chapter three | girls evening

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dixies pov:
Amelie and I ended up falling asleep around 5:30..only an hour and a half before we had to get up for school. That was a bad idea because when I woke up, I was grumpy.

"Dixie, get your ass up" charli shook me to wake me up. I eventually woke up "ugh go away!" I covered myself with my blanket and I heard laughs. Amelie and Charli

"No get up lazy! You shouldn't have stayed up all night!" Charli laughed and so did Amelie. I eventually got up and we both got ready for school. I drove char and i to school, like usual, and Amelie drove in her car since she had it.

We got to school and I parked my car. As soon as I did that Charli rushed out of it. I have no clue why. "Char! What's wrong!?" I yelled to her while she was still running. "I don't wanna be late!" She yelled back and I rolled my eyes. We weren't even near being late.

[One Week Later]

Today is Monday. A new week. Great. I was looking forward to today because after school char, adds, Amelie and I were going to get out nails done. I was super excited

I walked into school and went to my first class which today was history. I got stopped in the hallway by my history teacher, Mr. Smith. "Hey dix, can I talk to you real quick?" He asked. "Um, sure?" I said confused.

"Ok so, I have this one student in my class who is failing. He needs help, and right now you're passing, like a lot so I was wondering if you could tutor him?" My teacher said. "Sure!" I smiled "do you mind if I ask, who it is?"

"Of course! It's Noah, Noah Beck.." immediately after he said that, I regretted it. "Oh um, ok" I fake smiled. I was not expecting that. Fuck.

"Great, thank you! Let's get ready for class" he smiled and walked into the classroom. Soon after I did the same.

[Skip to lunch]

Since I'm Noahs tutor, I obviously have to tell him so i pulled him aside, well outside of the cafeteria to talk to him. "What?" He asked.

"So Mr. Smith talked to me and said your failing history, and because I'm passing..I have to tutor you" I groaned and he smiled "oh ok. When though?"

"I have no clue. Go ask him" I rolled my eyes. "Um ok?" He walked back into the cafeteria. "I'm not done!" I shouted. He came back "what"

"Just because I'm tutoring you doesn't mean I like you. I still hate you. Understand?" "Uh yeah, but you are acting like a mom" he chuckles thinking it was funny. "Cool I don't give a shit" I walked back into the cafeteria and he followed

After lunch ended I had a little time before 5th period so I decided to find mr. smith and ask him. "Hey! So what time and days will I be tutoring Noah?"

"Oh yes. Tuesdays & Thursdays from 4-5!" "Ok, thanks" I smiled and walked away. I then walked into 5th period math. Of course Noah had the same class. I was stuck with him, once again.


I got home and and took a little nap before it was time for my friends and I to get our nails done. I woke up around 3:30 and got ready. I put on a crop top and shorts since it was hot out.

I heard my phone buzz so I checked it and it was Amelie, from our group chat '4 Musketeers' I know it's cheesy, trust me, I didn't name it

Amelie: Hey girls! I'll come pick you all up around 4:20 for our appointment! Love you :)

I responded back with an 'ok!' I didn't really feel the need to put makeup on so I just put on some basic mascara. My everyday thing.

Around 4:20, like she said, Amelie came to pick me and char up. Adds was already with her so we had to sit in the back. We drove to our local nail salon that we always go to.

We arrive around 4:45 and our appointment was at 4:50, so just on time. "What color are you guys gonna get?" I asked them. "Pink!" Char said. "I'm gonna get baby blue" Amelie smiled. "And I might get red" adds chuckled.

"Cool! I'm getting black" I smiled. "Of course" charli added in. I basically always get black. It's my thing.

The lady's called us over and we sat down at the table thingy. Whatever it's called. They did our nails and probably about, 20-30 minutes later, we were finally done and I think they did a great job!

"What should we do now?" Amelie asked getting into the car with us following her gestures. "Go to the mall!" I said happily. "And then ice cream!" Char added in. "Ok!" Amelie smiled and chuckled.

We went to the mall. I went to Hollister, H&M and a couple other stores. Char went to bath and body works, Hollister, & Shein. Ame just went to Hollister and Adds got some things from Hollister and Victoria Secret.

After a long evening at the mall we ended our day off with ice cream from Abbott's, if you have never had custard from there, who are you?

Amelie took us home and I immediately drifted off to sleep, smiling. Today was a super fun day. I loved bonding with my best friends.


Hey everyone! I'm not as happy with this chapter but oh well. I guess. Question, if you live in the U.S (or something) have you ever had Abbott's? I have & it's amazing omg. also the day i'm publishing this chapter is, 2 days before my first day of school...😭 IM SCARED

Have an amazing day/night<3

Word count: 994

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