chapter ten | yes

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[1 month later...sorry for the time jump]

Noahs POV:

Dixie and I are really good friends. Well technically best friends, with lots of benefits. I still haven't asked her to be my girlfriend, I'm waiting for the right time. I'm also leaving in a week because I'm going back to Arizona for the week

If you didn't know, I grew up in AZ. That's my hometown. I left when I was in 5th grade and I've been in California ever since. I'm going back to see my grandparents.

Well I guess, my whole family is going back to see my grandparents. Aka my moms parents. My dads, dad passed in 2018. His mom passed just last year. I miss them, a lot.

So back to my baby. I'm planning on asking her out tomorrow. July 7th (a/n: my bday in real life😌). I do love her but I don't know if she feels the same way. We'll see.

I'm not planning on doing anything to special to ask her out, so I'm just gonna take her to Malibu, her favorite beach and ask her. I'm also breaking the news to her that I have to leave her for a week.


"Baby, are you ready?" I asked. We were going on a late night (7 pm) walk. "Yep!" She said walking towards me, looking perfect as always. I held her hand and we walked out of my house.

Our walk was great. Again we chatted and talked about life and future plans. We got home around 7:45 and I could tell dixie was exhausted.

"Hey Noah, I'm gonna go home. I'm super tired" she said. "Ok, goodnight beautiful" I said, kissing her head. She smiled "goodnight"

She left and went to her house. Just as she left my parents came home. "Hey mom and dad" I smiled. I was sitting on the couch. "Hey hun!" My mom greeted me with a hug.

"Hi son. How are you?" My dad said. "I'm good, thanks dad" I smiled. "Sweetheart, did you eat dinner?" My mom asked me. "Yeah, dix and I ate chipotle"

"Ok! Where's Tatum?" "She's at her boyfriends house, like always" "k, thanks" my mom responded

Tatum is my sister. She's older than me. She's never home because she practically lives with her boyfriend. She needs to just move in with him already.

"Alright, I'm tired so I'm gonna I go lay down. Goodnight" I said to my parents. They said goodnight as I walked upstairs to my room.

I got ready for bed and as soon as I laid in my bed, I drifted off to sleep. Tomorrow's a big day. I was going to ask, Dixie to be my girlfriend. Finally.

[the next day at noon]

Dixies POV:

"Dixie wake up!" Charli said, hitting me. I woke up because of her touch. "Ow! What the fuck!" I shouted. "Mom told me wake you up. It's noon"

"Ok I'm up goddamn. Now leave" "fine meanie" charli left and shut my door. I laid in bed for about 5 more minutes before getting ready for the day.

Noah told me he was taking me somewhere and that I had to bring my swimsuit, so I'm guessing we're going to the beach. I put on denim jean shorts and a crop top.

I went downstairs and walked to the kitchen. "Ooh donuts!" I grabbed a pink frosted donut with sprinkles and took a bite. "Morning hun" my mom said

"Good morning" I groaned and sat at the island. "What're the plans for today?" My dad asked. "I'm going with Noah to the beach"

"Fun! Probably just a chill day. Maybe invite the Becks over" my mom smiled.

Someone knocked at our front door. "Dix, can you get that?" My dad asked. "Mhm" I got up and answered the door "hello- oh hey Noah" I smiled and hugged him.

"Hey. You look gorgeous today" he smiled and kissed my forehead. I blushed "thank you" "are you ready to go?"

"Yep!" I put my shoes on and walked out with Noah. He opened the car door for me, being the gentleman that he always has been.

Noah drove us to Malibu, my favorite beach. He opened my car door and helped me get out. "Thank you sir" I giggled. "You're absolutely welcome beautiful" he smiled.

We walked down to the shoreline and sat on the big rocks. The exact same rock we sat on when we expressed our feelings towards each other.

"So what're we here for..?" I faced Noah. "Well two things. I need to tell you something and I need to ask you something." He said. "Oh ok, what's up?"

"What one do you want first?" He smirked. "Um..uh I want the question first, I guess" I chuckled. "Ok" he smiled and held my hands. Oh goodness. The butterflies came back.

"Dixie, your one hella special girl in my life. I've known that I liked you since 10th grade. You obviously hated me but we don't talk about that" he began. "You're an important person to me, so with that being said.." he smiled.

I smiled snd blushed. "Dixie, will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes yes yes a million times yes" I giggled and kissed him. He kissed back.

"Finally" I laughed. "You're cute, but now I have to tell you something.." "ok.." I said, nervously. "So I'm going to Arizona for the week.."

"Oh, when?" I asked. "in 6 days" he looked down. "Hey, what's wrong?" I lifted his chin up, to make him look at me. "I'm gonna miss you so much" he puts me on his lap.

I smiled and placed my hand on his cheek. "I'm gonna miss you more but we'll survive. Don't worry" I hugged him. "You're amazing" he rubbed my back.

God I love him so much

"Thank you bubba" I snuggled my head into his neck. We stayed in that position for 5 minutes. "Ok baby, do you want to go home and help me pack?"

"No. I wanna go home and cuddle" I said. "Bu- ok let's go" he said, without argument. I giggled. I always got my own way.

We went back to Noahs house and cuddled for a bit. We both ended up falling asleep for a couple hours.


Wow would you look at that.. i haven't posted in forever😭 i'm sorry bout that tbh😂 i'm wiring more stories so that's why :) Anyway, they're finally dating, yayyy!! haha idk what to say here....i'll post again tomorrow or on halloween🎃

Have an amazing day/night<3

Word count: 1097

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