K𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑢𝑝 ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ 𝑜𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢,𝑟𝑒 𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑓𝑎ll

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The next week, Isadora was sat in a limo with Xavier. They were meeting some friends then going to prom. Isadora wore a light pink dress that she had made. It went to her mid thigh and white heeled shoes with her hair in a neat up do, curtesy of Rosalie and Alice.

Before leaving, Esme made sure that she had gotten plenty of pictures with Isadora as well as Dora with Carlisle, Emmett, Edward, rose, Jasper, Alice, Herself and Xavier.

"Now stay safe, I don't want to hear about anyone's stomach being pumped or heads cracked open, alright?" Carlisle joked, but Xavier didn't catch on and insisted there would be no alcohol

"He is joking, X." Dora giggled, making her family smile.

At the dance, Isadora saw Isabella swan there with a boy from a different school. She took a picture with Xavier, making sure she got Bella in the background, this was really bad. This girl had been cheating on Edward after convincing him that she was nice and kind all while claiming to e pregnant with his baby.


"What are you doing here, freak?" Isabella asked an hour later while Dora was getting a drink

"I'm just enjoying the dance. Is Eddie here? He said he was having a quiet night in with the family"

"His name is Edward and no, he isn't here. I am here for a good time, but it was ruined when you showed up. Oh and by the way, I think you should've gotten a bigger dress, this one looks like it is going to burst at the seams." Isabella snorted

"I think it fits quite nicely." Isadora said timidly

"Who told you that? Rosalie? Yeah she would." Bella laughed "What has you're boyfriend said, I bet he hasn't even told you that you look good. Isn't that him there, kissing you're best friend?" Bella chuckled as Isadora turned to see Xavier making out with her friend, Anna.

"Face it, freak. No one wants a fat girl who's parents didn't even want her." Bella said before pouring her blood red drink down Isadora's dress.

"You know that they only keep you here because they feel sorry for you, I mean think about it, you have no parents, you are the size of two houses and no one likes you. Do us all a favour and die." Isabella spat

Isadora had tears in her eyes and left the prom. She walked to the mall, where she knew Alice and Rosalie would be as they always are on a Friday night.

Alice and Rose just happened to have Esme and the rest of the family there, so upon seeing Isadora with puffy eyes and her beautiful dress that took her four weeks to make, ruined, They ran over to her. Carlisle took his coat off, wrapped it around her then picked her up. Isadora sobbed into the crook of his neck as he rubbed her back.

"Come on Princess, lets get you home and into bed." he said.

Edward couldn't get into her mind to find out what the problem was. She never blocked him out. Isadora claimed that she had no secrets and she was an open book, what changed that? Edward wanted to know what was bothering his baby sister and why she didn't want him seeing it.

Once at home, Rosalie and Alice ran a bath for Isadora and Esme put her favourite onesie in the dryer so it would be warm for her when she got out of the bath, once warm, she left it on the radiator in Isadora's room

"I wonder what could have upset her so much" Esme said as she made a hot chocolate

"She feels hurt and betrayal. Maybe she had an argument with Xavier?" Jasper suggested with a growl.

"If he hurt her, I will-" Emmett started, but was cut off by Rosalie

"-Do nothing. We don't know what has happened and we wont until she tells us. So no poking around her thoughts, Edward."

"Rose is right. she will tell us when she is ready, she always does." Carlisle said as he took in an unneeded breath

Upstairs in the bathroom, Isadora was staring at herself in the mirror. She always thought that she looked decent for her age, she still had a little baby fat, but that was just going away. She always knew that she wasn't the prettiest girl in the world, hell her mom and sisters were absolutely stunning. Infact, when she first met them, she called them Goddesses.

Looking in the mirror, Isadora couldn't see anything she liked about herself.

Why couldn't she be pretty like her mom and sisters? Why would Xavier cheat on her? Why was she so ugly? Why did no one stick around?

What was the point in living? Why did Carlisle save her? Why can't she just die?"

She needed sleep. So much sleep

she was disgusted with herself and how she looked. Fat. Ugly. Stupid. Worthless. Unimportant. Unloved. Unwanted

Everyone seen her dress get ruined, Her boyfriend had openly cheated on her

She was so scared that all of this was true. She was scared that her family kept her with them because they pity her. She was scared of the demons that came back every time she was alone. She was afraid of being abandoned. Scared of being in that dusty blood stained cupboard. She was scared of being alone.

After holding a razor to her thigh, she put it down. there was no point. Carlisle and the others would smell her blood and it would sat off Jasper.

She could drown herself, but they would hear her heartbeat fading and they would "save" her.

Isadora-Lily Cullen hated herself. Nothing and No one would change that.

Isadora wasn't alright. Everyone could tell. She wasn't smiling, eating or talking. She was deeply hurt by what Isabella had said, she was hurt by Xavier. She hated herself. She wasn't perfect. She never will be perfect. She knew that.

"Hey honey, want me to plait you're hair?" Rose asked her as she was sat at her desk, drawing a picture of a demon for her friends gothic horror novel.

"Sure." she smiled meekly. Rose smiled and picked up hair brush and began brushing her hair.

"You know what I love about you? I love that you are so kind to everyone no matter what they do to you. I love that you don't let you're hair dictate how you act." Rose said as she began to plait her hair.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" Rose said to her sister, who nodded

"I know." she responded

"I think that you underestimate yourself. When I was you're age I would have given the world to look like you." she smiled. Isadora was shocked to hear that.

"R-really?" She asked

"Of course I would've. Immortality does make everyone look like models with perfect form, bigger breasts and butts." they chuckled

"But I know that when you become an immortal, you will be the most beautiful vampire to grace this world." Rose said truthfully

"Impossible. I could never compete with you, Rose." Isadora laughed

"As much as I enjoy complements, I'm being honest. You are beautiful. Anyone can see that." she finished just as she finished her hair.

"Remember, keep you're head up high or you're crown will fall." Rosalie smiled

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