𝐸𝑛𝑣𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑚𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠

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"This is impossible! We have searched everywhere for her. What if-"

"Don't. Don't put that out there" Caius said as Isadora paced on the jet.

The triplets and Darien were sleeping in the back as the adults spoke about plans to find Ophelia

The kings and Queen had assigned more guards to watch the children.

Caius wrapped his arms around his wife as venom went into her eyes.

"We'll find her. Mia Amore, I swear it. We will head to London and meet Alistair, the pure anger that he will have will force him to find her." Caius said as she dry sobbed.

Marcus walked over and picked her up and sat on the chair with her on his lap.

"It's all my fault. I should have protected her." She cried. Marcus purred, though his heart was breaking.

"Don't be so ridiculous. You were protecting them. You were making sure that nothing could happen." He said as she broke down in his arms.

The kings couldn't imagine what she was going through. Since she found out she was pregnant with Ophelia, her purpose was to protect her and the triplets.

The moment they arrived at their hotel, Alastair sped over to Marcus and snarled.

"Where is my mate?"

"Watch yourself, Alastair," Caius growled

"Enough!" Isadora yelled in pure anger.

"Now is not the time to be fighting or arguing. My baby is missing. Either help or fuck off!"

Alastair bowed and muttered an apology as Aro held her hand, trying not to lose his cool.

Just then, Demitri burst into the room.

"I have her scent"

Envy rocked the child in her arms, trying to silence her screams.

"It's alright. I'm Mumma now" she said as Fate walked in.

"You know this doesn't end well."

"I don't care."

"You will." Fate said and disappeared.

Isadora sat with Jane and the triplets as they fell asleep when someone a strange woman appeared in their room. Isadora snarled and pinned her to the wall.

"Mother, wait!" Jane said as the kings sped in.

Isadora no- Calliope looked to the woman. Her scent stunk off her baby. And that bitch.

"Fate" Aro breathed

Caius and Marcus stood by the triplets for peace of Isadora's mind

Aro turned to Calliope and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Calliope, Mia bellisima regina. It's alright. She means no harm." He said and she released the woman, who fell to the floor gasping.

"Tesoro" Marcus spoke. Calliope sped over and checked over her children.

"Mama, we are fine" Eugene promised her as he yawned, Odette, falling asleep on his shoulder.

"Sleep my treasures" she purred as they called in the guards to protect the triplets while the kings and queen spoke to this woman.

"Fate. How have you been?" Aro asked as Caius had Calliope on his lap as he purred, her head in the crook of his neck as he attempted to calm her down.

"I know where she is."

"Where?" Alastair demanded as he stood in the doorway.

"Around twenty minutes away"

"How do I kill her?" Isadora glared

"That is something that only you can do."


"You have to rip out her heart. Her vendetta against you is because of me"

"Why?" She asked

"Fate. Not now"

"She created you. As well as your mates. She wanted you all as her lovers, however, I fell in love with you. In a motherly way, so I have your life. Carried you and birthed you. My sister couldn't have you as a mate."

"You are my mother?" She asked, Isadora's eyes were red.

"Biologically, yes. Though Esme has done a better job than I ever could."

"Damn fucking right she did. What sort of mother leaves her daughter with an abusive alcoholic?"

"It takes two to tango." Fate spoke. Isadora glared.

"Tell me where my daughter is."

Alice ran to her brother-in-law.

"Aro. She will be waiting."

"Phea is safe, right?"

"Sleeping soundly" Alice replied. He nodded and looked to his wife, who was talking things out with Fate.

She is the reason that she suffered. Her selfishness.

"Then I'll go in and get Phea" Marcus planned

"No. Alastair will" Caius spoke

"What?" Alastair asked. Caius smiled

"You are going to get Phea and make sure she is safely returned to Isadora"

Alastair nodded

"Will she have an army?" Marcus asked Alice

"No. Just her and Isa"

"And this time, she won't be winning," Isadora spoke as she walked out, Fate behind her.

Isadora sped off to find Envy, she was tracking her, her scent was strong and easy to track.

"I have been waiting. Took you long enough to find me." She sneered.

"Well, I am here now, aren't I." Isadora glared, a growl rumbling in the back of her throat

"That you are." Envy said and clicked her fingers. Flames had circled them, keeping them from being able to leave.

Isadora let her move first, allowing herself to find any weakness that Envy would present and that she did.

You see, as envy lunged for Isadora, she had a limp. She was already injured.

Isadora remained as calm as she could until she heard a pain-filled scream of Ophelia. She went for Envy, who dodged her, a thunderclap sounded, but Isadora wasn't startled, no. She knew the cause of the storm was her baby

She regained herself and got a hit on Envy, who grunted.

As Envy went to punch Isadora, she sped behind her and kicked the back of her knee, making her fall. Isadora stood on her kneecaps and heard the bone completely break. Envy screamed in pain. Isadora wasted no time in ripping out her heart and crushing it in her hand.  The flames simply stopped.

There stood Alastair holding the little princess.

"Allow me to take her to the Kings"

Isadora nodded and looked to the courps of Envy.

"Envious people meet terrible ends.

Isadora sped back to tthe hotel to clean herself up and change.

Upon seeing his wife enter, Aro brought her daughter to her.

Isadora kissed her daughters head and held her close.

Maybe now it was their happily ever after.

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