chapter thirty-two | yes

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"Omg" I dropped the test and it landed in the sink. Noah looked at me, smiling. "Baby, you're pregnant" he brought me into a hug. "I'm pregnant!!" I giggled.

"Wait, you're happy?" He looked at me shocked. "Yeah! Are you?" "Of course I am" he smiled and hugged me again. "There's a little baby inside of you"

I smiled big. I couldn't believe it. There was a baby inside of, I'm going to be a mom..that's crazy.

we embraced the fact that i was pregnant and i thought about how grateful i am with my life. never did i i think i'd get pregnant at 20, but at least it's with the love of my life

"I'm super excited but really tired. Can we go to bed? And tell everyone tomorrow?" I said, looking at Noah. "Yes of course bub. I'm tired too"

We went back downstairs and laid down. I immediately fell asleep at the thought of Noah and I having a family. I've always dreamt of making a family with Noah..and it was finally coming true.

I just realized that I'm with my forever person.

[the next day]

We all woke up around the same time, 9:45. "Good morning everyone!" I smiled. "Wow someone's in a good mood this morning" Addison laughed. "Mhm"

"I'm hungry let's get breakfast" I got up and everyone followed me to the kitchen. We ate donuts that my parents bought and then we went back to the living room.

"Ok so, I have something to tell you all" I started off with. "Me too" Noah jumped in. "Yes Noah too" I laughed. "What's up?" Avani said.

"So.." I grabbed the test out from my pocket and held it up. "YOU'RE PREGNANT" Addison shouted. "IM PREGNANT!!" I smiled.

"Who's the dad?" Bryce questioned. "Noah..." I laughed. "You too fucked!?" Blake shouted. "Who wouldn't?" Noah added in.

Addison, Amelie, Madi, Charli and Avani engulfed me in a big group hug while the guys dabbed each other up, congratulating Noah and I.

"So when are you gonna tell mom and dad?" Charli asked. "Later on when nobody is here is when I will tell them" I said. "Oh ok. Congrats sis. I love you" she hugged me.

"I love you too char" I smiled. "I'm so happy for you two" Madi said. "Thank you Madi!" I smiled. "We're you guys even trying for a baby?" Blake asked.

"No, not at all, but I guess everything happens for a reason" I shrugged my shoulders & laughed a little.

Everyone congratulated us and hugged us. Around noon they all left, so it was just Noah and I at my parents house. We are going to tell my parents now...

Noahs POV:

The nerves are kicking in right now. I didn't mean to get Dixie pregnant, and I hope her parents don't hate me after this because I'm going to be in my baby's life, and I'm going to be in Dixies life.

I'm never leaving them, I'll always be here to protect both of them, and I hope they know that. But other than that I'm super excited to start a family with the girl of my dreams.

Dixies POV:

"Mom! Dad! Noah and I have something to tell you!" I shouted. They were upstairs getting ready for the day. "Ok! We'll be down in one sec!" My mom called back.

Noah and I just waited at the island. "Baby I'm nervous" Noah said to me. "It's ok bubba"I smiled at him. "what if your parents hate me-" "they won't hate you Noah! It's fine. Don't be nervous"

"I-I'm sorry I got you pregnant.." he worried. "Noah, it's perfectly ok. I'm super happy even if it wasn't planned" I kissed him. "Ok baby" he gained a smile.

5 minutes later my parents finally came down and sat at the island across from us. "So what's up?" My dad asked. "So um last night Noah and I found out something..." I said.

"Ok? Wait- are you pregnant?" My mom said. "Yeah.." I said, softly. "Well congratulations!!" My mom hugged me. I was not expecting that reaction but I'll definitely take it.

My dad then also hugged me. "Congratulations sweetheart, but you know having a child is a big responsibility" "Mhm I know dad" I smiled. "Ok, we'll I'm happy for you two!" He then hugged Noah.

"Thank you Mr. D" Noah smiled. My mom hugged Noah as well. "Good luck Noah, with the child and Dixie" she laughed. "Hey!" I said.

Noah laughed and kissed my head. "We'll I'm gonna go upstairs and schedule my first ultrasound" I said, walking upstairs and Noah following. "Ok!" Said my mom.

Noah and I went upstairs to my room, and I got out my phone. I called my doctor so we could set up my first ultrasound. He said it would be in 2 days!

After my call I hung up and sat on Noahs lap. "Bubba" I said. "Yes princess?" He kisses my cheek softly. "Are you gonna leave me if-" and before I could even finish my sentence, he cut me off.

"-no! I don't care what you were gonna say, Dixie, you can trust me. I'm never leaving you, or this baby. I'm in this with you. I got you pregnant so I have to man up and raise our child with you." Noah told me.

I smiled "how did I get so lucky?" I looked him in the eyes. "I wonder the same" he smiled and kissed me.

"Can we go home?" I smiled. "yes of course bub" he kissed my head and pulled me off of him so he could stand up. i was craving him so bad...iykyk

We left my parents house and went to my apartment. Good thing I had 2 bedrooms because then we would've had to move out and find a different place to live.

We went inside and Noah picked me up and he immediately took me to our room. I guess he was craving me as well. I giggled to myself.


i remember to post today. woohoo. my stomach hurts tho😖

Have an amazing day/night<3

Word count: 1039

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