chapter fourteen | huge mistake

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[it is 2 days before Noah leaves to go back home]

Dixies POV:

Blake called me saying there was a party tonight at his house. I was definitely going. I loved parties. Although I couldn't wait until noah came home, I would have lots of fun and hopefully forget about missing him tonight

The party was at 7, it was currently 5:30. I grabbed clothes and took a shower. When I got out I put on a black dress, hoops and other jewelry. I wasn't going to impress anyone because Noah isn't gonna be there but yeah.

I did light makeup because I knew it would ware off. I put perfume and lotion on as well. I went downstairs and grabbed a little snack before I headed out.

"Woah, miss. Why are you so dressed up?" My dad asked me. "Oh I'm going to a party tonight" "oh ok. We'll have fun, don't do anything stupid. Look after charli" he insisted. "Ok dad I will. Bye!" And with that I walked out the front door.

I drove myself ,charli and Addison to the party which was at Blakes house. We walked in and the smell of alcohol immediately hit my nose. It reeked. Addison went off with Bryce, and charli went off with chase, Madi and Avani. I was alone.

Amelies then walked up to me. "Hey dix! Glad you could make it" she smiled. "Hi Ame. Wanna hangout? Since my boyfriend isn't here" I asked. "Of course! We're about to play a game"

We played truth or dare and seven minutes in heaven. Thankfully for truth or dare I didn't have to do anything that involves another boy. And for seven minutes in heaven, I got picked by Larry, who is and me of my best friends and Madi, Charli's best friend, so I didn't have to kiss anyone. Phew.


Time passed by. It was now 1:30 am and everyone, including myself was drunk. I normally don't ever drink but I guess tonight was my night.

I was standing at the bar when out of the corner of my eye, I saw a figure walk up to me. I turned around and it was..Tayler, my English partner.

"Heyyy dixieee" he said. I smiled at him, drunkly, "hiiii handsome" I giggled. He pulled me aside where no one was and asked, "wanna make out?"

I just drunkly smiled and started kissing him. Oh fuck. We made out and soon took it to the guest bedroom where we got undressed and did more than making out. Fuck.

[meanwhile downstairs]

No ones POV:

"Amelie, have you seen dix?" Addison asked her. "No I haven't, how come?" She asked. "Oh because she hasn't been in sight of anyone for the past 10 minutes.." Addison said, getting worried

"Oh well I'll help you find her!" Amelie kindly smiled, and they started looking. She wasn't downstairs so they decided to check upstairs.

"Where the fuck is she?!" Addison said, still looking in every room. She finally got to the end of the hall...the last room on the right. She opened the door and she couldn't believe what she saw...

"DIXIE WHAT THE FUCK!" Addison shouted. Dixie stoped fucking Tayler and looked up to see her two best friends standing in the doorway watching her fuck another dude that wasn't Noah.

"F-fuck" she got off of tayler and put clothes on "p-please don't tell n-noah" she said, nervously. "I am!" Addison said. "Why Dixie? Why? Now noahs gonna be heartbroken!"

"I-I know! I'm s-sorry!" Dixie cried. "P-please addison. You're my best friend.." "I don't care Dixie. He deserves to know"

Addison got her phone out and pressed on Noahs contact. Calling Noah

[on call]

N: hey adds, what's up?
A: d-Dixie..
N: what? What about Dixie? Is she ok!?
A: she's fine but she- she was fucking another dude..I'm so sorry Noah...
N: w-what?
A: I couldn't find her so Amelie helped me look for her and we found her in the room on top of tayler
N: t-thank for telling m-me. I gotta go. Bye *hangs up*

[off call]

"Really Addison!?" Dixie yelled. "Yeah really! You just cheated on Noah! That's not ok! Dumbass!" Addison wasn't thinking of what she was saying.

"I-I'm going home to call him. Bye" and with that Dixie went downstairs and stormed out of the house. She drove home crying and thinking of how Noah might feel. Horrible.

Dixie eventually got home and thankfully to her surprise her parents were sleeping. I mean it was 2 in the morning, so of course they were

She went upstairs and changed. She laid in bed with her messy makeup face from crying and went to her contacts. She saw Noahs and immediately broke down. She clicked on 'Baby💙'

He surprisingly answered, but not just because he wanted to see her but because he wanted to go off on her.

D: h-hi. I'm sorry baby.
N: don't baby me. Fuck you dixie. Thank you for breaking my heart when I did NOTHING to you. I did everything for you. I loved you with my whole heart. And you did that..
D: Noah I'm sorry. I really am. I was drunk and it caught me off guard
N: I don't care if you were drunk. You still did it.
D: I know..and I'm sorry. Hate me all you want but I will never stop loving you.
N: oh and by the way, I'm moving back to Arizona.
D: w-what!? *starts crying*
N: yeah. My family decided to stay here and I was upset but now that I heard what you did, i'm happy to stay. So goodbye and don't call me again.
D: n-noah please
N: I said no! Go fuck yourself for all I care
D: I-I love you..
N: I don't. *hangs up*

[off call]

Dixies POV:

"Fuck my life" I said. I was balling my eyes out. I wanted to die. I would do anything to get him back and change what I did. I couldn't fall asleep knowing the love of my life hated me for cheating on him. Accidentally.

Around 3:30 I finally fell asleep.


well....👀 So um yeah, I had to do that to make is more suspenseful😀 hope you guys enjoyed :) also i had to evacuate my school today because of a gas leak...but at least i got to go home at 10 am😀😀 might not have school tomorrow either🤪

Have an amazing day/night<3

Word count: 1107

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