𝐴 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑧𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑜𝑛 𝑡𝑜𝑝 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐸𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑙𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟?

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Things were escalating. Nomad vampires who had quarrels with the Volturi were killing humans and turning Children.

The Volturi had communicated the laws with humans now with different laws, now if a human wishes to be turned they must apply and follow a certain program.

Some laws were still there, Feeding inside Volterra on humans was still illegal

Making immortal children was still very much illegal.

When Isadora heard about what was happening in Paris with the nomads, she wanted to deal with it herself. It made her blood boil. To put a child through that pain.

The Volturi now had many humans working within their castles. They were very much enjoying it. The Bolturi were setting an example that Vampires and humans can live in harmony. Several people had applied to be blood donors, which was appreciated.

"Caius, love?"

"Yes il mia amore?"

"The Paris situation is getting worse. We need to act now." She said and began pacing.

"Love, it will be dealt with."

"Let me rephrase. I need to act now."

"What?" Aro asked

"The whole situation is angering not only me, but Calliope as well" she said referring to her inner vampire.

"Now that is something that we can all relate to."

Caius stood up and walked to his wife. He kissed her cheek.

"Let's go get ready for France." He said.

Isadora had changed. She no longer was the shy girl she used to be. She was much better. Stronger. Braver.

She had been training with Caius and Felix. Her strength was impeccable. Her fighting came naturally. She was the preditor.

The cameras were still present outside the castle, so when they saw a SUV leaving the castle gate, they were trying to see who was inside.

Caius kissed Isadora's hand as Demitri drove.

"I was hoping that your fist time in Paris would be romantic." Caius sighed. She smiled

"We might have time to sightsee and be romantic after we have dealt with these vampires." Isadora as her husband gave a small smile to her.

"A private rendezvous on top of the Eiffle tower?" The blonde man smiled.

"Yous are making me miss Felix and we haven't even left Italy" Demitri sighed.

Isadora smiled

"Awe Demi" she said as Caius moved his wife closer to him. She rested her head on his shoulder.

They got out of the car a few minutes later and got into the private jet.

Isadora sat across from Caius as they both went over some paperwork.

"Aro has been planning your coronation. He thinks it should be televised.


"I know. We don't even know if the humans like us."

"God. Things were better before they knew about us." She sighed.

Caius sent a smile to her.

"Hey. It'll get better." He promised. She nodded. Caius took her hands

"Darling, if you want, we can drop off of the face of the earth for a few hundred years. Until these generations die off."

"No. We can't do that. Aro is far to flamboyant to be undercover."

"That's true. The man can't go a year without having a party"

"We need to face this head on." Isadora said. Caius nodded

"We deal with this, have a nice time in the city of love and go back to the castle."

"Sounds like a plan" Isadora agreed

Aro smiled at his husband as he rocked the infant in his arms. Marcus chuckled at the small girl in his arms as she looked at him with big confused eyes.

"I don't think I'll ever get over how beautiful our children are." Marcus smiled

"I won't either" Aro said as he looked at the baby.

Eulises walked into the throne room. The kings smiled at him.

"Is everything alright, dear?" Marcus asked

"Yeah. I was just thinking. Our birthday is coming up"

"I have been planning-"

"Aro let him finish his sentence"

"Thanks Papa. We were thinking about having a movie night. All of the elite guard."

"That sounds lovely" Marcus smiled

"This can be after the grand Ball"

"Aro, love. I don't think they want a ball"

"Why ever not?" Aro asked his son.

"Yeah. Balls are fun, but we just want to have a chilled out night. Have a few jokes. Be normal."

"Alright. I suppose that makes sense." Aro smiled at his son.

"Thanks papa" he said and hugged the raven haired man. Aro kissed his head.

"Go on, go tell your siblings that their dinner is almost ready." Eulises nodded and went off.

"You caved."

"Yes, but now I'll have to cancel all of the decorations."

"And Odettes dress."

"No. Not her dress." Aro said sternly. He and Odette picked it out, designed it together.

"Alright. Not her dress" Marcus chuckled as Ophelia gave a little babble, making Marcus smile at her.

"Can I have some cuddles from my little sweetheart?" Aro asked. Marcus smiled and handed her over.

"Hello my piccola principessa" Aro smiled and took a small teddy from his pocket and placed it in her hand.

"Come, we should sit with the children for their meal" Marcus said and walked beside his husband. Tthe sat with the triplets and laughed as they all told jokes and had a fun time.

Isadora and Caius had sent for Jane and Alec to meet them in Paris. They were waiting in the Volturi town house for them.

They already had a plan. And their plan was to attack. Isadora knew that she wouldn't be able to kill the immortal children. It would be down to Jane, Alec and Caius. Demitri and Isadora would take on the nomads and deal with them.

It didn't take long for the paparazzi to arrive. Caius and Isadora walked hand in hand down the street, questions being fired cameras flashing. They answered no Questions, and stopped when the vampires approached the area that had been attacked. Isadora, who looked completely unprepared for a fight took the first step.

Her heels clacked off of the pavement as she walked. Audible gasps were heard as a vampire charged at her. She moved with such grace that people wouldn't even know she was fighting. The humans were shocked when they saw the head of the vampire in her hand.

She caught the lighter that her husband threw her. She threw the lighter on the vampires body and threw in the head. Caius sped to her side as she turned to the humans.

"This is going to get dangerous. I suggest you all leave before something bad happens here"

They listened. They had saw what had just happened and left.

"You ready?" He asked

"As I'll ever be" she said and took his hand.

She prayed she made it out of this alive.

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