𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒 𝑏𝑢𝑛𝑛𝑦.

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Isadora hummed as she sat with Marcus. They weren't doing anything, just sitting in each other's company. His hand holding hers as she hummed.

Caius burst through the door and hid behind the throne.

"Aro is after me"


"Where is that blonde bunny."

"Can someone tell me what is going on?" Marcus asked

"Caius. Amore, if you come to me now I will be lenient with your punishment" Aro purred seductively. Isadora bit her lip. Aro caught her and sped to her.

"You like that il Mia Regina?" He purred as she nodded.

"Words, my darling"

"Yes I like that Aro" She said as he kissed her neck as Caius came out of his hiding spot.

Aro sped to him and grabbed his waist

"You my little king, need to apologise for teasing me."

"And you owe Isadora an apology. Her eyes are blacker than I've seen them before" Marcus said to Aro.

"Why am I always surrounded by horny mates?" Marcus sighed and carried Isadora to their nest.

The four mates lay on the bed, their body's entwined, feeling fully satisfied as their purrs relaxed each of them. Caius and Isadora were cuddled close to one another while Aro and Marcus were cocooning them in their embrace. Isadora was unknowingly using her gift as the purrs lulled them all into a deep slumber.

Marcus woke to see Isadora out on the balcony. He looked to the clock and his brows furrowed in confusion. It was 4:45AM. He put his robe on and walked out to her. He wrapped his arms around his mates smaller form.

"Are you aware that this is an awful time to be awake?" He asked

"I know, but I couldn't sleep."

"What's wrong, tesoro?" He asked

"I keep seeing a woman in my dreams. She watches us, watches all of us."

"Thats all?"

"Yeah, but it doesn't feel like a dream. It feels real, like she is waiting for something. I don't know. Something just doesn't feel right." She sighed. Marcus kissed her head

"Well clearly this woman has no clue of the beasts that is deep inside of all of us. This woman doesnt stand a chance against any of us."

"I hope your right Mar."

"Oh tesoro, I'm always right. Now, lets go back to bed. Nothing can harm you while you are in my arms." He smiled

Many miles away, A woman watched them with an evil smile.

"You won't get away with this. Their love is pure. Nothing can break them!" Fate yelled as a knife was pressed against her throat.

"Oh sister. I will get away with it. You can pair your daughter with whoever you want, but it changes nothing. Once I show up, those kings will fall madly in love with me and there is nothing you can do about it." Envy laughed darkly.

"Why are you doing this?!"

"Because, father has always favoured you. Giving you control over the humans, deciding who ends up with who. . Those kings should have been mine since the beginning of time. They are my creations. Sculpted by me and you took them and gave them to that little brat!"

"You don't understand do you? Isadora is to be queen. It was written by the gods themselves. Centuries before our father! You do this and you doom us all"

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