𝑀𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑒 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡

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Kisses were peppered across Isadora's face as she woke up

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Kisses were peppered across Isadora's face as she woke up. She blushed as Caius was there smiling at her. She smiled back.

"I could watch you all day and never not be shocked at your beauty." Caius said and kissed her nose. She cuddled into him, trying to keep herself warm. Caius was happy to accept her hugs and wrapped his arms around her.

"How did you sleep amore?" he asked

"Amazingly" she answered, but it was muffled due to her face being against his chest.  He chuckled

"Come on Mia amore, no more sleeping I have a great day planned for us." He smiled

"Outfit style?" She asked. He chuckled

"Don't you worry my love. While you were out with Aro, Marcus and I got you a few things." Caius said with a smirk.

"Aro warned me about your shopping spree's." Isadora chuckled.

Caius smiled and handed her a beautiful red knee length dress that had a slit on the side as well as a pair of nude heels. Her mates really liked dresses and heels, then again they are kings, so they insist on dressing formally

 Her mates really liked dresses and heels, then again they are kings, so they insist on dressing formally

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Isadora kissed his cheek.

"Thank you Caius. They are beautiful." Caius beamed as he lead her downstairs.

"Where is everyone?" She asked.

"Our mates and the guards are hunting, your siblings are also hunting and you don't want to know what Carlisle and Esme are doing." Caius said. Isadora made a face at that, making Caius chuckle. He picked her up and span her around.

"You are so adorable La mia bambola"

"What does that mean?" She asked. It had only just occurred to her that she didn't know what they had been calling her in Italian

"It means 'my doll' because your my doll." He pecked her cheek. She smiled as he sat her down on a stool.

"Breakfast." He said, pushing a plate of waffles to her.

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