𝑆𝑜. 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑔𝑜𝑡 𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑏𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ

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The cry of a newborn sounded around the cottage. Isadora picked up the baby girl and rocked her gently.

"Shh Ophelia my sweetheart" she hushed her baby. Ophelia held much of Aro's appearance, except for her blonde hair. She was such a beautiful little baby. Just like her older siblings were.

Dustin lifted Odette up so she could put the star at the top of the tree. Isadora clapped as the tree was finally decorated.

Once the children were in bed, Isadora sat downstairs with Dustin, the duo had grown closer over the few months that he had been around. Dustin laughed as Isadora told him stories about the funny experiences that she had with her mates

"Next thing I know, I am twenty feet in the air and Aro catches me. No reason other than Caius and Aro wanted to play a game of catch, but they didn't have a ball" Isadora laughed.

"That was then..." She said as Dustin held her hand. He smiled at her as they both leaned in. In an instant, their lips connected. Isadora was on his lap as his shirt flew off. He squeezed her hips and she hissed.

"Gentle. Gentle" she said as he took her top off, their kiss deepening.

"Perhaps we should take this to the bedroom?"

"Let's do it."

Envy frowned as she sat in the throne room. Her kings were rather boring when they weren't having sex with her. Caius stormed into the throne room and grabbed Vyolet by the neck.

"Who have you fucked? Why is there such a pain in my fucking chest?!"

"No one, baby. I'd never be unfaithful to you."

"Caius. Get away from her. The bonds, they've changed. The reason why we have been hurting is because our real mate, Isadora is being intimate with another."

Caius growled and threw Envy across the room.

"You made her suffer like we are now?!" Jane smirked at Envy as Caius snarled.

"Your plan is failing. They miss my mother and my siblings."

"That bitch deserves to die"

Jane glared at the woman and used her gift.

The kings didn't even stop her. Didyme sighed and looked to them.

"Aro! Look at you. You are dying without her. The rejection is punishing you" she said. It hurt her to see her big brother like this. They had lost their sisters. She wasn't about to lose her brothers.

Sulpicia sighed and ripped the head off of the 'Queen'

"Now if she was your real mate you would have felt pain. Hell you would've stopped me. Now Isadora is out there with the children. Waiting for you three. If you have any love for yourselves, get on the jet and find her" Sulpicia said as the bonds shifted again.

"We have to find her. Our children. Our Isadora" Aro cried out.

Isadora threw herself off of Dustin and quickly covered herself.


"The bonds. I...I can feel them. My mates. They've reaccepted me."


"Dustin. I'm so sorry."

"No. I understand. They are your mates and you love them no matter what. Don't apologise. Perhaps this is what needed to happen for them to come back to you. I just wish that I can find someone who will love me as much as you love them."

"You will. And when you meet them, they'll love you just as much."

"You are a good friend Isadora. You also were a good quickie. I need to go and take care of Lil Dustin. See you tomorrow."

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