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A/N: This was a tumblr request about him finding out his s/o is a villain like he is and about him getting pissed about being lied to even thought that's not really what happened

"I don't really get why you're freaking out about this. I know we never talked about it, but did you really think I was just a civilian?" you rolled your eyes.

"Oh go to hell. How was I supposed to know some crap like that?" he groaned as he threw his head back against the couch.

"You'd know, if you paid attention" you scoffed and put your hand on your hip.

"I've got more important things to worry about than what you do on your down time"

"Oh yeah, I'm sure you do, but you could at least pay a little bit of attention" you said snarkily.

"It's not even about me "not paying attention" -he made quotation marks with his fingers before continuing- "You just simply lied to me"

"No I didn't" you tried to argue, but his mind was made up.

Dabi got up from the couch and pushed you out of his way as he made his way out of the apartment.

"You're not taking this very well are you? You don't like that I was able to deceive you when I wasn't even trying" you said after him.

"Go to hell" Dabi growled back before slamming the door shut and marching down the stairs.

You felt like throwing things, but decided to just yell into a pillow instead. You knew Dabi didn't like it when people lied to him, but you hadn't set out to deceive him. Your occupation just never came up in conversation, so you figured he knew and just didn't feel like talking about it.

"Bitch" Dabi muttered as he walked around the building and continued down the street deeper into the more sketchy part of the city.

Dabi didn't like it when people lied to him in general, but it made him even more pissed when it came from you. You'd never lied to him about anything before, or at least not anything big like this, not about anything that mattered. He kicked a soda can in frustration and sent it flying towards a nearby pile of trash bags.

Dabi ended up walking around well over an hour, before making his way back to your place. By that point he'd cooled down a little, and even though he was still angry he thought maybe he'd hear you out if you didn't start nagging at him again.

"You came back already, usually you take much longer to get your head straight" you said as he walked into the living room.

"Don't start with me again (Name)"

You sighed as he sat down at the other end of the couch.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to lie to you, I just figured you knew and didn't think it was something we needed to talk about"

"I honestly don't care if you're a villain, it's the lying that pisses me off" Dabi said.

"Well at least you know now, and like I said, I didn't do it on purpose"

"Just don't lie to me again, or I'll make you regret it" Dabi said with a small grin, but his eyes were serious.

"I'll try not to. If I do though, you should trust that I have a good reason"

Dabi rolled his eyes, but nodded at you anyway as a sign of acceptance, even if he was reluctant to do so. He hated when people lied to him, he'd had enough lies told to him for a lifetime and he didn't need even one more.

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