chapter eight | sleepover

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Noah got done with working out at around 8 pm. He came back up hot and sweaty. Ew. "I'm back" he said while walking into his room. I was laying on his bed. "Ew, you stink. Go shower" I giggled.

"Hey!" He came over and tickled me. "O-ok. I-I'm s-sorry" I said in between laughs. He stopped and grabbed some new clothes. "I'm gonna shower now"

"Yes sir. Thanks for letting me know" I joked. He laughed and went into his bathroom. I heard the shower turn on as I was watching vampire diaries. My favorite show.

[2 minutes later]

I really had to pee. I ran into the bathroom. "Noah hurry up, I have to go to the bathroom!" I said. "Ok, ok. Just go!" He said. He was in his towel shaving at his bathroom sink.

"N-no, you're in here" I said, really needing to go. "I won't look, and besides the toilet is in a separate has a door" he laughed. I ran into the toilet room and without thinking I sat on the toilet with the door wide open.

Noah saw me on the toilet. "Jesus Dixie" he turned the other way. "Sorry I had to go really bad. You can look I don't care." I chuckled. Instead he walked out of the bathroom and changed.

When I went back to his room he was laying in bed with just shorts on. His abs were gorgeous. I sat down next to him. "I have to go home soon"

"Ok, dix. It's ok." He put his hand on my leg."or I could just stay the night" I smirked. "Of course you can. If you want" he smiled. I smiled "I do"

I snuggled up against him, shivering. "I'm cold" I said. "Go pick out a hoodie" he winked at me. I immediately got up and ran to his closet, picking out a grey hoodie. I put it on and it was so comfy. It even smelt like him.

I laid back down next to him and we cuddled and watch movies and tv series. Mainly the vampire diaries. I surprisingly got Noah into that show. I could tel he like it.

We fell asleep cuddling with each other. I was super warm and cozy. I needed a goodnight sleep, after last night.

[the next day]

Noahs POV:

I woke up at 7 o'clock to my alarm going off. It was Monday and we unfortunately had school. I turned over and saw Dixie with my hoodie off, she wasn't wearing a bra. "Dixie" I shook her.

"Hm?" She groaned and rubbed her eyes. "you don't have a bra on." I laughed. She looked down "Noah!" She shot herself up. What!?"

"You let me take the hoodie off?" She giggles. "No! You must've token it off when you were sleeping" I laughed again. "Well not you've seen me half naked"

"It ok. I'm not complaining" I smirked. "Ew!" She hit my chest and laughed. "Come on we have school today" I said, getting up.

"I don't wanna gooo" she laid back down. I walked to her side and leaned to down to her. "Too bad, come on. Go home and get ready"

Dixie POV:

I got up and out of bed half naked because I didn't have a hoodie or a bra on. Noah has seen my boobs. Wow. "Ughh" I groaned. He walked over to me and hugged me "go get ready and then I'll take us to school" he said. I smiled "ok"

I reached up and kissed him. He kissed back. I put his hoodie back on and left his room. I went home and started getting ready.

I just put on sweatpants and kept Noahs hoodie on but instead I put a bra on under that. I did light makeup and I headed back to Noahs house. I walked right in and I got greeted by his mom.

"Morning dix!" She said. "Hi Amy! Good morning" I smiled and walked upstairs to Noahs room. He was in the shower. I decided to scare him so I just sat outside his bathroom waiting for him to come.

Finally after 5 minutes he got out and..."boo!" I jumped in front of him. He laughed "not scary miss damelio" he walked right past me. "I thought I was scary" I crossed my arms.

"You are..just in general" he joked around. "Heyy!" I looked down and pouted. He came over to me and lifted my head up "I'm kidding" he kisses my forehead.

"I'm gonna pull your towel down" I said, putting my hand on the part that was wrapped around his waist. "Do it and it'll be your fault" he laughed. I pulled down. "DIXIE!" He pulled it back up. I giggled.

"You told me to!" "Well how did you like to see my dick?" He laughed. "I didn't even look down" I laughed. "Maybe one day you could help me make a baby with that" he smirked.

"Noah Timothy Beck!" I smacked his chest. "That is not appropriate!" I said. "Go get dressed so we can leave" "ok" he responded.

Noah finally got ready and we left. On the way we stopped at Starbucks and got coffee. We arrive at school just on time.


I think just chapters are gonna be between 800-1000 words and if I get carried away then they'll be more than 1000 words, but yeah. i'm sorry i haven't updated in so long, i honestly forgot about wattpad lol

Have an amazing day/night<3

Word count: 939

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