𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑠 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑜𝑢𝑡?

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Six months and not a word from Isadora. They didn't know if she was alright.

Carlisle had said that she needs time to heal and everyone agrees, but the children missed their mother. They received short and sweet letters once a month, but apart from that, it was nothing.

Until today. She appeared in the living room. The children grinned and ran to her.

"Oh my darlings. You have grown so much."

"Mamma. Are we going home?" Odette asked

"No love, we aren't going back there, but I have got us a little cottage in the forest. It is surrounded by flowers, fruit and vegetables. It has many animals near by. You three will love it" she smiled as they all hugged.

"Stay tonight." Carlisle said and placed a hand on her arm. She flinched, but let out a breath.

"Sorry. It's been a long time since I have been touched by anyone." She said and placed a hand on her stomach. That was when Esme gasped.

"Isadora, are you?"

"Yeah. That's something else I have had to come to terms with." She said

"Do you know who's?"

"No and I don't want to. They have hurt me too much. But this angel and these beautiful children have been the ones to keep me grounded." She smiled a small smile. The kids yawned.

"Let's get you three to bed." Isadora smiled as they walked upstairs to her old room. She smiled as they curled up in bed.

"I love you all so so much"

"We love you too mamma" Eulises said.

"Are you okay Eugene?" She asked. He nodded

"Gene doesn't talk very often" Odette said as she hugged the teddy her father got her.

"That's alright. Now get some sleep, we go to our new house tomorrow morning" she smiled at the children.

The kids sang along with the radio as Isadora drove down the windy roads to their new house

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The kids sang along with the radio as Isadora drove down the windy roads to their new house. She was excited to bring them here. Their new beginning.

She smiled as they gaped at the house.

"Do you like it?"

"It looks cosy" Eulises smiled happily.

"Oh it is. Especially with the fire on." She replied as they went into the house. The children ran around and Odette grinned as she saw hops, her bunny.

"You kept her"

"Of course I did, darling" Isadora smiled as her daughter hugged her.

"Now, why don't you three run outside to the garden and pick some apples and then we can make an apple crumble"

The children took a basket and ran outside. Isadora smiled at them as they laughed and smiled in the garden. She placed her hand on her bump and smiled. Soon her baby would be here.

The children watched as Isadora peeled and cut up the apples and put them in the pot to boil. The kids made the dough for the crumble and made a big mess with it, but they she didn't mind, it was easily cleaned. Once the dish was in the oven, she sent them to clean themselves up for dinner.

They came back a few minutes later and enjoyed the stew that their mother had made them.

After their dinner and desert, Isadora read to them and put them to bed. She sat on the sofa and stroked Milo's fur as she felt pain in her heart. She felt it every time her mates were intimate with the other woman. She sighed and began to read her book until the door knocked.

She folded the corner of her page and went to answer.

She was shocked when a man stood there.

"Please. May I rest here. There are people chasing me"

"My goodness, yes come in" she moved out the way and he walked in.

"Mamma?" Eugene said from the top of the stairs.

"Eugene honey, I'll be up in a moment, alright"

"Okay mamma"

Isadora lead him to the couch and made him some tea.

"Are you alright?" She asked

"Yes, thank you?"


"Thank you Isadora. I'm surprised you let me in. Being a vampire and all"

"How did you?"

"I'm a werewolf. I can smell it a mile away. I mean you and your child no harm. I'm running from a rival pack. They won't come near a vampire. They fear your kind too much. I'm Dustin by the way"

"Nice to meet you Dustin. You are free to stay here as long as you need to. The more the merrier"

"So what is a pregnant mother doing alone in the woods?" He asked

"Well it's a long story. Some things happened to my mates and me and my children were banished."

"Mates? Banished? What did you do?"

"Nothing. I didn't know why, but they accused me of tricking them into thinking I was their mate. Then this random woman comes along and my mates hate me" she explained with a frown.

"Wait? One person can have multiple mates?"

"Yeah. Mine were the kings"

"The Volturi? Woah. Ruthless guys." Dustin said. Isadora nodded as she heard Eugene calling her.

"Excuse me a moment" she said and sped up to him.

"I had a nightmare"

"Oh my little prince. It's only a dream. They can't hurt you." She smiled as he laid down. She kissed his head and lit a candle.

"The light will keep you safe." She smiled and went back downstairs.

Dustin was staring at Milo, almost confused.

"Have you never seen a cat?"

"Oh I have. They freak me out" he replied.

"The cat freaks you out?" She laughed. Dustin rolled his eyes at her and they carried on their conversation until he fell asleep. Isadora took her book upstairs and sat on her bed. She had scented her room to smell like each of her mates. It made her feel as if she was trapped in a nightmare. A never ending nightmare in which her heart ache never stops.

Two months later-

Dustin had practically moved in. Well not really. He and Isadora were actually really good friends. So they decided to build him a small house next door to the Cottage. The kids got on really well with him. He took them fishing at a nearby lake, they went on hikes. But he mainly took them out when Isadora was feeling depressed, which was a bit more often. She was nearing the end of her pregnancy and she was scared that if that woman found out they would take her children.

She wouldn't let that happen.

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