chapter twenty-four | kio

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I opened my door and I couldn't believe who was standing in front of me...

"KIO!?" I said excitedly. "Hi Dixie" he smiled and hugged me. "I missed you so much!!" "I missed you too" he said.

Kio is my best friend. My childhood best friend. He moved back to Canada when we were in middle school.

We walked in and sat on my couch. "What're you doing here?" I asked. "Just coming to visit my best friend!"

Addison looked at me "uh, who's that?" She asked. "This is Kio, my childhood best friend" I smiled. "Oh nice to meet you." "You too!" He said.

"If you want you can stay here!" I said. "Sure if that's ok with you" "of course it is. You can sleep in the guest room" I smiled. "Ok" he got up and left.

"Dixie..." Addison said. "What?" "Noah.." she looked at me. "What about Noah? I love him, he loves me..I promised I wouldn't do anything again..kio is just my friend"

"Ok, well I'm gonna leave then" she got up and walked to the door, "bye" "bye" I said and she left. What was wrong with her? i get that noah's her brother but she doesn't need to worry anymore...

Kio came back out. "So, where's your boyfriend?" He asked, sitting next to me on the couch. "Oh he's at his friend, Blake's house" I said. "Oh ok. What do you wanna do?"

"Um let's just watch a movie and wait until he gets back" I smiled. "Ok, sounds good!"

We watched a movie and about an hour later I heard my front door open. It was my boyfriend.

"Hi- who's that?" He said. "This is Kio, my childhood friend" I smiled. "Oh" "I missed you" I hugged him.

"Mhm" he hugged back. I kissed his cheek. "What's wrong?" I asked, knowing somethings wrong...probably kio. "Nothing, I'm tired. I'm going to bed" he walked passed me and went to my room.

"Hold on Kio, I'll be back" I walked into my room to Noah changing. "Baby what's wrong?" "Nothing Dixie. I'm ok" he laid down on his side of my bed.

I sat next to him. "If it's about Kio, then I don't know what you think will happen between us but nothing will. I already told you that I loved you, and I wouldn't hurt you again.." I told him.

"I know. I said I'm tired" "ok, I'll let you sleep." I kissed his head "goodnight I love you" "night" he closed his eyes.

He never just said 'night' he always told me that he loves me. Something is up with him, but I just let it be and walked back out to the living room to finish the movie.

Once the movie was finished Kio went to the guest room and I went to my room. Noah was already sleeping. I stripped my clothes and put on shorts and a shirt with no bra. I laid down next to noah.

"I love you" I whispered. I place my head on his chest and fell asleep.

[next day]

Noahs POV:

I woke up at 7 am to go to the gym with the boys. Dixie was still sleeping and so was that kio kid. I got dressed and left. Not saying I love you to Dixie or kissing her. Which was stupid of me, but oh well.

I met up with the boys at dog pound today and we worked out for an hour or two. After we went back to sway and shoot a YouTube video for Bryces channel.

Dixies POV:

I woke up at 10 to Noah not next to me. I texted him and he told me he was at the gym so I continued with my morning and got in the shower. I put on sweatpants and noahs hoodie. My favorite.

I went to my kitchen to see Kio in the living room. "good morning" I said. "morning dix" he smiled. I made myself a cup of coffee and sat next to him.

"wanna go to the movies today?" He asked. "sure. what movie would we see?" "Um spider-man?" (the new one i forgot what it's called) he said. "ok! sounds good!"

Since the movie was at 7, we had time so we decided to go for a walk around the community park, it brought back memories to when I had my first real conversation with Noah and I tutored him.

I'm guessing Noah was at sway now because yesterday he said he had to shoot a YouTube video for his and Bryces youtube

When Kio and I, got back to my apartment we decided to go live on Instagram for my account. I haven't been live in a while.


Dixie: hi everyone! I'm here with Kio *smiles*
Kio: hello Dixies live *laughs*
Dixie: ask me and/or Kio some questions!

Comment: "are you cheating again? Noah deserves better."

Dixie: no I'm not cheating again. Please stop bringing that up. Noah and I are very happy now. Kio is just my friend.

Comment: "where's Noah?"

Dixie: Noah is at sway filming YouTube videos.

Comment: "how long have you and Noah been dating?"

Dixie: um we broke up a year ago and he hasn't asked me out again..I'm patiently waiting *laughs*

Comment: "when did you and Kio meet?"

Dixie: we met in second grade! *looks at Kio & smiles*

Kio: yep! *smiles*

Comment: "do you genuinely love Noah?"

Dixie: I love Noah more than anything *smiles*

[a couple minutes later]

Dixie: ok, I'm gonna end the live. Thank you all for coming on and asking questions! Love you!

[ends live]

"Well what do you wanna do now?" I asked Kio. "I don't know" he said. "Well I'm gonna go call Noah real quick. I'll be back" I smiled and left to go to my room.


happy Sunday! i have 3 days of school this week and then i'm on break!! :)) enjoy this chapter. should i post another one today?? 😏

Have an amazing day/night<3

Word count: 1016

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