𝑂ℎ 𝑛𝑜. 𝑂𝑢𝑟 𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑤. 𝐼𝑡,𝑠 𝑏𝑟𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑛.

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 Isadora layed in her bed, wrapped in around seven fluffy blankets and wearing one of Aro's shirts that he had 'accidentally' left as well as his crest that hung around her neck

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Isadora layed in her bed, wrapped in around seven fluffy blankets and wearing one of Aro's shirts that he had 'accidentally' left as well as his crest that hung around her neck.

Milo was laying in her arms purring contently as his owner stroked his grey fur.

It had been three days since her mates left. They called whenever they were free, which was very rare, but when they did call, they apologised profusely.

Isadora sighed as Esme walked into the room. She gave her daughter a sad smile and sat on the bed.

"I miss them so much mom." She said sadly. Esme nodded in understanding.

"I know, baby. I feel it every time your dad has to go away for work. The only thing that works is hearing their voice." Esme said as Isadora sat up.

"Come on. Alice, Athenodora, Rosalie and I are going to the mall. Your brothers and father are going hunting, so it's just us for the next few days." Esme gave her motherly smile as Carlisle walked into the room. He smiled and sat on the bed beside his daughter, who snuggled into his arms.

Carlisle kissed her head.

"Hi sweetie, come downstairs and have something to eat." He said before kissing her head

Isadora had been fighting the urge to stop eating. She didn't want to let her mates down. They wouldn't want her if she was weak and just a pile of bones. That was her motivation behind it.

She nodded and stood up, Milo in her arms as they walked downstairs.

Emmett smiled at his baby sister and ruffled her hair.

"Alright pipsqueak?" He asked with a laugh.

"I was until you had to ruin it by inviting yourself into my day." She joked back, making Rosalie burst out laughing.

"Welcome to my world. I had to see him a lot longer than you did." Edward said with Athenodora laying on his lap. Isadora let out a laugh as she poured herself a bowl of cereal.

She was pouring herself a coffee when a picture of Caius popped up. She let out a laugh at the picture before answering her phone.

"Mia amore! How are you today?" Caius asked, sounding very happy to be seeing her face through the phone.

"Hi Cai. I'm pretty good. How are you, Aro and Marcus?" She asked. Caius smiled

"We are all great, just missing you. We are hoping to come and see you soon. The effects of the mating bond are taking its toll on us. Aro is acting like a human on crack, Marcus is depressed and won't even look away from the wall unless you are on the phone and I must admit that I have been angrier than usual." He said with a sigh.

Isadora gave a soft smile before saying

"I'm sorry to hear that Caius. Where are Aro and Marcus?" Isadora asked. Usually they talk together.

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