𝑚𝑦 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒.

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Aro held Isadora's hand as they walked to the jet. Marcus and Caius were still not forgiven. Caius even tried crying, but Isadora could tell that it wasn't real, which only annoyed her more

Ophelia cooed as Alec held her, watching her as she looked around in curiosity.

Isadora took her back when she began to fuss because of the air pressure.

My The kings had neves saw her breast feeding Ophelia. They found it amazing how much the little girl is comforted just by being nursed by her mother.

When one of the lower guard asked her to cover up, she glared at him.

"I'm feeding my daughter. You can't see a thing" she said

"Not very modest" the guard member said. Caius hissed at him.

"If you are that triggered, sit at the back." Caius growled.

"Caius." Aro warned and Caius snuggled to Aro, who smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I think we must have a talk with the guard and remind them that Isadora is still their queen and is superior to them" Caius said and looked to the vampire.

Halfway through the flight, Isadora had fallen asleep, along with the triplets. Ophelia was in Marcus' arms looking at him curiously.

When the plane landed, Aro picked up Isadora while Caius picked up Eugene and Eulises and Felix picked Odette up and carried them to the car. Felix drove the four children while Caius drove his mates.

The kings spread to their nest, which they had re decorated due to the memories of her.

Isadora opened her eyes as she was placed on the comfy bed.

"Mmmh where are we?"

"Greece, my darling" Aro said as Marcus and Caius went to put the children in bed. Ophelia cooed as she was placed in a crib beside her mother.

"Aro. Lay with me" she said, her voice slurred.

Aro kissed her head and sped to change. He came back and smiled as she snuggled close to him.

"Where are the others?" She asked as they walked in.

"We're here Mia cara" Marcus' voice said.

"At you going to get on the bed or stand there like statues all night?" She asked. In a matter of seconds they were laying in the bed, Caius' arms wrapped around Isadora's waist as she faced Aro. Marcus' arms were draped over Caius as they lay together, purring happily.

"I love you all" Isadora spoke

"We know darling, we love you too. So much" Caius said as she fell asleep again.

The next morning, Isadora woke to kisses on her neck. She smiled

"Morning Aro" she smiled as she turned to him.

"Good morning my love." Aro smiled at her. Isadora's looked for Ophelia

"Where is Ophelia?" She asked

"Caius took her to the jewel room. Claims he has the best gift for her"

"Of course he does" she said and went to sit up, but Aro pulled her back.

"Stay here" he said and pecked her lips. She smiled into the kiss and in a second, Aro was shirtless.

"Let me worship you" he said and trailed hot kisses down her neck. She gave a moan

"No point in trying to be quiet. Jane and Alec took the children to the beach. I want the castle to hear how much pleasure their king brings his queen."


Odette smiled as Alec had her on his shoulders they were walking into town Jane was talking to the boys about boats

When they finally got back to the Castle, Caius was holding Ophelia while dangling a diamond necklace above her head. The baby was smiling and giggling, which made everyone feel warm and happy.

"I have a feeling that she is going to be the child that makes us poor" Marcus said

"Not just her. I will get all of them whatever they want." Caius said and smiled as the children walked in.

"Hello dear ones. Did you have a nice time?"

"Yeah! Jane and Alec let us go in the sea, but I can't swim that well." Odette said as Marcus lifted Eugene onto his lap.

"Well we can teach you."

"What are we teaching the children?" Aro asked as he and Isadora walked in.

"Papa Caius said that he can teach us to swim"  Odette smiled and jumped around. Aro smiled and picked her up.

"Did he now? Well why don't we go to the pool?" He asked. Isadora smiled and tapped Aro's shoulder. He looked to her and held out his hand.

He smirked at her idea and nodded.

She looked to them.

"I'm actually going to take Ophelia for her nap. You guys have fun" she smiled and picked Ophelia up and took her to the nest. She kissed her daughters head as she looked around at all of the dazzling lights. Once Ophelia was fast asleep, Isadora took her to her nursery and put her in her crib before turning on the baby monitor.

After they had a fun filled day swimming, the kings got the triplets changed and put to bed

They walked into the nest to see Isadora sitting by her vanity in the lingerie that Caius had given her fro Christmas a just over a year ago. The kings jaws dropped. Aro smirked, remembering the plan she had.


"See something you like?" She asked Caius and Marcus, who were holding themselves back.

They nodded. She walked over to them. Slowly.

"Well that's too bad. I miss Donovan and Axel. Aro tells me that they have been restless" she said slowly.

She watched as Marcus' eyes changed. Blacker than she had seen them. In an instant Axel had her in his arms, holding her close. She smiled and relaxed at the feeling of having her mate so close.

Donovan purred as he saw all of his mates so close.

"Such a perfect sight, my little mate."

"You are human once more. Have you given us another child?" Donovan asked

"Yes. A beautiful baby girl. Ophelia"

"You are so strong to have done this by yourself." Axel said and looked at her once more and groaned.

"I take it this is an attempt at teasing our other sides?" Donovan asked as Axel went to dote over Aro. She nodded.

"Well. It's working. I'm going to let him have full control and let him suffer." He smiled and pecked her lips before his eyes turned red.

Caius looked at her he craved her touch. He needed her now. She watched as Marcus regained control.

She headed into the closet and changed into a dress.

Marcus whimpered as she walked passed him. Her head whipped around at the sound.

"Please tesoro. I know what happened has hurt you, but you act as if only Aro is your mate." He said as Caius sat beside him, not saying anything.

They weren't trying to gain her forgiveness. They had given up. Each of their attempts had been futile. Maybe she was being petty.

But she could feel the strain of the bond.

"I think I've had my pettiness reached. I forgave you last night. Why else would I let you both snuggle with."
Marcus sped to her and kissed her. He ripped the dress off of her.

"I'll make up for it in many ways." He said as Caius joined him. The trio looked to Aro

"Are you joining?"


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