chapter seventeen | graduation & surprise encounter

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[One Year Later]

Life Update:
• Dixie has now gotten over Noah, but just because she knows he never wants her again. She's not 100% over him but she doesn't talk about him a lot anymore.
• she's happier
•she hasn't talked to or seen Noah in a year
• Noah still lives in Arizona (well maybe😏)

That's about it...enjoy :)

[summer break]

It's now summer! Yesterday was our last day of school!! So basically I didn't drop out. I just went online for a bit but I decided to go back in person just to finish off my senior year.

I'm now graduating...I'm super sad but also really happy, and just in general, I'm the happiest I've been in the past year.

"Dixie! Come on!" Addison yelled to me. I was in my room and she was in my living room. We were getting ready to graduate.

"I'm coming!" I ran out to the living room. "Let's go!" I smiled. "You look beautiful!!" She hugged me. "Thank you adds" I smiled and hugged back. "I love you, now let's go" she said excitedly

We drove to our school. The ceremony was in our auditorium. It was big. We went backstage getting in our lineups and getting ready.

[an hour into graduation]

The principal started calling out people's names to get there diplomas. He was only on A last names, so I had time. Just then, I backed up and bumped into someone. This figure was tall.

I turned around. "I'm so sor-" and then I realized. That moment. The greatest moment of all time. I ex "N-Noah" I mumbled.

He turned around. "'s uh, you" he said. "W-what're you doing here?" "Um, this is my school? I'm graduating?" He said.

"When did you come back?" I asked. "Last week.. but um I have to go. Bye" and with that he walked off. I just saw my ex for the first time in over a year.

I ran back to Addison. "Addison.." I said. She turned to me, "what's up?" "I-I just ran into Noah.." I said, nervously. "You what? Noahs here?" She said

"Y-yeah." I said "it's ok calm down Dixie" she hugged me. "He still hates me..I just want to be his friend.."

"It's o-"

"Dixie Jane D'Amelio" our principal called out. "Go!" Addison pushed me onstage. I walked out with a fake smile and got my diploma. "Congratulations Dixie" he smiled. "Thank you" I walked across stage and back down to our seats. Addison was next.

"Addison Rae Easterling" he called out. She went on and received her diploma. She came down and sat next to me. I loved having a best friend with her last name one letter after mine. We were always next to each other in everything that had to be in alphabetical order.

After graduation was done we had senior bash (a/n something my sister went to this year for graduation so yeah). It was something seniors did after fun events in their senior year. We stayed at the school all night just having fun.

I was super excited for this. I went home, changed into comfier clothes and went back to the school. I was greeted by Addison, Amelie, Blake, Larry, and other people. I even saw Noah. Tonight was gonna be a night.

[1 am]

It was 1 in the morning and I was already starting to fall asleep. We had to be here until 5 am. 5 fucking am.

"Dixie don't fall asleep" Amelie said. "I'm so tired" I chuckled. "It won't be any fun with you stay up and keep us company" she complained

"Fineee" I groaned and got up. I got a drink and I bumped (not physically) into Noah again. "Hey" I smiled, while pouring my drink. "Hi" he said and walked away.

We played truth or dare...we also did a lie detector test, the dunk tank, and other fun games. Not gonna lie, I had a really great time for the first time in a while...I was in a really good mental stage.

[5 am]

It's finally time to go home. I'm so exhausted. I was probably the first one to leave. I drove home and went straight to bed, with that being said i didn't wake up until 2 or 3 pm the next day.

When I did wake up I ended up going to addi's and hung out with her for a bit. We talked about last night and how much fun we had. That night was the night of my life. Always something to remember.


If you still don't know what "Bash" is, basically my high school does that for seniors. My sister attended bash when the class of 2021 graduated. They stay up until 5 in the morning and have fun. also happy thanksgiving!! eat lots and enjoy family :)) 🤎

Have an amazing/night<3

Word count: 825

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