𝐼,𝑑 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑡𝑤𝑜 𝑠𝑒𝑥𝑦 𝑆𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑎,𝑠

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Isadora's eyes opened a tiny bit when the triplets came running into the room. It was Eugene who landed on her, telling her to wake up.

She smiled and sat up in the bed and beamed at the excitement on their faces.

"Merry Christmas my babies" she laughed as Eulises happy danced on the bed.

Aro shook his head with a chuckle.

"Where is Papa Caius and Papa Marcus?" Odette asked as she looked around the room.

Isadora and Aro frowned.

"Where are they?" She asked Aro

"I haven't a clue" he shrugged as the door burst open to reveal the two kings in Santa suits, holding a bunch of presents.

"Merry Christmas children" Caius smiled. The childrens eyes widened at the sight of the pristinely wrapped boxes.

After the children had said thank you to their parents, Aro left the room and came back holding a box. He carefully handed it to Odette.

She opened the gift with grace and gasped.

"A bunny! Thank you Papa's and mamma." She grinned.

"You are very welcome, principessa" Caius smiled.

"Why don't you all go and show Aunty Alice your gifts?" Isadora suggested. By the look in Caius' eyes, she could tell that he got her something that their children shouldn't see.

She was right. He got her a sexy nurse costume as well as a school girl one.

"I'm rather excited to see you in these Il mio gattino" he said and nibbled on her ear lobe. Aro chuckled and told Caius to give her the real gift.

Caius then pulled a new phone from his pocket.

"To replace that ancient one" he said, referring to her iPhone 6. She gasped in mock offence, making Marcus and Aro chuckle.

"Thank you Cai. It's perfect" she smiled and handed him his gift.

"It's not much. Aro helped me pick it out" she smiled and handed him a box. He smiled and took out his new dagger.

"Thank you, sweetness" he smiled and kissed her cheek she handed a bugged box to Aro. She laughed as he squealed.

"A new cane! How did you know?"

"You cried for two days straight because your old one broke." Marcus pointed out with a laugh. Aro glared at him then thanked Isadora with a kiss

"I know it isn't much, but-" Isadora said as she handed the painting to Marcus.

"Sweetheart, it is absolutely amazing" he smiled. It was a portrait of Marcus holding Caius in almost a protective stance. A beautiful piece of art that looked as if it belonged in a museum.

As the mates passed their gifts to each other, Aro dropped some information.

He had planned a Christmas ball for this evening.

Isadora shook her head at him with a smile on her face while the others groaned.

"And what are we going to do with the children?" Caius huffed

"It is only our coven and close friends who already know the situation" Aro chuckled and moved to stand in front of Caius. His hand cupping his cheek and placing a tender kiss on his lips. 

"Besides, think of how beautiful our queen will look" Aro said as he watched Isadora move to the bathroom.

"I am going to change. This costume is very uncomfortable" Marcus said

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