chapter twenty | finally happy

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[3 days later]

Noahs POV:

I still haven't forgiven Dixie, it's a process. Trust me I really want to but I don't know..shes still my friend though. I mean I'm getting more flirty with her again, so I guess that's good. I don't know.

It was Monday. A couple days until the Fourth of July. Everyone was gone at the sway house so it was just dix and I. We were in the living room, chilling.

"Noah?" Dixie asked me. "What's up?" I said back. "When can we start kissing again? I miss your kisses..." she says. "Um..?" I laughed "I don't know. When I start to like you again, I guess?"

"Oh.." she looked down "so you don't even like me at least one bit?" "I don't know.." Dixie stood up and runs upstairs starting to cry.

"Dix- ugh not again" I got up and ran after her. She went into the bathroom "Dixie open the door"

She locked herself in the bathroom...again.

"N-no" she said, sounding sad and crying still. "Please" I jiggled the door knob once again. "Dixie come on. I need to tell you something" I said.

"Y-you can tell me from h-here" she said quietly but loud enough so I could hear. "No I can't. I need to see your beautiful face in order to tell you"

Right then and there Dixie opened the door "so...what?" She asked. "So um these past couple days of us being near each other and me looking at you, has made me gain feelings for you again." I said.

"Wait, really?" She smiled. "Yes but don't make me regret it" I pulled her into a hug. Dixie hugged me back, "I love you Noah, even if you don't"

"I wish I could say the same" I put my hand on Dixies chin "but one day I promise those strong feelings will come back"

Dixie smiled at me "I'll wait as long as I have to, just for you" "good" I smiled. "Let's go back downstairs"

no ones pov:

we went back downstairs and hung out until the boys get back. "Hey Noah" Blake said. i turned around and looked at them "hey boys. How was the gym?" "Pretty good. I'm gonna shower now" Bryce said as he walked off

"Me too" Blake walked into his room. Dixie turned to me. "I'm gonna go home now and hang out with addi. Call me later, ok?" She said to me as she got up

"Ok, bye dix" I smiled. She smiled and left. Maybe I was starting to love her again? it's complicated but I'm so happy with life right now.

Dixies POV:

I drove back to my apartment and soon after addi came over. I was super excited to tell her about everything that has happened in the past week.

"Hey beb!" Addi said while walking in. "Hi adds. Sit down I have a lot to fill you in on" I laughed "yes ma'am" she laughed and sat next to me on the couch.

I told her everything that has happened between Noah and I in the last week. She was smiling the whole time. I could tell she was happy that I was finally happy again. It made my heart feel happy.

"I'm so happy for you, dix. I love you" she engulfed me into a hug. I hugged back "thank you adds. I love you too" she kissed my head and we watched movies for the rest of the day.

Around 8:30 pm we went out for ice cream. I got cookie dough and addi got cookies and cream. We decided to have a sleepover tonight at my apartment so we made it happened. I, being the nicest sister, invited my baby sister (charli) and she showed up.

We watched movies the whole night. Addi and char ended up falling asleep on the couch so I left them and went to my room. I then got a call from noah. I picked up immediately

[on call]

D: hi Noah *smiles*
N: hey girl that I make blush for no reason *laughs*
D: stop it! *giggles* what're you doing?
N: sleeping, you?
D: *chuckles* taking to you. Addi and char are here but they're sleeping. We're having a sleepover
N: aww cute. Well you look tired
D: I am, but I can still talk..
N: ok if you insist

[they talk for a bit longer]

D: ok now I can't keep my eyes open for any longer
N: *laughs* ok, sleep well princess.
D: *smiles* I love you. Talk to you tomorrow
N: ok, bye *smiles and hangs up*

[off call]

I wasn't mad that Noah didn't say 'I love you' back because I understood where he was coming from. I'm not gonna pressure him to say it to me if he doesn't mean it.

I put my phone on the charger and shut it off. I laid down again and I immediately fell asleep thinking about Noah. Us. Our future. I like it.


I have nothing to say so yeah. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and just in general, I hope you are enjoying the book. If not, tell me and I'll delete it.. :) wait actually don't tell me bc it'll hurt my feelings🥲

Have an amazing day/night<3

Word count: 894

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