chapter twelve | i love you

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"I-I love you" I stuttered. I was scared of what he was gonna say or think. Instead he just smiled. "I love you too princess"

"Really?" I smiled big. "Mhm, of course. How couldn't I love you? You're too perfect for this world" I started to tear up. "Babyyy" *🥺*

He smiled and held me tight "I love you more than anything. Always know that. Ok?" I laid my head on his shoulder "ok" I smiled to myself.

I finished my clothing haul and we laid down for a couple minutes. "Baby, do you wanna shower now?" Noah asked. "Yeah sure" I sat up. "Dix, you don't have to"

"No I do. Obviously with you not by myself" I giggled. "Ok princess, come on" he got up and I got up. We went into the bathroom and stripped clothing. He started the shower and we got in.

"You look absolutely stunning" he put his hands on my hips. I giggled "stop it, you're making me blush" I smiled. He started kissing my neck "mhmm" I moaned.

⚠️smut warning⚠️

Noahs POV:

I could just feel my dick getting hard while kissing Dixies neck. I wasn't sure if she was ready, seeing as we just started dating, but we've been 'more than friends' for longer. "Mhmm" Dixie moaned while I was kissing her soft spot on her neck.

She touched my dick. Teasing me. "B-baby girl y-you can't d-do that to m-me" I said. She smirked "or can I...can we just fuck?" She asked. Woah.

"Sure baby. If you're ready" I said, making sure she was completely ready. "I am. I just wanna fix your dick because I know your getting hard." She giggles.

"Fuck you" I laughed. We finished our shower early and dried off. Instead of putting clothes on we walked straight to the bed.

I got on top of Dixie "a-are you sure about this baby?" Iasked while stroking my hair. "Never been more sure in my life. Now hurry up"

⚠️big smut warning⚠️

I started kissing her neck, making Dixie moan softly. "S-soft sp-spot" she moaned. I continued kissing her neck and then I made my way down her body. "F-fuck" she said. "F-fuck me already" dixie
added in . I nod my head 'no' because I want more time. I kiss her again, and then I kiss down her body to her stomach, giving her small sweet kisses. She moans. While not breaking eye contact I continue to kiss her stomach.

I then open her leg and kiss her thighs "n-Noah y-you're teasing m-me" I smirk. I rub her clit and she couldn't help it but to just moan loudly. The room was full of moans. I go back up to the lips and kiss them and I make my way back down. I continue rubbing her clit. I then, without warning stick two fingers inside her. "FUCK" she moaned. I thrusted my fingers in and out of her causing her to moan, a lot...I could feel her walls getting tighter, she was also so wet "b-baby I h-have to c-cum" "ok on 3, 1..2..3" and she cummed all over my fingers, which were still inside her. "Damn baby" I took my fingers out and licked them clean. God damn she tasted so good. "B-baby I n-need you I-inside m-me" "beg for me baby girl" I smirked "p-please noahh. I-I need y-you!" She moaned. Well that was good enough. My eight-inch was out in the open ready to be used. Dixie looked at me and looked scared like it wasn't gonna fit inside her, but trust will.

Dixies POV:
God damn. His dick. Holy shit it was so big. I took a shower with him and never realized his dick was this big. How was that supposed to fit inside me!?

Noahs POV:
"Baby, are you sure?" I asked before inserting my rock hard dick. "Y-yes just f-fuck me already" "ok, your wish is my command" I then inserted my eight-inch inside of her. First the tip, and she moaned acting like it was all the way in. "F-FUCK UGHH" and then I slowly inserted the rest. "G-go slow"

Dixies POV:
When Noah entered me, it hurt, only a little, I wasn't used to this because I haven't had sex in a while. After a couple seconds of pain, it turned into pleasure. I got used to it "g-go slow" I said. He started thrusting in and out of me. "Tell me if I'm hurting you, princess" "o-ok" I moaned. I couldn't control myself. After a few minutes of him fucking me, "I-I need to c-cum ba-baby" "ok baby, on my count, 1..2..3" and I released my juices all over his dick. He was still inside of me. "Good job princess" he licked me up because some squirted on him.

[5 minutes later]

I decided it was my turn to take over so I took Noahs dick out of me and I attempted to flip us over, which worked. Now I was on top of him. "Baby what're you doing" he asked "I-it's my turn" I said out of breath. I inserted his rock hard dick inside of me again and I bounced on him. "F-guck baby girl. Y-you're good" he moaned. I smirked and he threw his head back. I rode him for a bit as well, I think he liked that. "I-I'm gonna c-cum" "ok bubba. Go ahead" he cummed all over me. His dick slipped out of my vagina and I flopped beside him, out of breath.

( holt fucking shit i'm done with life😭😭)

Noah looked over at me "baby go pee" he sat up. "So you don't get an infection" I nod and stand up, but I fell and noah laughed "noahhh" I whined "did I fuck you too hard?" He asked while coming over to me and picking me up. He took me to the bathroom and set me on the toilet. He knelt down to my level "go pee baby" "I-I can't. It h-hurts" "I know baby but just try" I peed, and it stung like a bitch.

"Good job angel" he said. Noah wiped me and brought me back to his bed full of our juices. "Go take a quick rinse off shower baby while I clean up the bed" "come with me" i whined "ok fine" we took another shower and then noah cleaned up the bed. We cuddled for the rest of the night.

Good thing his parents were sleeping.


Oh God😳 I'm dead. Holy shit😭 That was literally so horrible to write for myself and even in general. That was the first time I've wrote smut. It's horrible🤢 never again...

Have an amazing day/night<3

Word count: 1171

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