𝑖𝑡,𝑠 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑡 𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠. 𝐼,𝑚 𝑔𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 𝑘𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚

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"Mumma. Do we hafta go to Gweece" Eugene asked his mother while she read them a book.

"Do you not want to honey? It'll be fun" she said and combed some hair out of his face

"He's just scawed" Eulises teased.

"Am not"

"Awe too"

"Am not"

"That's enough boys. Greece is beautiful and warm. Our home is right at the beach. I'll tell you what. When we get there, you can pick where we go for dinner, deal?" Aro asked Eugene.

"Deal papa!"

"Good boy" he smiled.

"Where is Odette?" Isadora asked

"Well she was in the throne room with us, but my sister came in demanding to see her niece and take her shopping" Aro explained. Isadora wearily gave a nod.

"And they are bringing her back when?"

"That is a question I do not know the answer to" Aro chuckled. Isadora sighed.

"You resisted them again" Isadora said as the boys began to play with their toys.

"I know, but Odette looked so excited"

"Alright, well if it gets too late we can go and get them" she smiled.

"Hello my darlings." Caius smiled as he walked into the room. He kissed Aro then Isadora before greeting the boys.

"Where is my daughter?"

"Out with Didyme and Sulpicia"

"Corrupting my piccola principessa at such a young age. She will be in that tacky "Designer" that they love so much, oh by the way love, I got you some Dolce and Gabbana shoes." Caius spoke to Isadora

"Caius, didn't you just buy Odette a diamond necklace?" Aro asked

"And the boys got brand new Gucci shoes. Thank you handsome." Isadora added

"Okay, Odette was doe eyed and practically begging for it."

"Odette can't even wear it. She fell over when you put it on her." Marcus said from the corner, where he had been reading

"Where the hell have you been?" Caius asked

"I've been here this whole time. Silently reading."

"He is like that character from the marvel movie. Remember that, love bug? The one who said he was invisible" Aro laughed.

Isadora had been introducing the coven to more modern things. Caius loved Star Wars, Aro loved Marvel  and Marcus loved Harry Potter.

"I remember" she smiled and kissed her sons cheeks.

"Where are you going?" Caius whined

"To find my daughter." She said and speak to her car that had been shipped over. Marcus appeared beside her and smiled as she drove

She smiled as she saw her sister in laws doting over their niece.

"M-mama! Papa!" Odette yelled as she saw them in the car. Residents and tourists looked over to the child with concern. Marcus got out and walked over.

"Hello little princess. Have you been having fun with your aunties?" He asked as she reached for him. He smiled and took her into his arms. She nodded at his question

"Yuhuh. Aunti Didy said I could get a new dolly!" She said with excitement as Isadora walked towards them

"Really? What dolly does my princess want?" Marcus asked

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