chapter twenty-seven | happy, again.

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Noahs POV:

It's been 2 weeks. I've been home for a couple days, and I've been thinking. Dixie said  'he kissed me. I didn't kiss back' I obviously trusted her, I think? Maybe she really didn't kiss back and I just freaked out on her for no reason.

That broke me. I haven't talked to her in 2 weeks. I left my charger at her apartment so that was a good excuse to go over there just in case she didn't want to talk to me..

I told my parents I was going to my friends house because they didn't want me hanging out with Dixie anymore. Neither did Addison. But I don't care.

I drove to her apartment complex. I still had a key to her apartment. I went upstairs and to her apartment. I unlocked the door expecting her to be in the living room.

"Dixie?" I walked in. I didn't see her, but I heard the shower running. I had a perfect idea. I went into her bedroom and stripped. Quietly.

I then as quietly and quickly as I could opened the door and walked in. Good thing her shower wasn't a glass door. I heard her singing. God her voice was gorgeous.

I didn't want to scare her but fuck it. I opened the shower curtain. She still didn't notice. I got fully in and hugged her from behind

"G-get aw-" she turned around. "N-Noah?" "Hi baby" I smiled. She smiled big and hugged me. I missed that hug. "I-I'm sorry." She said.

"It's ok baby. Shh" I kissed her head. She pulled away and looked at me. "I promise I didn't kiss back.." "hey hey, don't worry about it. We'll talk after we shower"

"You wanna shower with me?" She smiled. "I do" I smiled and kissed her. She kissed back. "I love you" she smiled. "I love you too princess oh and by the way you're voice is beautiful"

She smiled. "Thank you bubba" and she giggled. Her giggles are the fucking cutest.

We finished our shower and got out.

"Baby, can you grab me a towel?" I asked. "No" she giggled. "Hey! Give me a towel!!" I laughed. "You have to do something first!" "Ok, what?"

"Kiss me" she came closer to me. "Fine" I pouted and kissed her. "Ok, now I will get you a towel" she went to her linen closest and grabbed a towel "here"

"Thank you" I got out and dried off. "Oh and I've been wearing your hoodies.." "it's ok baby" I kissed her head.

We got dressed and sat on her bed. "Ok, can we talk now?" I said. "Mhm. I should go first though...I'm sorry. I promise I didn't kiss back. He leaned in and kissed me, I was shocked. I didn't move. I'm sorry."

"It's ok baby. I already said that. I understand" I reassured her. "Ok" she smiled.

"Ok I just wanna say that I'm sorry I told you that I never loved you. I was just caught up in my thoughts. I was upset and mad. I have always loved you and I still do" I put my hand on her leg

"It's ok bubba" she looked at me. "A-and" she looked down. "What's wrong?" I rubbed her back. She pulled up her sleeve and showed me her wrist.

"I-I'm sorry" she looked at me. "Dixie..when did you do this?" I said, pulling her onto my lap. "The n-night you left.." "Aw baby. Please don't do that again, ok?" I said, softly.

"Ok..I won't" she wrapped her arms around me and rested her head on my shoulder. "I love you so much" "I love you more princess. Forever" I kissed her.

Dixies POV:

I'm so fucking happy, again. I have my baby back. Life is good right now. We talked and cuddled for the rest of the day. We watched movies. I love him so much.


"Hey princess, do you wanna go get ice cream?" Noah asked. "Yeah!" I smiled. "Ok come on cutie" he got up and held my hand as I got up.

He drove us to our local ice cream shop and we ate ice cream. We then went to go for a walk because it wasn't dark out yet.

We started heading back to my apartment, around 8:30. We we're in the car and then I felt a hand move onto my thigh. I looked over at Noah and smiled.

"Oh hi there" I giggled. He moved his hand up more on my thigh. Close to my yk. "Bubba what're you doing?" I laughed. He looked at me "nothing"

"not right now, noah" "ok, i'm sorry" he said, moving his hand back down. "it's ok"

We got home 7 minutes later. Kinda made out in my car. Eventually we went up to my apartment.

Immediately when we got in there he locked the door and picked me up. He brought me to my room and locked that door as well. He pinned me to the wall and started kissing my neck

"Mmm" I moaned


Hehe smut next chapter😏 just kidding I don't do smut so we skip that. sorry I let you down. No smut. but anyway merry Christmas eve and happy holidays! children go to bed no later than 10 pm because santa clause is coming to townnnnn🎅 (ew that santa looks weird)

Have an amazing day/night<3

Word count: 918

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