chapter seven | moment

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(Back to Dixies POV)

I laid my head on Noahs chest. I just knew he had butterflies. Weird to say, but um..he makes me feel safe. I smile. He gives me butterflies. Like nice butterflies. I blush. I never thought I'd ever say this but...

I like Noah Beck.

I do. I really do. I hated him for the longest time but things change, and obviously my feelings for him did as well.

We finished watching the movie I picked out, cat in the hat, obviously and it was about 2 pm. Still early.

I sat up and faced Noah "what should we do now?" I groaned. I was bored. "Wanna go for a walk in the park?" He asked. "Mhm! Let's go!" I said, getting up from his bed.

We went to our favorite local community park and walked the trails and the park. We talked. Laughed. Smiled. We even...held hands for a bit. Holy shit.

[2 weeks later]

Noahs POV:

Dixie and I have been hanging out everyday for the past two weeks, but I wasn't complaining. I loved spending time with the person I loved. But she didn't know that.

I finally decided it was time to tell her. I invited her to the beach so I could tell her that I had feelings for her. I was nervous and excited all at the same time.

We drove in my car and we arrived at our favorite beach, Malibu Beach, at around 7:30. I got out, opened her door for her and she got out. She grabbed my hand and held it.

We walked to the rocks and sat down on one of the big ones. We stared at the sun, that was setting and the waves along the shoreline.

"This is pretty!" Dixie said while leaning her head on my shoulder. "It is, but not as pretty as you" I said. She looked up at me and giggled "Aw"

"So um, Dixie. Can I tell you something?" I put my hand on her leg, not making her feel uncomfortable. "Of course! Tell me anything" she smiled at me.

"So um, I like this one girl..and I don't know how to tell her.." I joked. It was obviously her but I wanted to build suspense. "Oh" she frowned, trying to hide it from me.

"Um, my best bet is just to tell her straight up. Don't wait to long. Don't try and change the subject, just say it" she fake smiled. I could tell it was fake. I felt bad.

"Ok. Thanks" I smiled and looked back at the beach. A couple minutes later I decided to take her advice and tell the girl, I liked her

"Hey, I'm gonna tell her now. Should I call her?" I said, pulling my phone out of my back pocket. "Mhm sure" she fake smiled, again.

I went onto my phone contacts and secretly pressed her name 'Dixie❤️' I hid my phone from her view and pressed the call button.

She heard her phone ringing. She picked it up and when she looked at it she saw my name 'Noah🤍' she looked at me confused. "Why are you calling me?" She laughed.

"Just answer it please" I demanded. "Ok" she answered it "hello mr Beck. What do you need?" She giggles through the phone. "Well I'm telling the special girl, that I like her"

She froze and looked at me. She hung up. "y-you like me?" She smiled. "I do..I really like you" I looked into her eyes. "I-I like you too"

This was my forever girl. I knew I loved her, there was no questions about that. But I obviously couldn't tell her because she for sure didn't love me yet. So I took it slow.

Dixies POV:

I looked into his eyes. He looked into mine. I smiled. He smiled back. I leaned in and before I knew it, our lips collided. I felt fireworks go off inside of me. It felt like we were the only people that mattered.

For once, I was sure that I liked Noah Beck. We started off on not so good terms, well I started off of not so good terms with him, and now, I'm here. Kissing Noah. Having feelings for him

Oh how time changes.

We pulled apart and just looked at each other. We smiled. I couldn't stop smiling. "You're amazing, did you know that?" I said to Noah. "Not until now. Hearing it come out of your mouth is shocking" he laughed

"Hey!" I playfully smacked his chest and crossed my arms, pouting. "I'm joking Dixie" he laughed and placed me on his lap. I giggled. "I'm tired" I laid my head on his shoulder

Him rubbing my back said, "wanna go back home?" I shook my head no. "Then what do you wanna do?" He asked, still rubbing my back. "go to your house"

"How about we go to sway.." he looked at me. "Ok!" I smiled. "Can you carry me to the car?" I asked, sweetly. "You have legs" he got up laughing. "Noooo" I whines

"Fine, you big baby" he picked me up like a baby and carried me back to the car, like a gentleman. He placed me in my seat and he got into his. We drove to sway.


"Hey Noah! Good to see you! And hi Dixie!" Bryce said. "Hey" I smiled. "Hey man, what's up?" Noah saved him up. "Nothing much." He responded. "where are the rest of the boys?" Noah asked Bryce

"Working out..outside" he pointed. "Ok, I'm gonna join, I'll be back down" Noah said. He carried me to his room and got gym clothes. "I'm gonna change"

"Ok" Noah went to his bathroom and changed. He came back out looking hot as ever. "Ok, I'll be outside in the gym on the deck if you need anything, ok?" He said

"ok, have so much fine working out" I smiled cheekily. "oh yes. i'm gonna have so much fun" he laughed and walked outside. i watched him walk away and then went back on my phone


I'm so happy with how this chapter turned out! And it's more than 1000 words😌 well not by much, but eh. Yeahhh Noah and Dixie kissedddd. I loved writing this chapter :)) also i'm SO HORRIBLE at keeping up with posting on watt pad. i'm sorry :( but on a bright side...HAPPH ONE YR TO DOAH🤍🤍
i can't believe it's been 1 whole year, already...

Have an amazing day/night<3

Word count: 1100

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