chapter two | care

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(Still Dixie POV)

It was the next day. I woke up entangled in nicks body. His arms were wrapped around my waist and my legs were on his legs. He woke up shortly after me around 7.

"Good morning" Nick said in his hot morning voice. "Morning" I said getting up. He got up as well "I'm gonna go home so I can get ready"

"Ok, I love you" I kissed his cheek. "I love you too. See you at school" he smiled and walked out. I finished getting ready for school and surprisingly I actually ate a granola bar for breakfast.

Once again I drove charli and I to school..but after saying bye to our parents because they had to work. We got to school just before the bell rang.

"Hey Dixie!" Amelie walked up to me at my locker. "I turned around and smiled "hey!" I said hugging her. She hugged back "wanna hangout after school?", she asked. "I'd love to! At my house?" "Yep, sure!" She smiled. "Ok, I'll text you my address, bye!" I smiled as I walked into first period

First period, English and unfortunately, Noah was in the same class so I had to deal with him. "Good morning class! Today we are starting a project" our teacher started. "There will be partners and I'm picking them!" She said confidently

She assigned our partners and guess who I was with? Fucking Noah. ugh. We were required to work on this project outside of school too. "So I guess since we live next to each other, come to my house at 5" I said rolling my eyes. "Ok" he responded

Noahs POV:
I'm happy i got assigned with Dixie. Although she absolutely hates me, and I can tell..I still like her. She's gorgeous and perfect. I don't know what to do in order to get her to like me, I've tried everything and she still hates me, so I'm glad I get this opportunity to work with her.


I finally decided to speak up and ask Dixie something. I walked to her table and pulled her aside "what the fuck do you want?" She said. "I wanna ask you something.." "Ugh, what? I'm trying to eat"

"Why do you hate me so much?" I leaned up against the locker, looking at her. "Because" she said. "Because why..?"

"I don't know, I just do. You're a player. I see you making out with a different girl, everyday.." she looked down "and why do you care?" "I don't care noah it's just-never mind" she stormed off and back into the cafeteria.

Was she about to tell me that she liked me? I thought. What if she was? I messed it up. Fuck. I walked back into the cafeteria and sat back down at my table with my friends. Josh, Bryce and Blake. I've been friends with them since basically 6th grade

Lunch ended and we all parted ways and went back to classes. These classes felt like they took forever. I just wanted to go home.

Dixies POV:
After lunch I decided to skip with my friends, Addison & Amelie. We escaped prison, aka school and we went to the coffee shop. We got coffee and headed to the local community park. We sat and chatted.

"So how's your new neighbors, dix?" Amelie asked. "Oh good! Besides the fact that Noah lives there.." Addison turned to me "why do you hate my brother so much?" She chuckled, playfully. "I don't know I just do! That's what he asked me in the hall" I laughed.

We had many good conversations. About life, our future, our boyfriends..etc. I checked the time and it was 2:30. School ended so we just went home. Amelie was going to be coming over at five so I made sure to clean my room. I wanted a good first impression.


"Wanna do the science homework together?" I asked since I noticed that she brought her school bag. "Sure!" She got it out and we worked. Later on we watch a movie, aka the notebook. One of my favorites and surprisingly it was her favorite too!

I loved that we had so much in common. This was my first time actually hanging out with Amelie alone and it was amazing! We had so much fun.

"Hey Ame, wanna sleepover?" I asked. "Yes I'd love too! Let me just text my parents!" Even though it was a school night I still wanted her to sleepover. I loved acting like a little girl again. I missed those days.

Her parents said yes and mine did too so we ate lots of snacks, continued to watch movies and basically just pulled and all nighter. Even though it was a Wednesday night.

I had so much fun. Like the most fun I've had in forever! Amelie is a happy, outgoing girl. Her personality is similar to mine. And I mean obviously I wasn't going to replace adds because she's my best friend but Amelie was my second best friend.


Hey guys! Ok so, I'm actually super happy with how this chapter turned out. I think I did good :) Also I feel like this is a shorter chapter but idk🤷‍♀️

vote, comment, and whatever else there is. (if you want though)

Have an amazing day/night<3

Word count: 897

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