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All Aro knew was that they had been deceived

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All Aro knew was that they had been deceived. They had been going to numerous different locations and had little success.

It had now been a month and six days since he last saw Isadora, sleepy eyed telling him that she loves him and their other mates.

Now Aro was back in Volterra. They were regrouping. Aro was in their nest holding one of Isadora's shirts. He has yet to have his outburst.

Caius had his outburst an hour after finding out out that their mate and his sister in laws had been taken. He trashed his art studio and every painting except the one of Isadora.

Aro and Marcus held him tightly the whole night as they waited for the Cullens.

Marcus had his outburst after the third week, he had disappeared to Ireland and ended up taking out a rival coven all by himself. The beast in Him was still relentless. He was unhinged and extremely dangerous.

Aro had been numb. He refused to feed or accept any sort of affection from his mates. He felt guilt. He should have guarded the tower before anything. He had been completely careless during the battle and it had cost him his baby sister, her wife and his soulmate. Aro stood up and walked to the throne room where everyone was planning where they were going next. He sped to Carlisle and threw him across the room.

"You told us to bring her here for her safety! This is all your fault!" Aro snarled as Esme growled at him. Aro launched her off of the balcony, seeing this, Carlisle sped to him and threw a punch to his face, forming a crack to his neck. Seeing this, Marcus sped behind Carlisle and held him in a headlock.

Edward jumped to his fathers aid and tackled Marcus to the ground as Emmett ripped an arm off of Aro. Aro snarled and flipped Emmett with his left arm and smacked him off the ground. Rosalie left the room as Enodora screamed out of fear.

Jasper grabbed Marcus and was thrown into a wall while Alice let out a scream from her vision.

"If you all carry on then we will have no chance of finding Isadora. As of right now Isadora is tied up to a pole and receiving a whipping for speaking without permission. It's her. I saw Victoria" Alice spoke. Everyone stopped and apologised to each other.

Caius walked in holding Milo, who recently found comfort in the blonde man.

"What happened?" He asked as Marcus reattached Aros arm.

"We fought" Marcus looked to the floor

"Well don't. We shouldn't be fighting at a time like this." Caius spoke as Demitri ran in.

"I found them"

Isadora was fading in and out of consciousness. Riley had been sent off somewhere and a group of men were replaced. They all took turns of abusing Isadora.

She had stopped fighting it.

She refused to give them the satisfaction of seeing as much as a tear leave her eye, they didn't deserve to see any emotion that she was capable of having.

Isadora found that her emotionless approach just resulted in more beatings. They had also taken to feeding from her. She knew she was dying. She had asked Didyme or Sulpicia to change her, but they don't have good enough control to turn her.

She was at peace with the fact she was going to die, but she wanted her mates to know that she loves them so so much.

'We love you too darling. So so much. Hold on for us. We are coming' The voice of Caius spoke gently.

'I...am so tired'

'Please Tesoro. Stay awake for me. Don't sleep

"Aro. Her bond is fading. She is dying" Marcus said as Aro broke down the door and ran into their base and grabbed the nearest vampire who came running towards them. Aro threw him to the opposite wall and had Jane torture him. He turned and saw that the fight had finally begun.

Caius grabbed his enemy by the throat.

"I had my suspicions Victor. If you touched a hair on her fucking head"

"Oh I did. And I touched a lot more than her head. The image of her trying to push me off of her tight body will-" Caius ripped his arm off

"All these years I have been holding off killing you and after what you have done to my mates, no one is stopping me" he said as he walked towards the cowering man. He quickly tore his head off and kicked it to Felix and Santiago who Began to play a game of soccer with his head.

Caius turned and saw Vladimir and he reeked of his mates sweet scent. Marcus very quickly disposed of him with help from Alec.

Aro ordered a lower guard to take Christina to the dungeons in Volterra before he caught the scent of Isadora. He took down any vampire that dared to get in his way

Iasdora was with Didyme and Sulpicia, but she would stay far away from them, not wanting to be touched.

"Dora. You are one of the strongest humans I've ever met. You will make a wonderful queen" Sulpicia said genuinely. As two women came in. Isadora recognised them.

"Woah. She looks almost dead" Isabella swan said before looking away in shame

"She deserves it Bella" Victoria spoke darkly before both women were pinned to the wall by Esme and Alice. Their heads were ripped from their bodies as Their coven and the Kings came in. Aro, Marcus and Caius surrounded her and had pity in their eyes. Marcus took off his cloak and wrapped it around Isadora as a group of men ran in.

"Shit! Vladimir is going to kill us" a man said. Caius picked Isadora up bridal style, but the sudden movement made her whimper

"The Romanian coven as of now is completely eradicated." Aro smirked before the cullens attacked the men. Aro ran to his sister as Marcus helped Sulpicia up.

Isadora and Caius sped off.

"Where...we?" She mumbled

"Stay awake baby" Caius spoke as he heard her heart slow down.

"I love you all" she said before taking a deep breath. She was dying. Caius looked down. He couldn't let her go. Not yet.

Seeing no other way, he bit into her neck.

"Please forgive me darling. Please" he said as his venom spread.

Aro and Marcus came in and saw what Caius did.

"She was dying. I had to do something" Caius said sadly. Aro hugged him and Marcus had Alec use his gift to stop any pain she would be feeling.

They all gathered round and watched the venom take control

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