chapter eighteen | sorry

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[2 weeks later]

It had been two weeks since we've graduated. 4th of July was coming up next week which was exciting because I love watching fireworks.

Tonight I had been invited to a party but I wasn't sure I wanted to go. I texted addi and she said, since Noah was going, I should go.

I gladly agreed. Maybe tonight was the night...who knows. I decided to make Noah jealous, just to see how he would react, ya know. So I called Tayler.

[on call]

T: hey, what's up?
D: hi, can we do something tonight?
T: um sure, what's that?
D: make Noah jealous..pretend your dating me, but don't even try to kiss me
T: yes ma'am *laughs* ok sure
D: yay thanks.
T: mhm bye *hangs up*

[off call]


I then got ready seeing as it was 6:30 and the party started at 7. I put on jeans and a crop top because I wasn't wanting nor was i in the mood to wear a dress

Addison picked me up, just in case I got drunk, which wasn't going to happen. She didnt drink so it was the safest route. Charli wasn't going tonight because she wasn't feeling good, aka it was her time of the month.

We got there and we walked into Bryces house. Tonight it actually didn't reek of alcohol. It smelt decent or like men...ew.

I went to the drink table and poured myself a glass of wine. One cup wasn't going to hurt, right? I got it and went back to the living room where I met up with Amelie and me and her chatted.

Then Tayler walked up to me "hey dix" he said. "Hi Tayler, remember the plan? No kissing.." I looked at him.

"Ok I know" he said. "Kk, good. Let's go" we walked in a different direction and before we could even make him jealous...

Noahs lips were on another girls lips...

My insides broke. My heart felt it was breaking into a million different prices that would never be fixed. I couldn't help but run out of the house. I was crying.

No ones POV:

Addison sees what happened. She got mad and ran up to Noah. "Noah!" He looked at her confused, "what!?" He said. "You made Dixie cry!"

"Um ok? Why?" He asked, confused as shit. "You we're making out with another girl! Noah, she's still in love with you! She misses you like fuck" Addi yelled

"Ok? She's the one who cheated on me!" Noah yelled back. "You're so fucking annoying" she runs off and goes outside and finds Dixie. She sits next to her

Addison's POV:

"Hey beb, you ok? What's wrong?" I asked, trying to comfort Dixie who was historically crying. "N-Noah. He was k-kissing another girl. I-I'm sorry but I can't do it anymore. I love him, Addison!.." Dixie said to me.

"I know.." I sighed "I'll try to get him to talk to you.." "Yeah right but sure" she sighed and wiped her tears. I went back inside and found Noah again.

"Noah please go talk to her. She's crying" I said while walking up to him. "Oh my God. I shouldn't be the one talking to her! She fucking cheated on me. I should hate her right now. And I do!" He said, raising voice.

No ones POV:

He walked off and went outside. He looks for her and eventually finds her on the curb of the driveway. He sits next to her.

Dixie looks up, "N-Noah" she said, still crying but lightly. "What" he says annoyed. "I-I'm sorry for everything I have done.." she looked up at him, who was looking away.

"Doesn't give you a right to cry about me kissing another girl.." Noah rolled his eyes. "I know! I'm stupid, ok!? I just love you so much. I miss you" she started sobbing again.

"You're the one who cheated" he said in annoyance.

She finally raised her firm voice, "I KNOW! I FUCKING HATE MYSELF. It was a mistake, ok!? I was drunk! I tried my fucking best to get over you but I simply can't. I FUCKING CANT. I love you too much! I couldn't help it when I saw you making out with another girl that wasn't me! I tried to make you jealous but it didn't succeed for even a minute. I'm done trying. I give up. So hate me all you want, but no matter what, I will always love you"

Dixie stood up. "I guess I'll just have to cry myself to sleep every night, more than I already do and find a way to get over you" she said.

"Wait Dixie" Noah stood up and walked closer to her. "I'm sorry, ok? I did mean to flip out on you, and I'm sorry for setting my lips on someone else's that wasn't you."

"I- don't be sorry noah. I get that I broke you when that happened but I promise with everything in me, I was drunk and it was a mistake. I never mean to hurt you, at all" Dixie said with guilt in her.

"It's whatever Dixie. I'm not saying that I forgive you but I'm saying that I guess we can be friends again" Noah sighs. "Really?" She smiles and hugs him "I missed you Noah"

"Mhm" he mumbles and lightly hugs back. "There's no point" Dixie sighs and let's go. "You still hate me, I know it. You'll never love me again" she starts walking away.

"Dixie stop" he grabs her hand "come back" he says. "No! There's NO point in living if my absolute best friend hates me!" She yanks her arm back and starts running off. Noah follows.

"DIXIE GET BACK HERE" he shouts.


Ahhh some drama happening😏 I love it...hehe. Something exciting will happen soon, maybe..? Oh and I literally wrote in my google docs app with what's gonna happen between them. so it's all planned out👍 also this chapter was written many months ago😂

Have an amazing day/night<3

Word count: 1023

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