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A/N: Some comfort for a reader feeling bad

"Where u at?" you texted Dabi, he was supposed to come over but he was late.

"Late" he shot back after a few minutes, which didn't really answer your question but you settled for what you got.

You were sitting by your kitchen table and sipping on a can of soda, scrolling through your phone. You were tired, you had barely slept the last few nights, even if it was by choice, it didn't make you any less tired. You just hadn't felt like sleeping lately, you'd much rather spend most of the night watching anime or scrolling through social media. You knew it wasn't good for you but you didn't particularly care.

You were pulled out of your thoughts by someone, presumably Dabi, banging on your door. You went to open it for him and he just marched in past you into the apartment, kicking his shoes off on the way. He went straight for the couch and laid down, taking up most of the couch.

"And I thought I was having a bad day" you said, trying to make a joke. "I don't even get a hello?"

"No" he groaned.

"Up" you said, motioning for him to raise his upper body, so you could sit down.

Dabi did as asked and then set his head back on your lap.

"So, what's up?" you asked, starting to play with his hair.

"Nothing, absolutely fucking nothing, I'm bored out of my mind" Dabi groaned and hit the couch.


"What the hell do you mean "ah"?"

"Explains why you're so grumpy, that's what I mean" you chuckled tiredly.

Dabi just rolled his eyes and asked you: "What about you? You don't seem to be doing too hot either"

"I'm fine, just a bit tired"

"Don't lie to me doll, you look exhausted and I know you well enough to know you've been staying up on purpose, again"

"Yeah, I guess you do" you smiled sadly, with tears starting to form in your eyes and leaned down to kiss him on the forehead.

You raised your head and stifled a sob trying to escape your lips, a few tear drops falling on his face.

"Don't cry doll" Dabi said and reached up to wipe the tears from your cheek.

"I'm just-just so tired and not just because of the lack of sleep" you sniffled.

"I know, but we're gonna start with you getting some sleep, because that you can control" Dabi said and sat up.

"Okay" you yawned.

Dabi stood up, grabbed your hand and started leading you to bed. You dried your eyes with your sleeve.

"Would you stay with me? I sleep better when you're here" you asked.

"Sure doll, whatever you want" he said and placed a kiss on your cheek.

You curled up in bed under the covers, while Dabi laid over them next to you. He brushed the side of your face with his fingers, and tucked a loose tuft of hair behind your ear.

"Thank you Dabi" you muttered while your eyes closed slowly.

"No problem doll" he said quietly and kissed you on the forehead.

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