chapter sixteen | escape room

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(Still Dixies POV)

Today I was moving into my new apartment! I was super excited yet nervous to live on my own. Wish it was with Noah, but anyway Addison, charli and my parents are helping me move in today.

"Dix, you ready?!" My dad called up to me from downstairs. "Yep! Just getting the last boxes taped! I'll be down shortly" I yelled back. "Ok!"

A couple minutes later everything in my room was packed besides my bed, tv, dresser and the big stuff. My clothes, hygiene products..all that was packed.

One by one we all carried boxes downstairs and to my dads truck. My apartment was only 10 minutes away from my parents house so it wasn't too bad.

Surprisingly all my boxes fit in the back of my dads truck. We drove to my new apartment and started unloading the truck.

Around 7 pm we finally got everything unloaded and my parents went home while addi and char stayed to help me unpack.

We unpacked almost everything until we all got tired. It was now 8:15.

"I think we should stop right here" I said. "I'm too tired" I added in. "Me too. Let's go to bed and we'll help you finish tomorrow" Addis said. "Ok" I smiled.

We went to bed. Char and Addi stayed the night so it would be easier just to finish unpacking in the morning. Around 10 am we all woke up.

Surprisingly we all woke up around the same time. "Let's get back to work!" I said. We had just finished breakfast which consisted of...cereal.

Around 12 pm everything was finished and put away! I was relieved. While we were unpacking we decided to decorate my apartment and, not too long after everything was finished.

"Thanks for the help" I smiled. "Of course. I love you" chari hugged me. "I love you too" I smiled and hugged back. "Awww" Addison said. I laughed and hugged her "and I love you addi" "I love you more" she smiled.

We hung out in my new apartment for the rest of the day because we were exhausted. We went food shopping and let's just say, it wasn't fun. I'd have to deal with that every week or two. Ugh.

[the next day]

I woke up feeling good. Not 100% but maybe 85%. I mean hey it's the best I've been since my fucked up incident. But we don't talk about that anymore because I've realized that he wants nothing to do with me anymore.

Today, chari, Addison, Blake, Amelie, Bryce, Chase and Larry were going to an escape room. I am super excited because I've never been to one. Is it fun? Scary? Frustrating? I don't know..I'll find out i guess

I was driving with Addison and Charli. The escape room was 30 minutes away in Malibu.

"Are you ready Dixie?" Charli said, complaining. "Yes hold on" I said. I put my shoes on . "Ok now I'm ready. Let's go get addi" I said, walking out the door.

Charli followed behind and got in the passenger seat. I drove and picked up addi from her apartment down the street and we began driving to Malibu.

"So have you been to an escape room?" I asked while driving. "I have" Addison said. "Nope. I haven't. I'm excited though" charli smiled.

35 minutes later we finally arrived at the escape room place. it took just a bit longer because of traffic. I mean it was 5 pm on a Friday night... everyone's getting out of work.

We all met up and walked into the building. It was big. It had 3 escape rooms. We rented out the witch one, whatever that was. (a/n: i've never been to an escape room so idk what there is)

"Hello, how may I help you?" The lady at the desk asked. I walked up to her "hey um we have reservations for the witch escape room at 5:10.." I said.

She looked at her paper "for damelio?" "Yep!" I smiled. "Ok great! Since no ones here we'll let you go in right now! Have fun!" She said.

"Thank you!" I walked away with papers and we walked into the room. As all of us went in, the door closed and locked. We're we're now stuck in an escape room. Fun.

We had an hour to escape. It was pretty hard.


We are almost done. We just have to find a couple more clues and then the keys. We had some arguments about which clues go where an blah blah blah but other than that, we're all having fun.

"Come on guys, we're almost done! We got this!" chase cheered. He was the upbeat guy in this room right now. I was getting frustrated and Blake was getting mad. Larry, on the other hand he was jumping all over the place and making jokes the whole time. He's such a goof but I love him. (ew)


"Here!" Amelie said throwing me the keys. We finally found them. I opened the door with just 3 minutes left on the clock.

"YESSS" I shouted looking at everyone. "WE DID IT!" Larry said jumping around. We all laughed and hugged. teamwork makes the dream work (cringe)

We ended up celebrating by going to get ice cream. We went to Chill and Grill (a/n: that's an ice cream shop and food stuff where I live so I picked that bc I don't know any in Cali)

Around 6:40 we went home. I dropped addi off and char and I went back to our house. When I pulled into the driveway I looked over and saw Noahs house. The Becks house

It hit me, a lot. I missed him so much. I regret everything I have done to hurt him...we weren't even dating for that long either.. which fucking sucks.

"Dixie? You ok?" Chari asked. I zoned out. "Y-yeah I'm fine. You go ahead inside I'll be there in a minute" I fake smiled and she nodded. She got out and went inside.

I unlocked my phone and went to my messages. I clicked on Noahs which was now 'Baby💔' i couldn't bring myself to change his contact name back to his actual name..I was eager to text him...

Hey Noah.
Can we call?

I was expecting nothing from him. He might've blocked me but I will never know. A couple minutes later I heard my phone ding and it was...Noah

No. I told you
numerous times
to leave me
alone. What
more do you
want from me?

He responded..I was expecting that but iy hurt. I need to get over him. Like seriously. I'm too attached.

how are you?

I'm ok.

Nice.  I'm sorry..

Just leave it dixie.


And from there he never texted back...


Hey y'all in the next chapter I'm gonna do a BIG time jump, just to let y'all know because I have no more ideas. But yeah. my ginger hurts so bad😩

Have an amazing day/night<3

Word count: 1197

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