𝑆ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑎 ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑎.

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Aro spun Isadora under his arm as they walked down the street. She smiled and hugged him.

"I forgot how cute you look when you blush." He said as he stroked her cheek.

"Says you. I've never seen you blush. I like it" she smiled as they went to the beach.

"This beach is beautiful" she said

"It is better during the day. We can come back tomorrow if you wish it" Aro smiled

"I'd like that" she gave a light smile as they walked.

"Aro, I don't think I've ever thanked you and our other mates"

"Thanked us?"

"Before we met, I was on a downward spiral. I was starving myself in hopes I would die. Bleeding out would have been a futile attempt and seeing as Edward wasn't there, no one could read my mind. Then you three walked into my life and I haven't had a thought like that since you have been in my life" she said, looking up at him. Aro pulled her into his chest.

"Oh mio dolce piccolo amico (oh my sweet little mate) you do not need to thank us for that. Fate brought us together when you needed us most. And thank God she did"

"She? You speak of fate as if it is a person"

"She is. She resides on a small island just off the coast of Scotland. She is a very vicious lady. She has been rather nasty to us over the years, but everything she has put us through is worth it now that we have each other and our children" Aro said

"Our beautiful children and our wonderful mates" she smiled

Aro kissed her head as they began to walk back to the apartment. Isadora smiled as they passed young couples.

As they walked, a scent hit Isadora like a truck. It was simply divine.


"Yes darling?"

"Do you smell that?"

"I smell a sweet scent"

"I am struggling" she said and tried to hold her breath. Aro took her hand and lead her away.

"It's alright love. It's just your blood singer. I shall lead them to you so you may quench your thirst" Aro said and spread off.

When he arrived back, he had a girl around Jane and Alec's age, holding some books as she nervously followed Aro

"Who's this? Your wife? She is very pretty"

"My Fiancée. Indeed she is. My stunning, courageous, ambitious and humble Fiancèe."

"And why have you brought me to your Fiancèe?"

"Well, my Isadora here has a peculiar diet. You know what I'll come right out and say it. We are vampires. Now. Vampires have something called a la tua cantante. Your blood intrigues her." Aro said as he kept his eye on Isadora. Isadora was familiar with his dramatics, so she would let him have his fun.

"My darling Isadora has recently been turned, but I must say her control for blood is impeccable. Until she caught your scent. Now. I am a king of vampires. We have laws. Anyone human who knows about us die or become a vampire. We must not reveal ourselves to humans, but in your case, you'll be dead soon. Her thirst right now is like nothing she has craved more. I think if I denied her of her singer that she would rampage. And I am not going to deny my Queen."

"Please don't hurt me" she whimpered.

Isadora looked down. She hates the feeling that she got when she fed. This girl was someone's daughter, sister, girlfriend.

"I'm sorry. I can make it as painless as possible"

"There is a chance that as the last few droplets remain, I could make you one of us, though you would have to come to Volterra and live" Aro proposed

"Deal." The girl said. Isadora smiled at the girl, who held her arm out to Isadora. Isadora bit as gently as she could, being careful to not let her venom enter the girls system. The girl gasped at the sensation and fell, but Aro caught her and placed her on the sofa while Isadora drank. As she noticed less blood was coming, she pulled away.

"Do it now Aro" she instructed and watched as Aro turned the girl, who began to scream and writhe in pain.


Isadora used her power on the girl, who fell asleep. She looked to Aro.

"I know how you feel about feeding. I cannot do this for you every time, but I can't stand seeing you so guilty"

"I know. Thank you Aro" she said and kissed him gently.

"I love you Isadora"

"I love you too Aro" she said as she covered the girl with a blanket.

"Do you think she will be alright?" She asked as Aro lead her out of the sitting room. He looked at the girl that was turning.

"I'm sure she will be fine darling." He assured her, but he still saw doubt in her eyes.

"Are you coming to bed amore?" He asked

"No, I think I'm going to watch over her. Make sure she is okay." She said and smiled at Aro.

"Alright. I'll stay with you" the raven haired king half smiled as he kissed her hand.

The duo walked to the sofa and lay down. Isadora was resting her head on Aro's chest, while he played with the ends of her hair and kissed her head whilst whispering in Italian to her.

"Did you find out her name?" Isadora asked.

"Her name is Lyra Smith and she is 15 years old. A run away. She was about to end her life."

"Poor thing" Isadora said and looked over to the young girl

Aro kissed Isadora's forehead. He loved that she was so compassionate. She cared greatly for people, especially within the Volturi. She would make a great Queen when the time comes.

"She will find a home in Volterra. We leave none behind" Aro said. Isadora looked up and smiled at him. She placed a kiss on his cheek and smiled happily as they purred in contentment.

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