Taking care of a sick s/o fluff

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A/N: I've been kinda sick with the flu for the past week, so I felt like writing this now. It's not covid, I took a test and it came back negative so I'm okay. Also just a note, I think Dabi would be really good at estimating how cold or warm something is because of his quirk.

"Dabi!" you tried to yell but all that came out was a hoarse croak.

Dabi was in the kitchen making you a hot cup of tea, and he couldn't help but snicker a bit because of your voice.

You were sitting in bed, a blanket pulled up to your chest and a bunch of pillows piled up behind you.

"Here's your tea, and btw you sound like a frog" he chuckled and sat down on the bed after handing you your cup of tea.

"How nice of you" you rolled your eyes and took a sip of your drink. "I don't get how you never get sick, it's so unfair"

"Maybe your immune system is just a bit fucked because of all the stress and that's why you get sick so easily, rather than that I'm somehow resistant to sickness" he shrugged.

You coughed a few times, sounding like you were about to hack up a lung, and you almost spilled your tea on the bed, but Dabi took it away from you and set it on the bed side table.

"Are you sure you're not like... dying or something?" Dabi asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just a cold or something" you said and coughed again, this time not as hard.

Dabi put his hand on your forehead to see if you had a fever and he was right on. Even though it probably wasn't a high fever, you were still very warm.

"You have a fever too it seems" Dabi said.

"Well that's freaking great" you sighed.

"I'm gonna get you some medicine and then you're gonna go the fuck to sleep"

"Fine" you croaked.

"Frog" Dabi muttered.

"I heard that" you said with a raspy voice.

Dabi just scoffed and went to the bathroom medicine cabinet to get something for you.

You took the pill he gave you and swallowed it with the tea that had now cooled down to be just right.

"Make room" he said and started climbing into bed next to you.

You moved to the side after finishing your tea and Dabi curled up under the covers behind you. He wrapped his arms around your torso, just under your chest and buried his face to the back of your neck.

"Rest" he growled.

You just sighed and closed your eyes and before you knew it, you fell asleep.

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