𝐼𝑠𝑎𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎 𝑆𝑤𝑎𝑛 𝑖𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑚𝑦 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑, 𝑠ℎ𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑠𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑛𝑎𝑘𝑒.

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"Come on Dora!!" Emmett yelled as he sat in the car, ready to go

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"Come on Dora!!" Emmett yelled as he sat in the car, ready to go.

Isadora rushed downstairs to get in the car. Edward smiled at the girl and opened the door for her.

"You seem in a good mood." Jasper chuckled at her as her long brown hair flew out of her face.

"Of course I am. Eddie is bringing his girlfriend home today." Isadora giggled as Edward frowned

"Isabella Swan is not my girlfriend, she is a repulsive little snake." Edward sneered

"Then why is she coming over?" Rosalie growled

"I had a vision of her finding out about us and exposing us, by doing this, we are altering her course." Alice explained. Rose glared at her before getting in her car.

Isadora smiled and jumped in Rosalies car and drove to her school.

Getting out of the car, Isadora's boyfriend, Xavier came over and kissed her cheek. Rosalie and Emmet glared at the boy, they had a strong dislike for the boy.

"Have fun and keep you're hands to yourselves!" Emmett said. Isadora rolled her eyes as they walked into the school hand in hand.

"So, we still on for prom?" Xavier asked with a smile. Isadora smiled

"If dad says yes then I am, he seems distracted lately." she answered, her eyebrows furrowing

"Well they're are a lot of people going missing lately, many are turning up injured. This bear must be big." he responded

Isadora knew that it was no bear. These were nomads. Vampires.

She shivered as she and Xavier walked to advanced Biology.

After school, Isadora drove home with Alice and Jasper. She was cuddled close to her brother, who was sending her calming vibes. They arrived home the same time as Carlisle. Isadora beamed and ran over to him

"Hey sweetie." he beamed, kissing her head.

"Hi daddy." she smiled and hugged him

Isadora was six when Carlisle found her being violated by her father. Without thinking, he tore the man off of the girl and took her away before Edward beat the man. Since then, the Cullen's have been her family and helped her face her trauma by introducing her to little space. A coping mechanism that allowed her to be innocent and have the early years of childhood that she never got while being in a safe and happy environment.

"You feeling little, honey?" he asked. She nodded and he picked her up and carried her inside and sat on the sofa with Isadora laying on the sofa with her feet on his lap

"Where is Edward?" Carlisle asked his wife

"He is hunting with Rosalie then he is going to get Isabella." Esme said, to Carlisle, her voice was like angels singing to him.

"Alice and Jasper?"

"Hunting as well. They might be a bit late though, if you get what I mean." Emmett chuckled as Carlisle made a face.

Just then, Rosalie came in through the balcony doors. She smiled when she seen her sister sleeping.

"She is so cute." Rose smiled before kissing Emmett's cheek

"Rose, come help us in the kitchen, please." Esme smiled. She nodded and headed into the walked over and began cutting onions as Carlisle made sauce, Esme made home made pasta and Emmett cut up some meat.

Just a few moments later, Edward came home with Isabella. She was being introduced to Jasper as the attention went to a sleeping girl who was whimpering. Jasper and Edward rushed to Isadora's side.

"Shh, its alright, Eddie is here. I've got you." he hushed as Jasper made her feel calmer. Isadora's brown eyes filled with tears as Edward picked her up.

"Do you want to see Carlisle?" he asked once she was calm, she shook her head no and went over to Isabella.

"Sorry about that, I'm Isadora-" she held out her hand for Bella to shake, she glared at the girl and spat:

"You're human"

"Yeah, I'm human?" Isadora said with confusion Isabella's eyes widened

"How come she lives here?" Isabella asked

"Isadora is our sister and as our sister she lives here" Alice said bitterly towards Isabella

"I hope you're hungry, we made Italian food" Esme said, trying to change the subject.

"I thought vampires don't eat?" she asked no one in particular

"We don't, but Isadora does as she is a human." Alice replied.

Bella scoffed "I think she has had enough"

Edward and Rosalie growled at Isabella. He looked her dead in the eye and said:

"Don't you dare insult my sister like that. She is perfect." he seethed. Bella gulped and nodded.

"Isabella, why don't I show you around?" Isadora suggested, breaking the tension as Esme did moments ago

Bella sighed before agreeing.

As Isadora lead her out of the room, Emmett sighed before asking:

"Can't you just tell her to leave. You heard how she spoke to Isa." Emmett growled

"I can't she knows about us." Edward responded

"Then kill her" Rose suggested

"No. That will not be happening. We live hand in hand with humans. That will be tarnished if we kill her." Carlisle's stern voice spoke.

"Edward. If this human puts us in danger, I will kill her, I don't care if she is you're mate." Rosalie sneered before going on a run.

"I'll go cool her off." Emmett said before bolting after her.

Edward sighed as he sat down. What was he going to do about this girl?

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