𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝐷𝑜𝑟𝑎. 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑙𝑙.

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Isadora smiled as she walked around the small town of Forks. She loved Volterra to bits, but Forks is her home. She thought back to a few years ago when she was walking around town with Jasper.

The duo had fallen into conversation about their home. Jasper's story was far more interesting, though Jasper has told her that he regrets joining the confederate army way back when. He hates that his name. His human name is associated with that and not something great like a civil rights activist.

"The past is in the past Jas. What's done is done. All you can do is better yourself and know that you did wrong." Isadora said. In the short time that she has been back, she has grown a small bump. The elders of Forks glared at her as she walked past. They still disliked it when young people had children out of wedlock.

Isadora smiled as the familiar face of Marcus came into view down the street. She ran at a human pace into his arms.

"Hello my love." He smiled happily. She smiled into the crook of his neck.

"Mar" she beamed.

"Come on, your father needs Jasper and I miss holding you in my arms" Marcus said and opened the door for them.

Marcus rested his hand on her bump and smiled as he felt small movements.

"I still don't understand how you are pregnant"

"Maybe it's a gift. Isadora has always wanted a baby. Or three" Jasper suggested. Marcus nodded in agreement.

"It would make sense" Marcus said as Isadora rested her head on Marcus' shoulder.

"I think that being pregnant is making me experience human things. I feel tired" she said with a yawn.

"You can have a nap when we get home" Marcus smiled at her and kissed her head.

When they arrived at the Cullen house, Isadora immediately moved to Aro and sat on his lap.

"Hello my love. How are you feeling?" Aro asked.

"I think that the babies are turning me back to a human. I am exhausted." she yawned.

"Perhaps they are absorbing the venom." Carlisle suggested.

"If they are taking the venom from her then they'll want food. We need to give them blood so they don't hurt Dora" Alice spoke with a shaky voice.

"Alice, what have you seen?" Esme asked

"If we don't give Dora blood, the four of them will die. The children and Isadora." Alice said as Isadora's human warmth slowly came back.

"We will do that then as well as human food." Marcus spoke as Caius immediately went to find blood for Isadora.

"Does this mean i'll sleep again?" she asked. Aro chuckled and nodded

"I missed sleeping" Isadora spoke as a car pulled up outside. Carlisle went to see who it was.

"It's the Denali's. Did Edward invite them?" Carlisle asked Athenodora, who was planning out how they would get their mate away from the wolves

"Yeah, he called them yesterday." Athenodora spoke.

Carlisle greeted their guests and invited them in. Elizear smiled at Isadora.

"Having fun with your gifts?" He asked the girl. her brows furrowed in confusion, making him laugh.

"Your gifts. You have a few. You can make yourself and others human and turn them back without the venom burning, you can control nature and your thought projection" He smiled.

"Woah. I always knew that I was cool" she laughed. Aro was in awe at this information. He didn't think his mate was this amazing.

"You are magnificent." He spoke lovingly at her as she let out a yawn. He smiled and sped her upstairs where she curled up between Aro and Marcus.

"Once I have control of my powers I'm going to have so many naps with you three" she giggled. Aro kissed her head.

"Get some rest, beautiful" Marcus smiled

Isadora woke to her cat laying on her head. She picked milo up and looked around the room. Her mates weren't there. She stood up and tried to speed downstairs, but clearly the babies had absorbed that. She sighed and walked downstairs where Caius was reading a book.

"Hello Mia amore" Caius spoke and looked up from the book.

"Hello Cai" she smiled and sat on the sofa while Milo purred

"Where are the others?" She asked as she felt a chill

"Aro and Marcus have gone to feed and your family have gone to hunt. While we are discussing feedings." Caius said and sped into the kitchen and came back holding a glass

"It's blood. Enjoy" he smiled. Isadora kissed his cheek

"Thank you my love" she smiled and began to drink the blood.

"It doesn't have the usual taste that blood does for vampires" she said as Caius sat beside her. She snuggled close to him.

"You have the pregnancy glow" Caius said as he cupped her face.

"You are so beautiful" Caius spoke. Isadora smiled and kissed his cheek.

"And you are so handsome"

Isadora jumped as arms wrapped around her waist. She turned to see Aro and Marcus

"You frightened me" she pouted. Aro and Marcus chuckled and apologised.

"The bump has grown a bit" Aro pointed out and felt her bump. He smiled as he felt a kick.

"Does that hurt?" He asked

"No it gives me butterflies though" she giggled and felt the bump.

"They are happy" Edward said from the doorway.

"Can you here them?" Caius asked.

"Yeah. They have no hate. No anger. They are just happy. They love you Dora. They love you all." He spoke. Isadora smiled as a tear fell from her eye.

"They like it when you are all together though"  Edward told them.

"Can you tell the gender?"  Marcus asked

"Not really. It's more of a one word thing, like every so often I hear a word like 'happy' or 'love' it's quiet cute actually" Edward chuckled

"They are so pure" Marcus smiled.

"Mia amore, are you crying?" Aro asked as he looked to Isadora, who was wiping her eyes

"I just love them so much" she cried. Caius laughed and kissed her cheek

"Oh Mia angelo. You are so precious" Caius said.

Nothing could take away the happiness from that moment

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