Reincarnated as a cat, part 2

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I got a request for another part to the "reincarnated as a cat" one, and I finally got around to doing it after like a half a year. Pretty much the same thing as the first part, but from Dabi's perspective and a bit more

It had been two weeks since your new cat roommate had followed you home. You were still feeling raw about Dabi's recent passing, but you had to admit that the cat was a nice distraction.

The little guy was very needy and incredibly loud. He kept meowing at you everytime he wanted your attention, and he wouldn't stop until you took the time to pet him or give him food. He liked to sleep next to you during the night, and every time you sat down on the couch, he was right there on the couch with you. A lot of the time he would just curl up at the opposite end of the sofa, he seemed to like his own space. Another trait that reminded you of Dabi. You missed him so much.

The last few months had been very confusing for Dabi. He had woken up as a cat, but his consciousness had been going in and out at first. It was like half of the time he wasn't awake and someone else was running the show. Bit by bit, he had been gaining more control over his new, tiny body. After about two months of wandering the streets in a sort of stupor, surviving on scraps and trash, he finally felt fully in control and conscious. That's when he started looking for you. The world looked so different when he was so small, and it was a bit hard to navigate, but he managed to find your apartment.

For about a week, Dabi sat behind your window, not exactly hiding from you but still not really wanting to be seen. He didn't actually need to worry about that, because you seemed to be basically unaware of everything around you. You didn't notice him, not even once, which he took a bit of offense to.

Dabi was quite surprised you seemed to be in such bad shape even months after his passing. He'd always had a hard time believing you truly loved him, but he could see losing him had destroyed you. It was a pity it took him dying for him to see that.

One day you left your apartment and Dabi decided to follow you. He kept his distance, but made sure he could keep up with you. You walked for a while, before you finally arrived at a cemetery. You had bought a small bouquet of flowers on the way there, and you set it down on a grave.

"Todoroki Touya" it read.

Until now, there had been a small part of Dabi that had thought that maybe his current state had just been the effect of a quirk, but it was setting in now. He had died, his life as a human was over.

He didn't even notice himself approaching you, before you had noticed him. You just stared at him for a moment, looking like you might start crying again.

"Are you alone too?" you asked him and offered your hand to him.

He really had become a damn cat. He tried to resist the urge to push his head into your hand, but it just felt like a natural thing to do, and he couldn't resist. He started purring as you scratched under his chin. Maybe this wasn't so bad. Maybe he could live like this, if it was with you.

"I need to go now buddy, you should go home too" you said as you stood up and started walking away.

Dabi couldn't help but protest. He yowled so loudly it even surprised him, but it had the desired effect. You turned to look back and Dabi meowed again.

"You're a loud little fella" you smiled a little bit at him.

As you walked home, he followed you. Hissing at anyone who dared pass too close to you. When you got home and opened the front door, Dabi strutted in and took his place on your couch. He was tired, so he decided to just go to sleep. He was with you now and he knew you'd keep him safe.

Compared to the time he'd been watching you through your window, the next two weeks seemed to be much better for you. You had even started cleaning and cooking more again. Your life seemed to be getting back on track.

However, Dabi could feel himself starting to fade. Not his body but his mind. He was becoming more cat and less himself. Maybe it was fate, he had been allowed to come back into your life for a while, so you wouldn't drown in sorrow, but his time was starting to come to a close. It was time for him to go for good. After one night, Dabi was gone, and only the cat remained.

Dabi was glad you had the cat to keep you company, you wouldn't know the difference anyway even if he was gone. Perhaps he could finally find some peace too.

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