck me you little bitch" he grabbed my wrist. I decided this was my time because his stupid ass left the door opened so I'm sure people could hear. "NOAH!" I yelled before he put his hand over my mouth

In seconds I heard footsteps. This tall figured walked into the room. Noah. My life saver. "What the fuck are you doing to her?" Noah said, upset

Griffin quickly moved away from me "nothing bitch. I was just talking to her" he rolled his eyes. That little bitch. I wanted to kill him. "Then why did she yell my name!?" Noah raised his voice, getting closer to griffin.

"I-I don't know!" Griffin quickly ran out of the room, like a scared little bitch. Noah walked over to me and rubbed my leg. "Are you ok?" He asked

"Mhm. H-he just was threatening me and he said if I don't fuck him, he'll fuck my life up" I said, starting to get teary eyed.

"Oh, I'm sorry dix." He wiped my tears. God he was so adorable. I still hate him though. "Well, we're about to play truth or dare..wanna join?"

"Sure" I said getting up. I followed Noah out the door and downstairs to the big crowd of people, surrounding the living room. Everyone sat in a circle.

I made sure to sit by Noah. Addison and Amelie gave me a smirk and I just rolled my eyes at them and laughed to myself.

The game started and it was Bryce's turns now. "Noah, truth or dare?" He asked. "Um, truth I guess" Noah said. "Ok, do you like anyone? And to be more specific, anyone in this room?" Bryce smirked. "Um y-yeah" he hesitated

"Who?" Madi asked, joining the conversation. "That wasn't the question Bryce asked!" Noah laughed. "We still wanna know who!" Addison added in.

"No! That's a secret for me to know and her to find out later, maybe" he looked at me, not hinting anything.

Holy shit. Noah. Noah Beck, likes least I think...


"Bye everyone!" I said to the boys. Adds, Amelie and I were just about to leave. "Bye girls" Bryce said. "Bye dix, bye you girls" Noah laughed.

"Bye Noah" I walked closer to him and looked up at him. "Thank you for helping me earlier, with both situations.."

"Of course" he hugged me. I hugged back and soon after we left. It was about 2 am. I was exhausted.


Ahhhh. Nick and Dixie broke up😏 Doah coming soon? Maybe..but um, yeah. I'm bored :) do y'all like this story? i'm making it on tiktok as well and people like it on there but wattpad is idk?

Have an amazing day/night<3

Word count: 1012

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