Beating up reader's ex-step-mom, but it's comfort

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A/N: Guess who isn't doing so well on this wonderful day, you fucking guessed it, me. They're childhood friends and the reader stayed in contact with Dabi even after he left his family and they both became villains, the reader not so much but they aren't exactly a lawful citizen. Also can you tell I'm venting some shit, obviously this is highly exaggerated and I wouldn't hurt anyone, but god does it feel to get some anger out. I'm 6cm taller than Dabi and much bigger, and I'm saying this because it ended up being a bit of self insert, or at least with a big reader.

You weren't really sure what triggered it this time. Scratch that, you knew exactly what made it happen, but you didn't really want to accept it.

"Fuck!" you yelled as you hit the brick wall for the hundredth time that evening.

You knuckles were bleeding and bruised, but you didn't care, you barely even felt the pain anymore.

"Fucking bitch!" you shouted and struck the wall one more time.

"Ya know, there's a perfectly good punching bag right there" Dabi said as he leaned against the doorframe.

You turned around, out of breath, and crossed your arms in front of yourself, trying to hide your hands.

"Can you just go away?" you asked, sounding more desperate than angry.

"Sure can, but I'm not gonna" he scoffed and started walking towards you.

You took a step back, but now your back was against the wall and you couldn't really get away from him.

"Nowhere to run now" Dabi smirked and forcefully twisted your hands away from your sides, to see the damage you'd done this time.

"So?" you asked, looking away from him.

"You didn't fracture anything did you?" he asked after a while, and let go of your hands.

"I-I don't think so"

"Good, cause we've got something to do" he turned around and started walking out.

You grabbed your hoodie from the floor and threw it on, following Dabi out of the dusty gym.

"What exactly do you have in mind?" you asked as he pulled his hood up and put on a black facemask.

"That hag of an ex step-mom of yours is bothering you again, isn't she? We're gonna go greet her"

"How'd you know?" you asked and shoved your hands into your hoodie pockets.

"You yellin 'fucking bitch' at the top of your lungs while hittin a wall kinda gave it away"

"Ah" you shook your head.

You walked through the city, without saying so much as a word after that. When you got to her house, you grabbed Dabi's forearm and squeezed it a little too tight for his liking.

"You're not gonna kill her, right?" you asked, while still holding onto his arm.

"Like I said, we're just gonna greet her" he growled and ripped his arm away from your grip.

"Sorry, I-"

You were interrupted by the door opening and that hag peeking out the door. She saw you and you could see her eyes darken. It honestly gave you goosebumps, and brought back a lot of the shit she had done.

""What are you doing here? I thought you never wanted to see me again" she said spitefully.

"I didn't, and I don't, but he does"

Dabi took his mask off and shoved it into his pocket. Even though you could only see the side of his face you knew he had that crazy gleam in his eyes and he was smiling like a maniac.

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