chapter four | tutor

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[Tuesday, after school]

So today was the first day of Noahs tutoring sessions. We planned to meet at the nearby community park. So I left my house around 3:45 because I lived close by

I arrive a couple minutes before 4 and shortly after Noah arrived, looking grumpy as always. He walked up to the picnic table that I was sitting at with everything sorted out

"Hey" he sat down across from me. "Hey! Are you ready?" I asked. "Not really but since you're the one tutoring me, sure" he smirked. "Oh my God" I accidentally let out a laugh.

"Ok so um today, we're just gonna go over the basics. Ok?" I looked at him, who was looking at me. "Mhm" he mumbled. I got the book out and gave it to him.


After about 45 minutes of working, I decided to be nice and be done for the day. "Ok I guess you can stop for today" he looked at me, "really? Thanks" "yep, no problem. What do you wanna do for the last 15 minutes?" I asked.

"We should take a walk around the park and get to know each other more.." he said, I could tell he was nervous that I would say no but instead I said, "sure let's do that" I gathered everything and put it in my car

We started walking around the park, talking about school and life. "So, um weird question but do you have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah I do. He's amazing" I smiled at the thought of thinking about Nick. "Oh cool" he smiled. "He better treat you right" he chuckled. "He does, definitely" I chuckled as well

We walked for a bit getting to know each other more. Even though he was a family friend, I rarely knew him. I just- never talked to him. He seems cool though.

We got back to the parking lot. "Ok Noah, meet up here again on Thursday. Be here by 4" I said just as I was getting in my car. "Ok, got it" he smiled at me and got into his.

Why is he so smiley? I thought

Well anyway I went home, looking forward to seeing my boyfriend. I hadn't seen him since yesterday in school. I don't know but lately we've been distant. It's weird.

I called him and he agreed to come over. He was over here in about 10 minutes. I mean, makes sense because he only lives down the street. I heard a knock on my door and I answered

"Hi babe!" I smiled and kissed him. He kisses back. "Hey dix" he said smiling. Weird, he never calls me dix, oh well.

We went upstairs to my room and watched a movie and cuddled. I loved cuddles. If you didn't know, my love language is definitely physical touch. I loved being cuddled and kissed.

"Hey, Blake called and told me there was a party tonight, wanna go?" Nick asked. "Sure!" I smiled, "what time?" I added in. "At 6:30 so about an hour"

"Ok! I'm gonna take a quick shower" I said, getting up from my bed. "I wanna come" he smirked. I giggled "ok, come on"

We showered and I got ready. I just put on ripped jeans and a crop to. Nothing too special. I did light, natural makeup and did nothing different with my hair.

Since Blake lives only about 8 minutes from me we left around 6:20 so we could be early. I loved being early, well sometimes.

When we got there. I opened the front door and immediately smelt alcohol and surprisingly there was a lot of people here, damn they were really early because I thought I was early.

"Baby, I'm gonna go get a drink, want anything? Nick asked me. "No thank you" I smiled and he nodded. He walked away to the kitchen and I spotted adds and Amelie

I walked up to them "hey girls!" I greeted them. "Hey!" Addi said. "Hi dix!" Amelie hugged me. I hugged back. "What do you wanna do?" Addison asked. I shrugged and laughed


It had been 2 hours since the party started, I haven't seen Nick the whole time, but I didn't think anything of it. He was having fun, I was having fun, that's all that mattered. Right?

I decided I was going to get a drink, not an alcoholic drink but just a water or something. I walked into the kitchen and there I saw...


Ahh cliffhanger😏 hope you enjoyed that😌 anyway I don't know what to say..hope you enjoyed this chapter! It's a bit short but that's ok, I wanted to leave you guys on a cliffhanger :)

Have an amazing day/night<3

Word count: 796

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