𝐼,𝑣𝑒 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑎 𝐷𝐼𝐿𝐹 𝑏𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒

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Didyme smiled from the garden as her wife read her a book. Jane and Alec were playing tag with the triplets while Felix sat with Ophelia and Darian.

Angry yelling came from the outside of the castle.

The guards stood protectively in front of the royal family.

"What's going on?" Didyme asked

"The humans. They know about us. Our kind" Demitri said.

"Okay I want everyone inside the castle. Now. Everyone to the throne room. Nobody leaves the castle until the Kings and Queen return." Sulpicia ordered

Isadora and the kings sped to the car and broke the speed limit and didn't stop until they reached the castle.

Volterra was dead. Nobody was out on the street.

They went through the underground tunnel to the garages.

The coven bowed as the Kings and Queen entered. It was 3 AM and the children were asleep.

"I want every world leader on the phone. I want to know who broke our agreement." Aro pointed to Corin.

"Someone get me some paper. I need to draft an address."

"My kings? What is the plan?"

"The humans know about us. But they don't know how to destroy us. The citizens of Volterra aren't stupid. They know that something has been going on in our home, but they don't know what."

"If we can ensure the safety of humans and we feed on criminals instead of tourists, then who is to say that we can't live peacefully?" Isadora asked

Caius shook his head

"They'll take advantage of that kindness. I say we give them an ultimatum, Volturi becme the leaders of the world. A fair leadership. We have a monarch in each country, but the Volturi rule them."

"We can't force that upon humans. It will be chaos." Marcus sighed as he stood with some of the newborns.

"Isadora should address them." Heidi spoke. The kings looked to the woman.



"A human who was raised by vampires who has hybrid triplets and a human child. I can't imagine anyone better." Heidi shrugged.

"I agree." Isadora spoke.

"No. Absolutley not." Caius said from his throne. He stood up and walked to his wife.

"Love, they'll find out how to hurt us. I grew up with the secret. I am a part of the secret. They are more likely to listen to me because of my past." Isadora said and cupped his cheek. He pulled her close and kissed her cheek.

"I can't let them hurt you." He said as he looked deep into her red eyes.

"Darling, I am a vampire, I can run. And I will have you, Marcus and Aro beside me."

Caius smiled and kissed her head.

"I love you." She smiled as he held her close to his chest

"I love you too, il mio bellissimo fioretto (My beautiful little flower.)"

"Now, we pose the question. What happens in our future?" Marcus asked

Alice called Isadora the second Marcus finished talking.

"So, this is what happens"

Isadora was sat in the common area of the castle with the children and the kings. The triplets were sat with Caius while Marcus was reading some play and Aro was with Isadora and Ophelia. They were spending some time with their children, with the news playing in the background. They had invaded the Denali coven and they had to go to Forks, though Isadora's family had been exposed.

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