𝐻𝑒 𝑎𝑙𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑢𝑝 𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑

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It had happened so fast that he didn't see her running for him

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It had happened so fast that he didn't see her running for him. He had been so focused on taking on a Newborn so when he turned to fight his next opponent, she was already attacking.

Jane and Alec had taken down the immortal children and were now helping Demitri and Isadora when they heard the gut-wrenching scream of Isadora. They turned to make sure she was okay and saw the sight. Caius' decapitated head was in her arms. Jane sped over and took the kings head and body and went to re attach his head. Isadora chased after the vampire, using all of her anger to make her faster.

She grabbed the woman's hair and pulled her back.

"First off. You and your little gang revealed our secret to the humans, second you took innocent children and killed them and now you have attempted to kill my husband. Due to the absence of my other mates, I shall be Judge, Jury and Executioner. I find you guilty of all charges." She snarled and ripped the woman apart piece by piece before throwing her in the fire

She immediately headed over to her husband.

"We need to get him home, mother. He needs all of you to help him heal." Alec said.

"We can finish up here, we will meet you back in Italy."

"Make them pay." Isadora said and sped off with her husband.

She sat on the jet and got a message from Aro


What happened? Is he alright?!

I'm on my way home with him. Can you meet us? He needs us all.

Of course, my love.

Isadora held his hand, though his head was attached, the cracks were slowly healing.

"I am so sorry, my love. I am so sorry that this happened to you." She whimpered and ran her finger through his hair.

The plane landed and Aro rushed on the plane. He hugged Isadora and checked her over.

"Aro, I'm fine." She spoke. He looked over to The unconscious form of his husband.

"Idiot" He sighed

Isadora frowned

"I'm sorry. What did you just call him?" she asked.

"An idiot. He always ends up decapitated. he will heal in a few days." Aro explained.

"This happens often. Though, he is definitely going to milk this" Aro explained.

"Can he hear us?"

"Yes, he can. he will be holding a grudge." He said and picked up an unconscious Caius as they sped back to the castle. Marcus was sitting in the nest when Aro dropped Caius on the bed.

"Again?" He sighed.

Aro looked to his mate and let out a sigh.

"I think it is time we put this whole thing to rest."

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