𝑊𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑤ℎ𝑜 ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒-

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^Cullen's house that Esme designed^

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^Cullen's house that Esme designed^

It had been two months since the Cullen's moved to Alaska. Isadora had made a few friends, Kendra Lopez and Ashton Sullivan. Their parents were working alongside Carlisle in the hospital.

"ID!" Ashton called out as Isadora got out of Emmett's car, they were all at the same school, for the first time ever.

"Ashton, what's up?" she asked as he stood in front of her.

"You're from Forks, right?" he asked

"Yeah, why?"

"We have a new students from Forks. Xavier and Evan, do you know them?"

Her siblings heads shot up.

"Why are they here?-"Edward wondered

"Did you know?-" Jasper asked Alice

"Can I kill him?-" Emmett questioned

"Wonder who he will impregnate this time-" queried Rosalie

They recently discovered that Isabella had been seeing Even while dating Edward and that Even was the father of her child.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"Yeah, Xavier is my ex boyfriend, he cheated on me with my best friend." she explained, a sad sigh escaping her lips.

"Well, we'll keep them away from you."  Edward smiled at his sister. Isadora kissed his cheek before Jasper, Rosalie and her walked to music.

After school, Isadora was walking around the woods just by the house when she heard fast footsteps coming towards her. Isadora ran through a thorn bush, by accident and got cuts up her arms and legs. She hid behind a tree, but remembered, if it was a vampire then they would hear her heartbeat and smell her blood.

"Dora?!" Carmen said as she got a whiff of her blood.

"C-Carmen?" she asked

Eleazar walked over to her and picked her up.

"Look at you, you are covered in blood, florcita (Little flower)" Eleazar said as he approached Carmen with Isadora in his arms and placed her down as they emerged from the bush

"You are so lucky that there are no human feeders around." Irena chuckled before hugging her little cousin

"Did I interrupt you're hunting?" Isadora asked

"No, we were actually looking for you." Kate said, making her look to them in confusion

"Why?" she asked

"It's nothing to worry about, we are heading over to yours and Carlisle mentioned that you were out for a walk, so we came to bring you home." Tanya smiled

"Oh, I was worried for a second there." she chuckled.

"Now, we need to get you back home, I'm sure Carlisle is beside himself with worry." Carmen suggested and Eleazar picked her up as they sped to the Cullen's new house, where Alice ran over to her sister and hugged her.

"The shifters. They are trying to find you. They've made their choice."

"Isadora, thank Goodness" Carlisle said as he hugged his daughter a bit to tight, causing her to yelp.

"Sorry sweetheart"

"It's alright, where is Eddie?"

"He's gone." Rosalie said gravely

"What? Where?" she asked

"He didn't say. He is blocking me from seeing his decisions" Alice said

"No. He promised me he wouldn't leave me." Isadora said, shrinking back. Jasper tried to calm her down by using his powers, but she wasn't having it.

"When did he leave?"

"Once you left for you're walk."

"I need to be alone." she said and ran to her room, where she began to sob.

"Liar." is the only word she spoke.

^Isadora's bedroom in Forks^

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^Isadora's bedroom in Forks^

Isadora was on a downward spiral. she wasn't eating, talking, smiling or even going into her little space, which meant that she was now facing her trauma's when sleeping, which worried everyone.

Rosalie and Emmett had went to Forks to try and find Edward there, but they had no luck. The Cullen's ended up taking Isadora out of school and home schooling her. They ended up moving back to Forks, but keeping it under the radar, though Carlisle had to go the the next town over to work as to avoid the wolf packs.

Alice had recently got a new vision, the packs were going to attack on the next full moon. Exactly a month from when Alice received her vision. The Cullen's reached out to all of their acquaintances, begging them for help. They had 18 vampires living in their home or near by, which had caused more of the Quileutes to phase.

As of recently, Isadora had become a bag of bones. Nothing more than blood and bones. She even asked Carlisle to let one of the human feeders kill her, which had really hurt him.

Everyone in the house flinched as they heard Isadora's terror filled scream.

"I'll do it." Jasper said as he ran upstairs to her room. He went in and whispered reassuring things in her ear. She opened her eyes and just starred at Jasper.

"Do you want to try and be little, darlin'?" he asked

"Nuh uh, need to be big. Cant be wittle." she said, completely in little space

"Okay then, you need to sleep though. I'll stay right here." Jasper said as he shushed her to sleep.

'Edward, where are you?' Jasper silently asked as Isadora fell asleep. Alice came and sat beside Jasper and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"I hate seeing her like this" Alice said sadly

"So do I. She doesn't deserve this. She is too kind to have these things happen to her" Jasper sighed as he watched her chest slowly rising and falling.

"You staying here all night again?" Alice asked quietly

"Yeah, at least if I'm here i can keep her calm" Jasper replied with a small smile. Alice kissed his cheek before leaving Jasper with their sister.

Jasper perked up when Isadora began to feel scared and sad. His gift was a blessing and a curse.

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