𝐼,𝑣𝑒 ℎ𝑎𝑑 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑠𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑒𝑠

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After a night of running, Isadora had finally found Caius. He was sitting on the edge of a cliff with venom pooling his eyes. Without any hesitation, she walked over.

"I'm not apologising." He said

"I know." She said and sat beside him

"How do you know?"

"Because you are Caius. You dont apologise to anyone unless you are really sorry."

"He thinks I want to hurt you all? Am I really the monster people think I am?"

"No! No you aren't. Caius-"

"You aren't" Aro's voice said sternly. The duo turned around to see Aro and Marcus.

"Caius. My darling. You aren't a monster. I am so sorry for making you feel as if that is what you are. And Isadora. I am so sorry that you and the children had to see that tonight." Aro said. Caius looked to Aro

"And I'm sorry I hit you. But I will not apologise for keeping a secret. I would never ever try and hurt any of you. I- I was planning to have a vowel renewal the day we marry Isadora. I wanted to do something special." Caius informed. Aro's eyes widened

"You were planning our wedding?" Aro asked in a soft voice

"Aro, you've been planning this temporary move, Marcus has been doing loads of paperwork and Isadora has been with our kids, the wedding has been pretty much abandoned, so I was going to arrange it." He shrugged. Aro moved to him and kissed him passionately.

"I am so, so sorry my love" He said. Caius nuzzled into his more dominant mate and gave a happy purr.

"I take it I am forgiven?"

"Not quite." Caius purred. Aro chuckled and picked him up before speeding off with him.

"Wait until they see the children sleeping in our nest" Marcus laughed, taking Isadora's hand and running after them.

Isadora smiled as she placed Eugene in his bed. She kissed his head and left the room. She sat beside Marcus in his office and smiled at him.

"Need some help?" She asked. He smiled and placed his hand on her knee.

"I would want nothing more" He replied and asked her to sign some documents.

"Do they have to be in your signature?"

"It doesnt matter, you are the Queen, you have the same rights to sign off documents, just sign them as Isadora Cullen as you aren't legally a Volturi, but the banks, covens and business's know who you are." Marcus said nonchalantly.

"Really?" She asked

"Of course. You don't have to read through them. They don't get sent to us if we don't agree with the terms and conditions of the contract, they've learnt that fighting with a vampire is futile and will only end in blood." He smiled innocently. Isadora nodded

"Brutal" She said. Marcus chuckled

"Brutal, but effective. We have seen dynasties rise and fall due to weak people who sign things they don't agree with. Our companies are hidden by big big brands that people don't know the effect we have. I could say tomorrow that I want the USA to have a monarchy and it would happen. Vampire's are the top of the food chain, humans do not want us angry." He explained

"Caius, as you know strongly hates humans that aren't his family. If we didn't feel the bond we shared with you when you were born, Caius would've revealed ourselves to the humans and ruled over them harshly. That is why he gives certain times for humans to be turned. You, his sister in law, niece, nephew and the children are the only exception to his hatred."

"Really?" Isadora asked in shock. Marcus nodded

"Caius has a hatred for humans. they cause hurt and pain, that is why we have our trials. Vampire's are not allowed to be cruel to one another, so that is why we kill off the bad vampire's."

"I guess some of it makes sense. When you say Caius would rule over humans harshly, what do you mean?"

"He is very sadistic. He may be submissive to Aro and I, but he isn't with anyone else. Our family see a kind side to Caius, but no one else would. He is not someone I would leave in command for a day. If Caius had it his way, Humans would only live to be fed from, reproduction and potential gifted vampires for the Volturi"

"What? That is crazy"

"I've had worse fantasies" Caius said as he waltzed in and kissed Isadora and Marcus before taking a stack of documents and signing away.

"I once proposed that we brainwash humans into being pets for vampire's. Aro and Marcus think that is too cruel"

"It is a little cruel" Isadora piped up.

"Humans deserve it. You give them a little control and look at the state of things. Hitler almost wiped out an entire rase because he had too much power. The Volturi were put into place to make sure they don't kill themselves, but they do. They need control."

"But not from someone who is physically indestructible, that is a bullyish dictatorship. There is a difference between forcing yourself into power and revealing ourselves and being asked to be in power." Isadora stated with a frown. Marcus watched the duo debate until Caius had no other points.

"You will make a very opinionated Queen mia amore" Caius smiled and pecked her cheek.

She smiled and grabbed another stack of documents and began to sign.

"Where is Aro?" Marcus asked after a minute of silence

"I only ask because he isn't muttering to himself about the gossip of the guards"

"He is occupied with the children. They said something about sugar cookies." Caius shrugged

"Odette can't have sugar" Isadora gasped and ran to the kitchen.

"Hello my love" Aro smiled happily as Isadora walked in. She looked at Aro and noticed that his hair was back in a messy bun and he had a lack of a shirt. She smiled and spoke up

"Hello dear. I thought I might remind you that"

"Odette can't have sugar. Darling, I know." He said and pulled her close, pecking her lips.

"i can't wait to meet my mate. I'll spoil her rotten" Eugene smiled

"I think you'll have to wait a little while my sweet boy, but I am sure that when you meet her, you will be the best mate for her."  Isadora smiled as Aro pecked her cheek.

She wished her babies would stay her babies forever.

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