chapter twenty-three | promise

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Noahs POV:

Dixie was so cute when she was tired. "Bubba can you hold me?" she asked me in her cute voice. "Of course" I smiled and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around my torso and laid her head on my shoulder.

"What's wrong bub?" I said, rubbing her back. "I'm tired" she mumbled. "Are you sure that's it?" "Mhm"

"Ok. I love you" I kissed her head. "I love you so much" she giggled.

Minutes later the fireworks were still going off. Everyone was laughing and smiling. And Dixie, well she was....sleeping.

I walked over to heidi, "hey, I'm gonna take Dixie to bed. She's sleeping" I said. "Ok! Thank you!" Heidi said. I smiled and walked inside.

I took her upstairs and went to her room. She squirmed around. "Hey baby it's ok" I said while laying her down.

I went to her bathroom and got makeup wipes, because I knew if girls (not all) left their makeup on overnight they would break out and I heard that's a bad thing? Probably.

I went back over and wiped her face lightly. After it was all off I threw the makeup wipe out and took her clothes off.

I didn't know if she was comfortable with me taking her clothes off but it's ok. I grabbed shorts and put them on her.

"Bubba can you take my bra off?" She mumbled. "sure baby" I said, taking her bra off. "Do you want a shirt?" She shook her head. "ok. Goodnight love." I kissed her forehead.

"No, stay here with me" she opened her eyes. "Ok baby" I smiled and laid down next to her. She laid her head on my chest and put her hand on my abs.

I love this girl so much. I missed her cuddles.

"Goodnight Noah" she mumbled. "goodnight sweet girl" I kissed her head again and I saw her gain a small smile.

[the next day]

Dixies POV:

I woke up around 9 am to Noah not being next to me. I swear I remembered him sleeping with me last night. "Noah?" I got up and I saw the bathroom light on.

I opened the door and saw Noah getting in the shower. "Hi" I giggled, walking into the bathroom and shutting the door. He turned around and laughed

"Hi baby girl. What's up?" He asked. He turned on the shower. "Woah you're so hot" I said. He just laughed. "What do you need?" "To shower"

"Well hop in" he got in the shower. I gladly agreed and stripped. Once I was fully de-clothed I got in with him. "Woah baby, you're hot" he basically mimicked me...

I blushed. "Thank you bubba". We showered and cleaned ourselves. Once i was about to get out Noah grabbed my waist and pulled me to him.

I giggled "what" "I wanna make out with you" he said smirking at me. I knew what he meant by 'make out' our make outs almost always turn into sex.

"No baby not right now. Maybe tonight" "whyyy?" He whined. "I might be going home tonight" I shook my head "you're not leaving me again.."

"No I'm not. You're right, but I want" he gave me puppy dog eyes. "No! Control yourself" "I'm getting hard"

I looked down and could see he was getting hard "too bad" I giggled. "Hey! You're mean" he crossed his arms. "I'm sorry" I giggled again and got out.

I dried myself off and got changed, and then he got out and changed. I laid back in bed and soon after he came out of the bathroom.

"Alright I'm going to Blakes." He said as he was about to walk out my door "no! Stay with me" I  got up and hugged him.

"No baby I'm going to hang out with Blake..I'll get addi to come over." He rubbed my head. "No..." "why not? Is everything ok?"

"Yeah..." I looked down. "Dixie, what's wrong?" He placed his hands on my cheeks. "I-I don't want you to leave m-me again.." "baby! I'm never leaving you again. Don't say that. I promise I won't leave you"

"o-ok" I smiled through the couple tears I had.
"I love you forever" he kissed my head "call me if you need anything, and I will stop what I'm doing and come back"

God he was the sweetest. Knowing he would stop what he's doing just to come to me and make sure I was ok, was the greatest feeling.

"Ok bubba. I love you too" I smiled and kissed him. He left and I guess he told addi to come over because within minutes she was walking in my parents house and up the stairs.

"Hey bestie" she entered my room. I shot up from my bed "when did you get here?" I laughed. "Just now. Noah told me you needed company?"

"Mhm sure." I said. She sat on my bed "is he not being a dick anymore?" "No. He's just like normal" I smiled. "That's good" she hugged me. "So whatcha wanna do?" She asked

"Well how about we go get some Starbucks first?" "Um yes! Let's gooo!" She shouted.

We went to Starbucks and after that we went back to my apartment. We hung out and watched movies. Then I heard a knock at my door. "I'll get it" I said, getting up and going to the door.

I opened my door and I couldn't believe who was standing in front of me...


Oop. cliffhanger😏🤪 guys my choir concert is next Tuesday and i don't think my class is ready😳 also i'm staying in a hotel from Friday to Saturday for the first time in 2 years😀👍

Have an amazing day/night<3

Word count: 969

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