𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑒. 𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑚𝑒

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In exactly one week, the triplets were walking. They found out in the strangest way.

Isadora was with her mates in the throne room, she was helping them with some paperwork while the triplets played on the floor that Isadora had cleaned herself, much to her mates dismay.

Somehow, while the parents were busy, the boys had began to toddle. It was only when Isadora gasped and knelt to the floor.

"Come on my loves, come to mama" she smiled. Caius, Aro and Marcus knelt down aswell, cheering them on.

"Come on little prince." Caius cheered as his son walked to his mother.

"Such a clever little one you are" Marcus grinned and kissed his head. Aro hugged his sons and looked to Odette, who was just taking her first step.

"Come on my clever principessa" Aro smiled. Isadora held Aro's hand as their daughter stumbled into her fathers arms.

"What a talented princess you are" he chuckled and kissed her cheek, causing the little princess to giggle. Caius and Marcus praised their daughter the same way they praised their sons.

Isadora kissed her babies as they smiled and giggled

"Mama!" Eugene said.

"That's right little one. I'm mama. Can you say dada?" She smiled as Eugene sat on her lap.


Marcus smiled

"Well done mio tesoro" Marcus smiled and ruffled his sons hair.

"It's getting late. Who is helping me tonight?" Isadora asked as she got up from her seat with Eugene on her hip.

"I'll help." Caius said and picked up Odette and Eulises while Isadora picked up Eugene.

"Hey, let us say goodnight to our babies" Aro pouted. Isadora smiled and passed Eugene to aro.

"Good night sweet one." He said and kissed his head and gently giving him to Marcus.

"Ti amo, little prince" he said and hugged the baby.

"Goodnight my beautiful principessa"  Aro kissed Odette's chubby cheek. Odette, being the smiley and giggly baby that she was began to giggle as Marcus blew a raspberry on her cheek.

"Goodnight, precious" he grinned

"Ah, there is my handsome cuddle monster" Aro chuckled as Eugene clung to him. Aro ruffled the boys brown locks and kissed his head.

Marcus cradled Eugene and placed a kiss to his head.

"Ti amo my sweet boy" He smiled and handed him to Caius, who kissed Marcus and Aro's lips before following Isadora to the babies nursery

After bathing the triplets, Caius was making them all laugh by blowing Raspberries on their bellies while their mother made up their crib.

The triplets were inseparable. They had attempted to give them all separate cribs, but every time they cry and don't stop until they are together, so Caius ordered a wide crib to fit three babies in.

Caius watched Isadora as she rocked Eulises and Eugene to sleep

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Caius watched Isadora as she rocked Eulises and Eugene to sleep. Caius copied her with Odette, who was more interested in her papa's hair.

"Try swaying her, darling" Isadora smiled. Caius stopped bouncing her and swayed gently. After twenty minutes, Odette was sleeping, holding Caius' Volturi crest in her little hand. When she felt him move, she began to cry, which woke her brothers.

Hearing the commotion, Aro and Marcus appeared.

"It's alright Princess. Papa is not going anywhere" Caius said to the girl who was staring at him with her big brown eyes.

Aro moved to rock Eulises to sleep and Marcus moved to Eugene.

"That is why when putting Odette to sleep, we take off the pendant. Our daughter seems to like expensive, shiny things" Marcus chuckled as they finally put the triplets in their crib and watched as the older siblings cocooned their sister in a hug.

Isadora smiled as Milo jumped up on the rocking chair, he purred as his owner stroked his head.

"Look after my babies" she said and dimmed the lights and the Queen and her kings left. Santiago and Heidi. Both bowed their heads.

"Keep them safe" Aro ordered

"Of course my King" Heidi bowed

"You got it top dog" Santiago held his hand up to high five Aro, but just received an eye roll and a sigh. Isadora smiled and high fived him.

"See Isy, that's why you're my favourite" he said. She blew a kiss at her friends and smiled as Marcus span her under his arm as they entered their nest.

"So, shall we?" Caius asked and was pulled into a kiss by Marcus. Caius smirked and undid his buttons, revealing his toned chest.

"Beautiful" Marcus smiled. Aro purred as Isadora kissed his neck. He let out a small moan as she found his sweet spot.

He let out a playful growl and took off his blazer.

It was going to be a long night for them.

Santiago cringed as he heard what was happening in his friends nest. Of course he knew what was happening, he and his mate had several times like that, but they were standing down the hall from them and heard every moan and noise.

He cringed even more as a lower guard member went to the door and knocked.

"Oh boy" he said. The door opened to reveal a very annoyed Marcus.

"What do you want, girl?" The girl flinched. Marcus was always the kind king.

"I-I-I'll come back later."

"No. You will wait until tomorrow when we summon you into the courtroom. I am very upset with you Kayleigh." Marcus said and slammed the door.

Isadora smiled as Marcus returned to their bed, he was almost asleep before they were disturbed. Marcus kissed her cheek.

"Mar, I can't sleep until you are." She said.

Her powers worked in certain ways, for example, she could make anyone sleep whenever she wanted or needed them to and she could stay awake, but in some certain circumstances, when she wanted to sleep and others did as well, then she has to let them fall asleep before she does.

Marcus kissed her cheek and allowed himself to drift off. She smiled and fell asleep herself.

Isadora opened her eyes to find herself in the cell. Didyme and Sulpicia looked to her.

"Thank god you are awake. They'll be back any second" Didyme said and pulled Isadora into her arms.

"There is my pretty birdie"

Caius woke after Aro and Marcus. They woke up around three AM and left their sleeping mates to rest. It wasn't the noise of them leaving that woke Caius, it was hours ago when they left. It was his mate that woke him. She was crying

"Isadora mio fiore, svegliati. È solo un sogno. Per favore, non piangere amore mio (Isadora my flower, wake up. It's only a dream. Please don't cry my love)"
Isadora woke to Caius shaking her. She pulled him close and began to sob

"Non piangere la mia bellezza. Sono qui. (Don't cry my beauty. I'm here)" he whispered.

"I promise you my love, you are safe, you are home. With me." She didn't say anything, she just lay beside him as his purrs calmed her down.

"Do you want to sleep some more?" He asked.

She shook her head no.

"Then let's go and find our mates" he said and helped her out of bed and into the bathroom.

He realised that Isadora might pretend to be alright, but she was suffering and pretending to be fine.

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