𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑝 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔. 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑎 𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑒𝑛.

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Caius and Isadora were purring in contentment when Aro and Marcus walked in with the babies, who were calling for their mama.

"Hello my little darlings" she smiled as they reached out for her, all but Odette, she was clinging onto Aro.

"She has become my little sidekick" Aro chuckled and kissed her head.

"Yes. Because you wear all of the jewels." Marcus laughed.

"Speaking of..." Caius reached down and handed a box to his fiancé. She eyed him


"I know, you don't like us spending money on you, but I saw it and thought how beautiful it would look around your neck"

"You aren't trying to collar me are you?" She laughed

"Absolutely not amore. You are not some cheap thing. You are a queen. A queen who owns our hearts" Caius smiled

"Such a sappy romantic man he is" Aro laughed, making Cassiopeia giggle.

Isadora opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond necklace

Isadora opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond necklace

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"Caius- it's- woah"

"Speechless. I made her speechless" he smirked. Aro and Marcus just smiled.

"It has been a while since we showered you in gifts."

"You don't need to" she protested

"We know that, amore, but we want to spoil you and the babies rotten" Marcus chuckled as Odette began to babble to Aro.

Eulises and Eugene clapped their hands as Milo jumped onto the bed. Isadora stroked his head and smiled as he ran his tail under the boys chins.

"How do you feel about going away for a while?" Aro asked.

"Where?" Isadora asked her raven haired mate

"Greece. We have several mansions there and it would be a nice place to be for a while"

"It sounds lovely, but what about trials?" She asked

"Sulpicia and Didyme are more than happy to rule for as long as we are away" Marcus replied as Caius' hair was being pulled by Eugene.

"This child is lucky that I love him." He said

"Maybe he is saying 'papa Caius put me down so I can make your nest messy" Isadora giggled.

"I'm sorry little one, but Papa Caius has to many pointy owies in here" Caius said to their son, who began to babble. He chuckled

"Isadora, amore mio. How would you like to join me for a nice walk at the beach tonight?" Aro asked. Isadora smiled and nodded

"I thought that it would be nice to spend some quality time together" he said with a bashful look on his face.

"I'd love that Aro." She smiled as Odette held her arms out for her mother.

"Hello my beautiful girl" Isadora smiled at the girl as she cooed.

"sweet things" Aro smiled and placed a kiss to Marcus' cheek as he watched all of the children interact with each other.

"If only if they could stay this innocent forever" Marcus sighed and leant his head on top of Aro's.

"Life must go on. Lets cherish these moments whilst they are young" Aro replied as Marcus sat down and pulled Aro onto his lap. Aro and Marcus purred in unison, making Isadora smile at them.

Aro's free hand held Isadora's thigh as he drove through the countryside's of Italy, she smiled as she thought of the last time he drove her somewhere

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Aro's free hand held Isadora's thigh as he drove through the countryside's of Italy, she smiled as she thought of the last time he drove her somewhere. Times were different now. She thought she had changed. She wasn't the shy girl who tip toed around people to please them..

"You have changed for the better, but it isn't a drastic change. You have been through a lot and it has made you stronger, but you still get shy around me and our other mates." Aro smiled at her.

"I forgot you could see that." She said sheepishly.

"I can stop if it bothers you. You have only been showing me your present thoughts." he said and went to move his hand, but Isadora held it in her hand.

"No. I have no secrets." she insisted. Aro nodded and smiled at her before parking the car and gathered his phone and keys before they both got out of the car. Aro jogged around and closed the door for Isadora.

"At least let me be a gentleman." He chuckled. Isadora grabbed his hand and kissed his cheek

"You are always a gentleman, love" She smiled. Aro chuckled and wrapped a protective arm around her waist as they walked through the strange town.

As they walked, Isadora noticed the envious looks from girls. Isadora held back a growl as some girl lowered her top in an attempt to distract Aro, but in return Aro kissed Isadora's cheek.

"When you said a walk through the town and beach, I thought that you meant in Volterra"

"Volterra is beautiful, but there are nicer beaches in the world." Aro purred in her ear. She smiled lightly as Aro pulled her into an apartment building.

"You have an apartment?" the young woman asked

"Indeed. A penthouse actually."

"Have you ever stayed in a hotel?"

"Yes, but never a standard room. I wouldn't even let the lower guards stay in a standard room." He said as they went to the lift.

As they got to their room, Aro let Isadora in before kissing her head

"I'll be back in a moment. I'm going to retrieve our bags." he said and sped off. Isadora began to look around the apartment. It was definitely owned by the Volturi. It was dramatic and luxurious. She smiled as she saw a portrait of Aro, Jane and Alec. It was painted by Caius. She looked in awe and momentarily forgot that she was mated to him and longed to meet him.

Just as she remembered that he was her mate, he called her. She smiled and answered the face time.

"I know how to put a diaper on a child Caius." Marcus hissed

"Isadora! il mio bellissimo angelo. Thank God. I need your help. Odette has been named my favourite as she cooperates when you change her diaper, but my own son peed all over me!"

"Don't yell. You'll wake Eugene and Odette up" Marcus whispered

"Try singing to him. It always works"

"It would work, but none of us sing. Aro is the singer."

"Just try it love" she insisted.

With a sigh Caius began to sing a song in Greek. Isadora smiled. He was a great singer.

A few minutes later, Eulises was sleeping soundly. She grinned as her mates thanked her.

"We love you. And we will see you when Aro brings you home. Now go and enjoy your night" Marcus smiled

As Marcus hung up Aro walked into the room.

"Let's get the night started"

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