𝐻𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠

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Isadora thought she was dead. Her breathing had stopped and her heartbeat was gone. Her eyes shot open when she felt a hand on her cheek. She looked up and saw Alice.

She was confused as she shot up and saw her family. Were they dead aswell?

Hey eyes shot across the room as a look of panic shot across her face. Edward moved everyone back.

"We should go. The kings will want to see her" Carlisle spoke.

Kings? As in Vladimir and Stephan? No. She didn't want to see them. She didn't know why, but she was scared of them.

"Isadora, sweetheart-" Esme said as she slowly approached her daughter, who flinched when she got to close. Esme backed up as the door opened to reveal the kings. They searched the room and noticed her in the corner. When Isadora saw Aro enter the room, she stood, but didnt move.

"Let's leave them" Carlisle announced.

"Oh tesoro mio. Sei tornato e sei al sicuro. Per sempre (Oh my darling. You are back and you are safe. Forever)" Aro spoke softly as he took a step towards her, she stepped back.

"Please, I can't" she said. Aro nodded in understanding

"We disposed of them. All of them" Caius spoke as he held Marcus' hand tightly

"Are we all dead?" She asked, shocked at her own voice. It was soft and velvet like.

Caius motioned to a mirror. She immediately noticed her crimson red eyes. Her features were more defined. She was beautiful.

"Vampire" she spoke.

"Forgive me my love. You were dying and I couldn't let you go." He begged.

"Caius. I'm glad you turned me. I didn't want to go, I was just prepared to go. Thank you" she said with a smile and felt a burning sensation in her throat. She whimpered and held her throat.

"Let's get you someone to drink." Aro said and held his hand out. She looked at him.

"You'll see what they did" she said.

"I will, but I promise you that if you do not wish to speak of it, we won't" Aro said softly.

"You won't hurt me?"

"Of course not my sweet" he promised. She nodded and wiped her hands on the dress she was wearing.

Isadora took his hand and watched as his eyes glazed over. He looked at her in admiration.

"You are so brave" he said as they walked to the throne room. She noticed that she was purring as they walked

"A-am I doing that?" She asked Caius, who looked at her with gentle eyes.

He nodded at her with a smile as Alec and Jane came running towards her. She immediately shrunk back with a flinch.

"Be slow children. Your mothers memory is a bit scattered from the transformation" Marcus chided

"Sorry mother" they both said and looked down

Isadora looked to them and gave a gentle smile.

"You called me mother" Isadora smiled at Alec. He smiled sheepishly

"With recent events I have come to the conclusion that I'd be honoured to be your son... mother" Alec said awkwardly. Isadora grinned.

"It would be an honour to be your mother." Isadora spoke sweetly. Alec nodded as the burning sensation returned.

Aro walked then to the throne room where Heidi was bringing the humans. Aro let Isadora sit on his throne as he stood to the right of her.

She whimpered as a group of humans came in. Aro held her shoulder in reassurance.

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