𝐼𝑡 𝑤𝑜𝑛,𝑡 𝑏𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑛𝑜𝑤

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Jane had finally had enough of her fathers blatant rudeness for the coven and more importantly, their family. So naturally, she went to see her old friend, Fate.

Getting there, she heard her name being called from deep in the woods. Jane followed the sound and gasped as she saw Fate in a cell.

"Fate." Jane breathed

"Jane." The woman smiled happily with a knowing smile. Jane broke the bars with no effort and helped her out of the cell and got her to a bench near by.

She breathed.

"How much damage have they done?"

"They?" Jane asked

"Envy and Destruction of course."

The duo sat in the garden. Jane was confused as Fate told her everything. Jane was in shock while Fare sat calmly. The younger girl looked at her friend in question.

"Jane. I am only okay with this because I have a plan for her."

"But it is killing my fathers. They need Isadora"

"I know. It'll make them stronger. I wouldn't have paired them together if they weren't supposed to be. Envy, Vy. She created them. Every factor of them is something that she has envied from a man she couldn't have."

"So. She can't get her own man, so she made three?"

"Yeah. I can't kill her yet. I have a path for her. One that she must take to her death." Fate said. Jane sighed.

"I don't want my fathers killing themselves so can you hurry up with your plan." Jane snapped.

Fate took Jane's hand.

"It won't be long now"

Isadora sighed as she woke up. Her hand on her bump. Turns out that because she was pregnant and because she and the kings were human the last time they made love, their baby was human.

She rolled over and nestled herself back into the warmth of her blankets. Spring had finally graced her and now that she was human, she had the joy of hey-fever.

She went down to the kitchen and made herself some scrambled eggs.

Sneeze after sneeze. This was ridiculous.

"Damn you pollen" she sighed as she made herself some tea. She groaned as she saw that she was out of milk.

She went upstairs and changed before walking towards Mr Norman's.

Mr. Norman is an old man who lived down the road from Isadora. He has farm animals and milks his own cows, has his own chickens.
He has been lonley since his wife, Eleanor passed away. He was beside himself with joy when he found out Isadora was moving close by.

"Hello angel. What can I do ya for?" He asked, his strong English accent making an appearance.

He had given her the nickname Angel because when he was thinking about putting a bullet through his skull, she appeared with her kind heart and soft eyes.

"Hi Mr. Norman. How are you this morning?" Isadora asked the elderly man. He smiled happily and invited her in.

"I was actually about to come over. I milked the cows this morning and thought you might like some homemade strawberry muffins." Mr. Norman said as he lead her through to the kitchen, where she saw a basket filled with fresh fruit, muffins, milk and lots of baked goods. There was orange and purple ribbons attached to the basket. She smiled at the kind man.

"Thank you Mr. Norman. I insist that you let me repay you by making you some dinner."

"Don't be daft. I don't need repayed. I just know that if you were my daughter, I'd want to know that someone is keeping an eye out for you" Mr. Norman said

"And once again, you can call me Stevie" he laughed

"And once again, I'm telling you that it would be rude to do that." She replied with a smirk.  He shrugged it off then made her a tea.

"So. What are you doing today?" He asked her

"More designing and then I might take a walk to the village. Want to join me?"

"Oh no. I'm much to old. I won't be able to make it past the river. These old feet of mine will wear out"

"Old?! Stephen don't say such a thing. You don't look a day over 70"

"Oh you are a sweetheart. You know I am 75. You and I celebrated my birthday just two weeks ago."

"Oh I remember Mr. Norman." She smiled.

After her tea, Isadora headed back to the house and began to design a dress for Odette and herself.

She had been so wrapped up in her designs that she had lost track of time. Looking at the clock she sighed.

"One AM. We should probably get to bed, huh peanut?" She said and went to take a quick shower then went to bed.

It was nights like these that she missed her mates the most. She missed the way Caius and her would snuggle close while Aro and Marcus would hold them protectively, fitting perfectly together. She missed the feeling of Aro's fingers combing through her hair as she drifted in and out of sleep. She missed the way Marcus would purr to calm Caius down after a stress filled day.

She held up her left hand and teared up at the sight of her ring. She hadn't had the heart to take it off. It reminded her that it was real. That she was truly loved. Respected.

Was. That was what she was. As hard as it was for her to accept, they didn't want her anymore. She wasn't theirs anymore. She winced as a pain went through her heart. She had to stop thinking about them.

She finally fell into a sleep, dreams filled with memories of them.

Caius frowned as he looked at the detailed ballgown design on Isadora's page.

"Why would you put yourself through the stress?" He asked. She smiled and shrugged

"It'll look nice once it is done. I'm still deciding what looks nice." She replied as Caius unbuttoned her shirt.

"What will look nice is your clothes on the floor while I show my Queen why I worship the ground she walks on." He purred and nibbled on her ear lobe. She turned her face to him and kissed him as he held her chin with his index finger and thumb.

"Let me worship you. Let me show you what pleasure I can offer you"

"Now this is something I'd like to see" Aro's voice said from the doorway. Isadora stiffened as Marcus appeared.

"Agreed."  Marcus said with a purr, relaxing Isadora immediately

Caius smirked and sped Isadora to the bed, claiming her lips as his hands explored her body. He groaned in pleasure as he muttered about how perfect she was.

Marcus and Aro watched the two most submissive mates pleasure each other. A smirk graced Marcus' face as Caius took control, keeping Isadora calm and in utter bliss as Caius caused her moans.

Nestled in his arms, she smiled as they all purred in harmony.

She missed being with them

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