𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑝𝑟𝑎𝑦 𝐼 𝑑𝑜𝑛,𝑡 𝑓𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑘𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑦𝑜𝑢

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Marcus had been distant. Aro would look at her with hate and Caius was angry.

Isadora was sitting in the nest, drawing as Aro walked in. He sighed as he saw her and went to leave.

"Aro, wait." He stopped and turned

"What?" He asked, uninterested

"What have I done to upset you?"

"What?" He hissed, she flinched back.

"What have I done to make you reject me? Have I been neglecting you, because if I have it hasn't been intentional."

"You tricked us. And I don't know how."

"Tricked you?"

"Into thinking we are your mates. You aren't. I have a feeling that our mate will be here soon and once she is, you and those hybrid demons will be banished from the Volturi." He snarled at her before leaving. Isadora fell to the ground and sobbed loudly.

Why are they doing this?

Isadora put the children in the bed. Caius had taken away their rooms, claiming that they were monsters and all of them shouldn't have the luxury of their own bedroom, then Aro had told Isadora she wasn't welcome in their nest.

"Mamma. Why are Papa's being mean?" Odette asked as Jane and Alec sat with them.

"I don't know, sweetheart. I'm sure they'll come around" she smiled reassuringly as Jane hugged Eugene.

Once the children were asleep, Isadora wandered the castle and sat on the balcony, a tear falling down her face as she felt another rejection. Marcus. Her heart broke, but she wouldn't let her children see her upset. Not ever. Santiago appeared beside her and hugged her tightly.

"Don't let them make you cry. They are just moody old men" he said and pulled back to hand her a tissue.

"They've rejected me. Our bonds are gone." She said as Aro, Marcus and Caius appeared with a blonde woman who was being held lovingly by Aro.

"I told you that our real mate would show up. Santiago. Meet the rightful Queen. Vyolet"

"Not my Queen. My Queen is suffering from the rejection."

"San. It's fine."

"No. It's not"

"It is fine. Please. Enjoy your mate. The children and I will leave"

"Damn right you will. Deceiving my mates into thinking a slut like you is worthy of being their mate" Vy spat.

Isadora went to walk away, but Marcus grabbed her arm.

"How did you trick the bonds? How did we fall into the harlots bed?" Marcus asked

"I didn't trick the bonds. What you saw was real. I wasn't expecting you to meet me that day. Fate had it planned"

"Fate? Well she clearly must favour me. Now be gone. I want to see our nest and get to know my mates"

"You are free to leave whenever you like, Miss Cullen. No one will stop you" Aro laughed as Vy kissed his cheek.  Caius stepped toward her

"You are a talented little witch. Tricking the kings of the Volturi. Be gone Cullen." He hissed. Isadora sped to the spare room and and wrote a detailed letter to her mates, in the letter she explained that she is leaving and she won't be back. The kings had made their choice and when they come back to their senses then she will talk to them.

Isadora left the room and saw Santiago. She immediately ran to him, sobbing her heart out. He held her tightly as her legs gave out. He kissed her head as he whispered

"I got you Isa. I got you" he said as concerned vampires watched their Queen sobbing. They were shocked that her mates, that are usually very possessive and attentive, weren't with her while she was in such a state.

Isadora picked up the children before going to the airport and leaving Greece and going back to Forks.

Alice took her car to the airport and hugged Isadora tightly as she sobbed.

"It happened so fast." She cried. The children looked at their mother. They had never seen her sad and they didn't like it.

"Come on. Let's get them to ours and we can get you-"

"I'm not coming. I'm not telling you where I'm going. I haven't decided yet." She said. Alice nodded and hugged her sister.

Isadora turned to the children.

"Loves, your going to be staying with grandma and Grandpa for a while. I need to take care of some things, but I will call you every single day, my loves. I promise" she smiled and kissed their heads as they got into the car.

Isadora picked Milo up and sped off with him.

She stopped when she got to a deep forest where she found an abandoned cottage. She hummed happily. It was a work in progress, but she could fix it up in no time.

And so her life in the forest began. Her children were safe, her mates had rejected her. Life wasn't going very well for her, but she couldn't stop. Her children wouldn't be away from her for long, just until she sorts out this cottage and allows herself to heal.

Envy laughed evilly as she watched Isadora sobbing in a rundown cottage. She was so distraught she had turned herself human.

Jane and Alec glared at the new 'Queen' she was not like their mother. She was mean and rude. The coven agreed. This woman was not their Queen. They were planning to kill her and end her plans, but they had to be discreet.

Jane had enough of her fathers blatant rudeness and decided to confront them.

Without knocking, she entered their library.

"Hello Janey painy" Caius smiled at his daughter.

"No. Only four people call me that and you banished them for some stranger"

Aro groaned

"Why did you send mother away?"

"Those people were impostors. We should've killed them" Caius clutched his heart as he said that.

Marcus saw a shake in the bonds as he said that.

"There is proof. It physically hurts you to wish death on them. Can't you get over this and bring mother back."

When she realised that they were now ignoring her, she scoffed and walked away.

She knew that they wouldn't listen to her, so she called in some people that would force them to listen.

Within the next 24 hours, Didyme and Sulpicia arrived in Greece.

Didyme wasn't a woman who resulted to anger, she was a very calm and kind woman,, wouldn't kill a fly, mainly because they scared her, but seeing her brother kissing a woman who wasn't his mate, a month after rejecting his true mate sent her over the edge. She ripped the woman from her brothers lap and slapped her face before slapping her brother, then her brother's in law.

"How can you three be so fucking stupid?!"

"You three better pray I don't fucking kill you" Sulpicia hissed

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