High school AU

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A/N: So this was for a request here on wattpad, about high school AU Touya(/Dabi), who has a crush on reader and then end s up offering the reader his umbrella when it's raining and they don't have one. I didn't really do the whole flirting thing and stuff, because I don't really know how to, but I think this ended up pretty good. The person also requested them being like 16, so this is around there. Since I needed someone to tease Touya about it, I added Hawks/Keigo in here as a bit of a side character. I'm just gonna call him Touya for simplicity's sake and Hawks is just Keigo.

Touya was staring at you again, but when he noticed he was doing it, he shook his head and turned his gaze back to the front of the class. He couldn't really care less about the history class that was going on, so he was just tapping his pen on the table, making Keigo, who sat behind him, very annoyed.

"Dude, stop" Keigo muttered, and smacked his friend on the shoulder.

Touya gave him a quick glare, before turning his gaze to you yet again and continuing to tap his pen a little quicker.

Touya knew he was driving Keigo absolutely crazy, which was half the fun, the other half was just keeping himself entertained.

You'd noticed him staring at you again, you weren't really sure why though. He always looked like he was annoyed about something, but on the other hand, he always seemed less annoyed when talking with you, so you weren't really sure what to think about him. He gave off some mixed signals, that was for sure.

When the class ended, it was time for lunch. You caught up with Keigo and Touya in the hallway, and grabbed Touya by his sleeve. You quickly realized he might not like that so you let go and smiled at him awkwardly.

"Do you guys mind if I eat lunch with you?" you asked.

"Not at all, right Touya?" Keigo said with a knowing smirk and lightly elbowed his friend, earning a murderous glare.

"Yeah sure" Touya sighed, though the sigh was directed at Keigo, not you.

"Thanks" you smiled at Touya.

The three of you got your food and sat down at one of the smaller tables. The two guys sat on one side and you on the other, opposite of Touya.

"So, (Name), you come here often?" Keigo asked jokingly.

"Nah, this is definitely my first time here" you said sarcastically, giving Keigo a grin.

Touya just rolled his eyes at the two of you, before saying: "You're both idiots"

"But we're your idiots" you said, before going absolutely red in the face with embarrassment, realizing what you had just said. "Friends, idiot friends I mean"

"Touya would love it if you were his idiot" Keigo said with a wink, earning a smack over the head from his friend.

"Shut up" Touya hissed from between his teeth.

You just chuckled awkwardly, trying to not look him in the eyes, because you felt like you would give yourself away immediately. You loved their company, but you could never be around Touya alone, you just felt too nervous. So when Keigo left the two of you sitting in the cafeteria, because he had to go, you had no idea what to say.

"Sorry about him, he's an actual idiot" Touya said.

"No worries, I don't think he means anything bad by it anyway" you shrugged with a smile.

"Yeah, he said something about being my wingman, but I wasn't sure if it was just a joke about him having wings or something" Touya said, leaning back in his chair, looking at the ceiling and crossing his arms in front of himself.

"You're pretty popular anyway, so I don't even really think you need a wingman, you could probably get together with anyone you like" you said, rubbing the back of your neck with an awkward chuckle.

"I don't want just anyone" he muttered quietly.

"So you do have someone you're interested in?" you asked with a bit of a sad tone.

"I didn't say that" Touya said defensively.

A silence fell between the two of you as you just stared at your almost empty plate. You finished what was left of your food and drink and told him you were going back to the classroom.

"Damn it" Touya muttered as you got out of hearing distance. Why couldn't he just tell you how he felt, and why did that damn bird brain have to try to help him.

Touya didn't want Keigo's help, he wanted to do this on his own, but he didn't know how.

When the school day ended, it was raining. You hadn't grabbed your umbrella that morning, so you were just going to have to get a bit wet on your way home. It luckily wasn't pouring too badly, so you should be okay. You were just about to step out of the school building, when someone grabbed your wrist. You instinctively pulled back since you didn't know who it was, but it turned out to be Touya, who then let go of you, seeing your surprised expression.

"You don't have an umbrella" Touya stated.

"Nope, but I'll be fine, it's not raining that much so I can just keep my school bag over my head" you shrugged.

"I've got one, so I'll walk you home" he said, it wasn't even phrased as a question.

"I'd appreciate it, but only if you want to. I don't wanna impose" you smiled nervously.

"I wouldn't suggest it if I didn't want to, let's go"

You walked in silence for a while, before you decided to break the silence by saying: "I'm sorry if you felt like I was sticking my nose into your business when I asked if you have someone you like. It's really none of my concern"

"I'd like it to be your concern" Touya said, without really thinking.

"What does that mean?" you asked, confused.

"You're the one I like dumbass, that's why I'd like it to be your concern" he huffed and scratched his cheek a bit.

"I am?" you asked, quite confused.

You knew you weren't the best at reading people, and even though it didn't totally come out of the bushes, you weren't really expecting a confession like this. You didn't really think he was the type to just come out and say what he felt, but it seemed you were wrong. You didn't really know how to respond right away so you just kept walking with him.

Touya was pretty much going "shit, shit, shit" in his head continuously. Had he messed up? What if you didn't like him back and now you didn't even want to be friends with him? The pit in his stomach grew with every second you were quiet and he felt like he was about to be sick.

Neither of you said anything and before you knew it, you were at your door. You decided to do what you'd wanted to do for a while now and thought "just go for it", gathering your courage.

You just said: "I like you too" before kissing him on the cheek.

You then pretty much bolted inside and slammed the door shut in front of him. You were very excited about what had happened, but your brain going a bit too fast, and you figured he'd got the message.

"See you tomorrow then, dumbass" Touya said, loud enough for you to hear through the door, before starting his walk home.

He was grinning to himself pretty much the whole way home, and he couldn't help but think about what good things tomorrow would bring.

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