Horsing around

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A/N: I've ridden a horse like two times in my life, but I tried my best, this is mostly just comedic and Idk if this is at all factual. I just can't get the image of Dabi falling off a horse, out of my head. This is based on a request I got in the last chapter's comments, so some stuff with an s/o that has a horse. You can request stuff in the comments or in my tumblr herofics.

"Do I have to?" Dabi asked as you were driving to the stables and almost there already.

"You already came with me and you're whining now?" you sighed.

"If ya didn't notice, I've been complaining since you suggested this"

"And you still came with me" you cooed, doing it annoyingly on purpose.

"You basically dragged me out here, what the hell was I supposed to do" Dabi scoffed and leaned back on the seat, crossing his arms in front of him.

When you got the stables like five minutes later, Dabi pretended to be asleep, and just snored every time you tried to shake him awake. Eventually though, you pretty much pulled him out of the car and he almost fell face first into a puddle, but he managed to grab the car door just in time to stop himself from falling. He just gave you an annoyed look before stepping out of the car in all his bright yellow rubber boot clad glory.

You couldn't help but smirk by yourself as you changed into your riding gear and lead Dabi to your horse's pen.

"Dabi, this is Acorn, Acorn this is Dabi" you said and put your hand on the horse's muzzle.

Dabi was purposefully staying back a little, because he knew animals didn't always have the best reaction to him.

"He isn't gonna bite, come on, he's a very kind horse, just don't be super fast with your movements" you said to Dabi and grabbed his hand, pulling him closer to you and the horse.

He trusted your judgement and if you said he was going to be fine, he believed you.

Dabi put his hand between the horse's eyes and gave it a little pet, the animal didn't seem to mind him at all.

"You ready?" you asked.

"Sure, but I'm gonna toast this pony if it throws me off its back"

"He isn't gonna do that, right Acorn?" you said, as you rolled your eyes and scratched the horse from behind the ear. "And you're not gonna toast him either" you said and looked at Dabi.

"Fine" Dabi groaned, even though he wasn't serious about it to begin with.

You saddled and prepared the horse for riding, while Dabi watched from the stables' doorway. You lead Acorn outside and to the arena with Dabi walking on the other side of the horse.

"You want me to show you how to get up there?" you asked and pointed at the saddle.

"I can manage, but show me anyway?" he smirked.

You put your feet on the stirrup and grabbed the horse's mane and the saddle, pulling yourself up into a sitting position on its back.

"See, easy" you smiled and jumped down.

It took a few tries and some cursing, but Dabi finally managed to get up to the saddle. He had a smug smirk on his face, but you had a feeling that wouldn't last very long. Acorn had been really patient and stayed still, so you gave him some treats.

"You okay up there?" you asked with a smirk of your own. before grabbing the horse's lead, making it take a few steps in place.

Dabi's smug expression was gone in a flash, replaced by a look of nervousness.

"Can we just get this over with? I came here to see you ride ya know"

"Sure, let's just do a few laps around the arena. I'm gonna keep a hold on the lead but you need to grab the bridle, even though I'm gonna guide the horse, it's nice for you to have something to hold onto"

"Okay?" Dabi said and grabbed the bridle.

"Here we go" you said and started walking, the horse walking next to you.

"Keep your back straight and your hips relaxed and you'll be fine" you said, without looking back at Dabi.

You walked a few times around the arena, and once you stopped at where you had started, Dabi was eager to get off the saddle.

"See, it wasn't that bad" you chuckled.

"Never... again" he panted as he slid down.

"You wanna see me ride?" you asked.

"Better you than me" Dabi said and leaned against the wall.

"The barrels are already in place so I don't need to move those" you pondered before climbing up to the saddle.

"What the fuck are you gonna do with the barrels?"

"You'll see" you winked and took off.

At first Dabi thought you were gonna fall and get trampled by the horse or something, but you rounded the barrels super close and after a few rounds you came to a stop in front of him


"I could do better, but it was pretty good" you huffed. "I'm gonna go for a little while more before we gotta quit for today"

You took off again and left Dabi on the dust.

"Damn, their ass looks so good on those riding pants" Dabi muttered while watching you gallop away from him.

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