chapter nineteen | friends again

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"DIXIE GET BACK HERE" he shouts.

Dixie stops and turns around. "What Noah" Noah catches up to her "stop it right now. I'm not gonna let you do ANYTHING bad to yourself. Do you understand me?" He said.

Dixie looks up at him and wipes her tears "y-yes" she sniffles. "Ok good." He pulls her to his chest and holds her there tightly. "Let's go back home for the night"

"B-but what about your g-girlfriend.." Dixie said. "What girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend...if you mean the girl I was kissing, she's not my girlfriend"

"O-oh" said Dixie. "Come on. Let's go back and get you to bed" he starts walking and Dixie walks next to him.

They get back to sway and without stopping to talk to their friends Dixie and Noah went upstairs to his room.

"Heres some clothes. Go take a shower" Noah said, while handing Dixie a hoodie and sweatpants of his. "Can you come with me?" Dixie asked, shyly.

"We're just friends, remember? We're not dating anymore." Dixie ran to the bathroom and shut the door loudly and locks it.

Noah walks to the door "Dixie, what the fuck is wrong with you!?" He said, asked loudly.


"Please open the door" he jiggles the door knob trying to get it open. Dixie slowly opens the door with her head down.

"Dixie. I can't get over the fact that you fucking cheated on me, ok!? It takes time! It's been a year but I'm STILL healing! Don't you understand that!? It doesn't take 2 weeks to get over being cheated on! Even if you were drunk, and you didn't mean it, it still happened! Think with your brain" Noah said, rudely.

"o-ok.." Dixie has her head in her hands and is sobbing "p-please d-dont hurt m-me"

"Dixie I would never hurt you. I'm just upset. Please take a shower and then come back out here so you can go to bed" Noah says. "o-ok" she starts the shower and starts getting undressed.

"Let me leave first" he laughs and leaves the bathroom. "It's not like you haven't seen me naked before.."

While Dixie was in the shower Noah sits on his bed and thinks. Thinks about everything. He just practically yelled at Dixie. How did she feel? Probably horrible..

"She's been through enough, Noah. Just be nice for once" Noah says to himself. He sighed, gets up and knocks on the bathroom door.

"Yeah?" "Can I come in?" Noah asks. "s-sure I guess.." Dixie responds. Noah comes in. "what do you need?"

"I just needed to brush my teeth" Noah looks over at the shower. "Oh ok. And stop looking at me! it's glass so clearly you can see me naked!" Dixie said.

"It's not like I haven't seen you naked before.." Noah chuckles. "Well then can you get in here with me? Please" She asks. "No" he shakes his head. "I already showered"

They both finish up in the bathroom (at different times) and Dixie comes out of the bathroom. "So where am I sleeping? Since I can't sleep with you anymore because you're not my boyfriend..." Dixie asks.

"Well ok then. I was going to have you sleep with me, but um you ca-" Noah gets interrupted by Dixie "no no! I'll sleep with you!" She gets in the bed and under the covers.

"ok then" he takes his shirt off and Dixie stares at him. He looks down at her "can I help you?" "s-sorry" she quickly looks away and lays down.

"You're fine" he lays down "night Dixie" "goodnight b- Noah" she corrects herself. And with that Dixie drifts off to sleep.

Noah looks at her. She falls asleep immediately. He, on the other hand- he can't. He couldn't imagine how Dixie feels right now. Probably horrible. Guilty.

He wished he could make her feel better, but he's part of the reason she feels like this. Maybe he did still love was hard.

He ended up falling asleep, minutes later.

[the next day]

Dixie woke up to be laying on Noah's chest. No wonder why she slept well this morning. She noticed and quickly moved. "I-I'm sorry" she said.

Noah woke up a couple minutes later. "Morning Dixie" he said in his hot morning voice. "Good morning" she got out of bed "I'm going to the bathroom" "ok"

Dixie uses the bathroom and then they both go downstairs to the kitchen. Noah makes himself a bowl of cereal whereas Dixie makes herself waffles.

Once they were done making them they sit at the island. Noah looked at Dixies waffle and then at her.
"Those look good" he said. "Mhm they are." She puts some on a fork. "Wanna bite?" She smiled

"Sure why not" he eats the waffles off of Dixies fork. Dixie was happy. Even if it was the simplest thing.

They finished their breakfast and they went back upstairs to Noahs room. Nobody was in the sway house because from what Noah thought they were out somewhere.

"Well I'm gonna go shower. Holler if you need anything" Noah said while grabbing clothes. "Ok" Dixie chuckled and Noah went in the bathroom.


Yay Dixie and Noah are friends!! That's something ya know..? Better than enemies worse than dating, but soon maybe...

i don't feel good today :/ my throat and head hurt. and also i'm going to the movies with my friend tomorrow so i'm not posting.

i'm gonna try to start posting every other day. we'll see how that works😂

Have an amazing day/night<3

Word count: 976

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